My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 60

New York, the outer circle area of the city not yet covered by the war.

In a factory warehouse, five or six cars are parked side by side here. There are luxury cars and RVs, inside and outside the car, waiting for many gangster characters with dyed hair or tattoos.

These gangsters are anxiously wandering around in place, but they dare not drive away in advance, so they can only wait incessantly.

At this time.

Lorna walked in from the warehouse door with the unconscious Wanda on her back.

"The Boss is back!"

"The eldest sister's head is finally here!"

"Alien is almost here, he may be able to leave this ghost place It's over!"

The gang members, both male and female, exclaimed ecstatically.

One of the tattooed youths stepped forward and reported to Lorna with awe: "Boss, the cars are all ready, filled with gas, guns and cash. The license plates are all police officers. Official use, no one dares to stop us from going out of the city!"

Lorna calmly nodded, she put the unconscious Wanda into a bed in the RV, and then got out of the RV compartment, both hands crossed near chest Leaning against the RV door.

Outside the car, all the gang members who were ready to go looked at her, not knowing why.

Lorna took out a pack of cigarettes and a metal lighter, lit it with a cigarette in her mouth, and exhaled a circle of white smoke: "We're not going."

"Boss, what did you say?!"

Everyone on the field was stunned.

"Wait a minute, there's no need to rush to leave." Lorna raised her pale green eyes, swallowed the clouds, and looked up towards the side of the city.


New York, the central battle area of the city, is a retro building that is not much different from ordinary churches.

On the rooftop on the top floor.

The bald woman dressed in a spotless yellow robe had a calm expression on her face, one hand behind her waist, and the other hand had a round strange mark of golden emerging.

Looking like a dense locust, flying over and colliding, trying to invade the alien machinery.

The bald woman stood on the roof of the building and waved her right hand with the golden seal at will.

Those alien machines were smashed by a powerful and invisible force before they approached the edge of the building, turning into countless iron filings with fire stars and flying away!

alone with no difficulty defending the church building.

Even if New York City is about to fall outside, the bald woman's brows don't wrinkle. Compared with the current alien invasion, she also has more terrifying potential enemies to guard against.

Just at this moment.

The bald woman seemed to sense something, her face finally showed a subtle shake, and she raised her eyes to look in a certain direction on the periphery of the city battle.


The bald woman frowned, then muttered to herself: "Variable..."


Ruins above.

Xi Nian, who has two extraordinary genetic abilities at the same time, stood up, his blue eyes lowered and he glanced at his hands, feeling a sense of wonder that he had never felt before.

This wonderful feeling, it is not clear what it is.


Xi Nian looks at the inner battle situation in the city center. If he is in this state, he may be able to reverse the situation of New York's fall!

Thinking of this, Xi Nian walked towards the central battle scene.

Enter the urban battle situation within ten kilometers, that is, the junction of the inner outer circle area.

The urban area here has been completely out of power, and humans have long been evacuated, leaving only buildings, vehicles, and other personal objects such as shoes.

No part of the entire street was intact, and thick gunpowder smoke was rising everywhere.

ka ka ka!

In addition to the alien robots driving small flying vehicles, also alien mechanical creatures crawling on all fours, roaming the current urban areas that are basically declared occupied, hunting and hunting the surviving humans in hiding.


Some alien mechanical creatures searched in the dilapidated building, they all raised their metal heads sharply, Blink's eyes with scarlet electronic pupils looked towards the road outside.

Empty, cluttered urban pedestrian streets.

A human boy with black hair and blue eyes was pacing forward. He lowered his head to think about something, and went deeper into the battle situation in the city, as if he did not notice the lurking terrifying alien existence.

Bang! !

From the high-rise building on the side, a crawling alien mechanical creature violently smashed through the glass, and the teenager who moved towards the street below rushed!

The sharp metal front claws will pierce the stomach, and the wide metal fangs will crush the head!

Human teenagers turned a blind eye, each minding their own business and walked forward.

When the alien mechanical creature jumped into the three-meter range of the boy, it suddenly stopped all movements, fixed in the midair like a freeze, and the metal body could not move forward any further...< /p>

It's like being held tightly by an invisible big hand!

The alien mechanical creature was motionless in the air, until the boy's finger swiped forward, stopping the alien mechanical creature for five seconds, and suddenly swept through the air at an extremely fast speed, crashing into another. On the alien mechanical creature that rushed over.

The metal heads passed through each other's metal chests, and the two alien mechanical creatures were scrapped into a pile of junk, and fell to the ground losing their intelligence.

"so that's how it is." Xi Nian muttered.

He finally clears comprehension at this moment, Lorna's powerful root ability -

Metal control!

"Also..." Xi Nian raised his head and looked at the other three or four alien mechanical creatures surrounded by them from different directions at the same time.

No action, just thoughts move.

A huge tide of green energy swept out with Xi Nian as the center!

Energy tidal washes on the oncoming alien mechanical creatures, immediately causing their bodies to burst with electric light, disintegrate and shatter, and smash backwards on abandoned cars and buildings!

This is—

magnetic field manipulation!

Metal control, magnetic field manipulation, and stance, these are the extraordinary abilities Lorna possesses! Of course, the source should all come from the control of one of the four major forces, the magnetic force!

However, the ability Xi Nian now possesses is a fusion of the abilities possessed by Lorna and Gwen.

It's not as simple as holding two extraordinary abilities at the same time. The two extraordinary abilities have ushered in the fusion and superposition of each other, enhancing each other and optimizing each other's ability manifestation!

Xi Nian tried to stretch out an index finger forward, and suddenly, a metal spider web was shot out from the fingertip!


The almost invisible metal spider web catapulted forward, passing through 100 meters in an instant, directly piercing a small aircraft, and together with the pilot on the aircraft. Two alien robots!

A candied fruit stick.

"Is this, the spider ability after the metal control buff?" Xi Nian retracted the metal spider web. While he was still thinking about it, several orange-yellow flames abruptly shot towards this side. come over!

Xi Nian instinctively tilted his head and easily avoided a burst of flames, but because his position did not move, he was still covered by the flames!

bang! !

Xi Nian and everything in a ten-meter radius were shrouded in a powerful explosive group!

Until the flames and gunpowder smoke caused by the explosion dissipated, a slender silhouette walked out of the pit that was more than three or four meters deep.

silver's spider pattern reflects the cool glow of the metal in the sun!

Xi Nian is wearing a spider hood battlesuit of almost the same style as Spider-Woman, except that the battlesuit is made of highly tenacious spider web metal, like a layer of silver outer bones covering the entire surface of the teenager's body !

This is supposed to be the final form that holds both metal control and super spider power!

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