My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 65

Pop Tower!

Slight footsteps sounded quietly in the cluttered shopping mall. Instructor Rotter swallowed dryly and clenched the alien firearm with his trembling hands again.

He glanced at the incapacitated alien robot lying on the ground, cautiously bypassed it, and explored the upper floor of the mall with high tension and caution.

Arriving at Fourth Layer at the mall.

On the outer wall of the building floor, there are still tragic potholes left after the bombardment of alien artillery shells, just like a dangerous building, and there are signs of continuing to collapse at any time. On the corridor floor inside the building, there are all kinds of goods scattered, also the shoes, hats, backpacks and other items that the guests lost when they fled in a panic.

Instructor Roth walked slowly against the wall, paying attention to his feet while holding an alien gun in his hand, ready to play against the invading alien at any time.

Just like that, I was about to walk past the door of a clothing store.

Instructor Rotter's hand holding the firearm trembled again, but suddenly he heard a small movement from the store, to be precise, it was a dressing room in the store!

Who is inside?

Instructor Rotter held a gun and approached the locker room. When he approached the door, he could hear the sound of moving animals inside...

Instructor Rotter hesitated, Then he raised his right foot, and fiercely kicked the door toward the door—as a result, before Instructor Rotter's foot hit the door of the single room, the door opened from the inside to the outside, letting him fall forward. Pour into the locker room inside.


There are two sensitive silhouettes in the dressing room, one on the left and one on the right, just to avoid Instructor Roth who fell into the dressing room.

"Instructor teacher?"

"Instructor Roth!"

The gun in his hand was thrown out of his hand, and Instructor Roth fell hard enough. More frightened, his face turned pale for a while, thinking that he was doomed.

I never thought about it.

As two familiar voices sounded, Instructor Rotter was helped by the two next to him.

"You guys, why are you here?" Instructor Rotter widened his eyes in surprise, staring blankly at the teenagers and girls standing on the left and right, but it was not Gwen, the monitor of his class. also The student Xi Nian who suddenly disappeared from the outer city?

Xi Nian said as usual: "I was worried about classmate Gwen, so I sneaked back here just now, and I found her here, so we hid here together."

Xi Nian said as usual. p>

"Yeah, Instructor, both of us were terrified..." Gwen's beautiful eyes Blink misty water, while speaking weakly, he wiped the corner of his lips without leaving a trace.

Well, it's nothing, but the pink lips are a little red and swollen.

The girl glared at Xi Nian secretly.

Xi Nian is a little helpless, can you blame him, who started it just now?

Instructor Rotter naturally didn't pay attention. He looked at Gwen and Xi Nian nearby and thought he was patted shoulders in the dream. After confirming that the present is a real reality, such a burly and tall man suddenly covered his forehead, and Wu Wu cried out.

Xi Nian and Gwen were both dumbfounded.

"Instructor teacher, are you all right?" Gwen asked hurriedly.

"I'm fine, I'm just so happy!" Instructor Roth whimpered: "I just returned to War Zone, the city here, and found the remaining three scattered people in another place. Classmates, we hid together in an underground parking lot to avoid Alien's search. Until there was no movement outside, I immediately rushed over to look for it."

"Fortunately, you two have been found. In this way, all the students in our class are not bad. Before leaving school, as an instructor, I said that I will be responsible for your safety. So no matter what happens, since you are brought to New York, you will be I want to bring you back intact."

"Now, I did it..."

Instructor Rotter cried and laughed, venting his fears and fears , while excited that the students are safe.

Xi Nian and Gwen looked at each other, the classmates were all right, this should be the most fortunate thing today.

Xi Nian looked at Instructor Roth and said with heartfelt emotion: "Instructor, you are the real hero!"


The night is approaching , the sun sets in New York's modern postwar urban district.

The electricity in the city has been restored urgently, and neon lights are blaring all over the streets, but the bustling and bustling streets in the past are now reduced to smoke-filled ruins.

Previously, New York City residents who were forced to evacuate outside the city are now withdrawing part of them one after another. Most of them are grassroots ordinary commoners. After all, the tycoon also has a second or third residence elsewhere, and obviously won't be returning to New York for the time being.

Fortunately, the alien war is over, and sooner or later the city will be rejuvenated.

Xi Nian and Gwen, along with Instructor Rotter, reunited with the students led by the Assistant Instructor on the outskirts of the city.

The wailing sounds continued, and Blinks were red lights everywhere.

Military and police helicopters flew into the city one after another, large-scale modern troops entered the city, blocked the most central urban battle situation, and dealt with the follow-up matters of the Battle of New York.

In the outer city, there are many policemen with guns to maintain order, and a large number of temporary aid stations have been set up to rescue the wounded and clean up the dead.

Or happy hugging and reuniting with relatives, or crying in the face of the remains of relatives, such things are happening everywhere in the outer city.

Xi Nian thought to move, lowered his voice and said to Gwen next to him: "Help me deal with the instructor, I want to go to a place to see and come back soon."

"Okay. , pay attention to safety." Gwen nodded softly.

Xi Nian sneaks away from the student team and joins the chaotic crowd.

Quickly arrived at an urban location.

This place is the hardest hit area by alien forces. Many houses and buildings are mostly destroyed, and only a few street lamps surviving on the roadside are lit.

However, Xi Nian came here and saw it at a glance.

On a dimly lit building ruins, several rescue workers in protective suits were picking up two bodies in white body bags. Beside the ruins, a red-haired girl was standing there quietly, looking a little helpless.

Xi Nian stepped forward without the slightest hesitation, and hugged the body that seemed to be cold from behind: "Wanda, cry if you want."

The red-haired girl was still enduring, but now she seems to have finally found support, she turned and fell into the boy's arms and cried: "father mother is gone..."

"big brother is gone... ...I don't have any family anymore..."

Wanda's little doll-like face was full of tears, sobbing pitifully.

"It's not like that." Xi Nian rubbed Wanda's red hair, remembered the domineering green-haired loli, and said with certainty, "You also protect your family, Pete. It must be all right."

Xi Nian hugged the girl, paused, and said sincerely: "If you can, you can also treat me as family in the future."

"Really? ?" Wanda raised her eyes, her red eyes widened, reflecting Xi Nian's face.

"Of course." Xi Nian put his hand on Wanda's head and said affectionately.

Wanda nodded, finally stopped crying.

At this moment, she seemed to feel something and looked to the side of the city inexplicably.

"What's the matter?" Xi Nian followed her gaze, and could only see the far end of the city, the distant night sky glowing red. Just the next moment, his pupils with ice blue color suddenly shrank!

Someone is mourning...

Actually, this is normal, after all, the whole city has just been attacked by alien forces and mourns everywhere.

However, the man's wailing that Xi Nian heard at this time did not originate from the street where he was located, or even from the city of New York City where he was located!

It is.

Outside the city, at the end of the night sky!

This mourning sound has the characteristics of ultrasonic waves, and most people can't hear it clearly, but people with super mortal body quality can obviously be keenly caught-

This is spread all over the world The howl of the world! !


————Separation line————

ps: The title of this book [My girlfriend is a Kryptonian] has been changed , now the new title is 【My Marvel Superman Girlfriend】

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