My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 76

In the school office.

Black Widow holds a special gun, the leopard girl's eyes are Blink, and the confrontation between beautiful and alluring is together.

Xi Nian was sitting on a chair, between the two, and outside the battle, next to the back wall.

Like a world famous painting.

Faced with the threat of a dark muzzle.

The Leopard Girl had been standing still, but in the next instant, her body suddenly leaned forward and fell down, bursting with extremely fast acceleration, sprinting forward!

Black Widow beautiful eyes squinted, holding the pistol steadily, and pulled the trigger very quickly!

Bang! boom! boom!

Three shots in a row with the silencer effect!

The leopard girl's eyes swayed like green flames, her toes stomped on the ground violently, and her vigorous body moved quickly in the shape of a Z letter, just like a beautiful female leopard in the shape of a human. Actually dodged three shots at close range indoors!

The bullet landed on the ground beside the body, sparks flying in all directions, leaving a deep crater!

Looking at the leopard girl who was approaching with a strong wind blowing, Black Widow aimed at the center of her eyebrows and continued to pull the trigger, and then dropped the pistol and smashed it with a fist!

The Leopard Girl sank her body as if consciously, to avoid the bullet that passed through her curly hair, and at the same time she waved her right palm forward!


Black Widow wears a uniquely shaped hand weapon called the widow's sting, and the leopard girl's fingernails that have become sharp and hard like sharp claw, the two are fast and powerful!


Black Widow pupils shrank, his own bracelet weapon invented by Soviet scientists and technicians and processed and transformed by SHIELD-widow sting, is like a leopard sharp claw on the other side Grabbed by her fingernails, the surface of the widow sting immediately burst into several deep cracks, and the depth of the cracks even touched the epidermis of the finger protected by the glove!

The leopard girl also suffered a lot due to her carelessness. From the widow's sting that Black Widow grabbed and cracked, a current of up to tens of thousands of volts poured out, and the electric shock quickly went up along the sharp claw. Specific body!

This electric shock is enough to easily knock down an ordinary adult man. The leopard girl just groaned in pain, and her body movements were suddenly uncoordinated, causing the strength of the other hand that was secretly grabbing Black Widow's chest to drop sharply. The sharp claw only grabbed it. The black special agent leather jacket was torn, and a pair of stilettos tightly wrapped by the purple body jumped out of it.

Black Widow didn't care about it at all, his knees lifted up sharply, the target seemed to be the opponent's lower abdomen.

The Leopard Girl twisted her body forcibly to dodge, and jumped lightly to avoid Black Widow.

People are in the air.

The leopard girl seemed to feel that the tight sweater on her body was hindering her movement, and her hands like claws immediately grabbed her own sweater, and the whole brown winter women's sweater was torn in half, and a lithe and The mature body of graceful Top Grade!

This is a very ruthless and feast for the eyes fight...

But Xi Nian wasn't in the mood to notice it.

At this moment.

His body is beginning to demonstrate an unprecedented mutation!

In the case of already possessing the Gwen super spider mutation physique, and just reached the condition of intimate contact and exchange medium with the leopard girl, Xi Nian's current body has acquired the second ability - leopard Female power!

The Leopard Girl has some special abilities.

It does not belong to Innate's genes, nor is it an acquired mutation, but a gift bestowed by the old god, a curse that needs to be paid for!

The spider ability itself is the peak predator ability of arthropods, and the leopard female ability is also the predator ability of mammal peak!

Now, the extraordinary abilities of two different types of predators are overlapping, merging, and strengthening within the universal and compatible physique of Xi Nian!

This amazing scene.

The Leopard Girl and Black Widow in the passionate battle naturally didn't notice.

Walking away and confronting each other again, Leopard Girl suddenly said with a sneer: "Don't you want to eat too?"

"What did you say?" Black Widow pretended As if he didn't understand, he retorted.

"How about together? I don't mind." The Leopard Girl continued to induce, licking her dark lips with her tongue.

Black Widow couldn't help but think about it. She didn't have this idea at first, but when Leopard Girl suddenly said this, she actually felt a little bit of heart in her heart?

Who is wrong?

And at this time.

The leopard girl's eyes suddenly slammed. Her originally smooth, white body with nothing, suddenly appeared a layer of leopard-print fur, and a leopard tail twitched strangely from behind, and her palms turned into real ones. The ferocious leopard claws, and the ears are also pointed and slender, tending to be leopard-like!

Humanoid female leopard, this is the true attitude of the leopard female fighting!

The body of Leopard Girl's full power form moves at a speed two or three times faster than before!

Black Widow was startled, seeing the leopard girl with an afterimage in front of her eyes, she only had time to raise her arms crossed to block in front of her chest!


Scarlet warm blood splashed!

The special agent's leather jacket was easily torn apart, and five horrible to see scratches clearly appeared on Black Widow's strengthened body and arms. After the powerful slap of Leopard Girl, her back hit the empty window, and her whole body was thrown out from the window on the fourth floor!

"You are also worthy of sharing your prey with me?" Shaking off the blood beaded on the sharp claw, the leopard girl's eyes were full of wild and fierce light.

"Children, no one is bothering me, now let's have a good time."

The Leopard Girl turned to look at the side of the wall, only to find Xi Nian sitting on a chair , lowered his head under his own legs.

"Isn't she frightened?"

The Leopard Girl took a catwalk and took a few steps forward. She tiptoed the curve to her thighs, showing her firmness. muscular beauty. When walking, the muscles are tensed and relaxed at any time, and the strength of the limbs can be controlled at will.

The naked humanoid leopard body of the Leopard Girl has a most primordial and special beauty.

When it was about three meters away from Xi Nian, the leopard girl's long and narrow animal eyes shrank slightly, and she found that on the left arm covered by Xi Nian's sleeve, there were golden beams interweaving and glowing, like a raging flame. Raise the holy Divine flame!

"Did Diana give you all this?" The Leopard Girl recognized the silver guardian bracelet at a glance, and she said with a sneer in surprise, "It's a pity. Diana herself Coming here, I may also be a little bit afraid, as far as her silver bracelet weapon is concerned, it is still a single one, and it does not pose much threat to me at all."

Xi Nian did not speak.

The Leopard Girl was obviously wrong.

It's not that Xi Nian is using the divide tool to guard the power of the silver bracelet, but that the guardian silver bracelet is activated by self-awakening, helping Xi Nian to suppress the terrifying wildness in his body!

Seeing that Xi Nian didn't react, Leopard Girl subconsciously stretched forward to take action, but before she touched Xi Nian's body, she shrank back again as if her hands were hot.

The leopard fur all over her body exploded for no reason!

What's the matter with this inexplicable heart palpitations...

I can't wait for the Leopard Girl to think about it.

With the strong vibration that hit the building, behind Leopard Girl, the roof of the office ceiling burst open!

Clad in the dazzling daylight outside, a tall and beautiful silhouette descended from the sky, and before it landed, a golden rope was winding like a Fire Insect, tightly binding the Leopard Girl's waist for a few laps!

He looked down at the familiar lasso, and the familiar sense of restraint embedded in his genes.

The leopard girl was stunned for a moment, then gnashing her teeth, and finally spit out a sentence:

"You're still here!"

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