My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 85

Crete, on the offshore coast.

white's Upper Elder God Temple has stood here for some unknown age. Due to the complete preservation of the exterior and interior of the building, it is still a major civilization relic that many archaeologists are obsessed with.

It's late at night.

At the same time when the local Pyro rescuers started to destroy the Fire Element around the ruins, two figures, one big and one small, walked naturally in the temple ruins. It was a black-haired woman wearing a bizarre ancient battlesuit and weapons, and a silver-haired boy wearing an ordinary white long trench coat.

Sensing the Divine Force trail remaining in the temple.

Wonder Woman and Xi Nian soon came to an open fire room, which was still burning and spewing flames, apparently the source of the fire in the Amazon temple.

As if sensing the coming of the Supreme existence of the divine system, the flame inside the fire room of the temple suddenly stopped and extinguished, revealing the most central item in the room.

Xi Nian in Demi-God mode immediately walked into the room, lowered his body, and pulled out an arrow sticking obliquely on the floor.

The arrow Blink has a deep Ye Xingkong-like chill, the arrow seems to be plated with a layer of dark gilt, and the arrow body has the ancient Greek mysterious inscription pattern, just like the material and work.

Another dive tool?

When Xi Nian held it in his hand, he could clearly feel a vigorous and fiery Divine Force dormant and hide.

Wonder Woman looked at the arrow in his hand and said softly: "It is the arrow of Artemis, which can pass through the Formation of Paradise Island and reach the human world here. Shooting it here and setting the ancient beacon fire should be to give us an early warning."

"Is it an alien invasion?" Xi Nian whispered to himself, holding the dive arrow as a weapon in his hand .

"Yes, as for who the enemy is, there is likely to be information here." Wonder Woman walked into the innermost part of the fire room of the temple, and suddenly placed her slender palm on the wall.

The activation of the Divine Force in this brief moment triggered the mechanism, causing the solid and sealed stone wall on one side to sink inward, followed by the shaking of countless rubble and dust, opening a door that had not been opened for thousands of years. tunnel.

Unknown how deep the underground is in the tunnel, it is dark and silent, flowing with the breath of the ancient years.

"Let's go." Wonder Woman took out the mantra lasso with one hand and stretched out the other hand towards Xi Nian.

Xi Nian held her warm, jade-like hand.


Xi Nian and the two jumped into the tunnel and fell 20 meters, reaching the underground space at the bottom of the temple.

Wonder Woman raised her left hand lightly, the mantra lasso hovered like a Fire Insect, and the golden rays of light provided dim lighting.

Xi Nian touched the inner pocket of the windbreaker, took out his cellphone, and chose to turn on the flashlight mode——

The cellphone immediately glowed with dazzling daylight, like a small cellphone. The flashlight illuminated the white stone stairs that went straight down ahead.

cellphone, God forever!

"Times have changed, Auntie." Xi Nian winked proudly.

Wonder Woman calmly retracted the mantra lasso, and flicked her fingers on the boy's smooth forehead, causing Xi Nian to shut her mouth wisely.

Under the light provided by cellphone.

Xi Nian and Wonder Woman continue their journey down the stone steps until they reach a truly hidden underground darkroom.

Wonder Woman thoughts move and said, "You use the cellphone to look at the wall."

Xi Nian did the same, and the cellphone moved towards the inside of the huge dark room and lifted up, suddenly lighting up Huge frescoes with bizarre patterns and ancient Greek texts.

Xi Nian opened his eyes wide, and although he could not read the text, he recognized one of the patterns at a glance-

Is it the building where he lived on Paradise Island? Inside, the metal box I saw on the stone altar in the main hall?

It's just that there are three boxes on the mural, and the composition is a trinity linked together.

Xi Nian continued to look to the side, and what caught his eye was a fresco with a grand scene, like an ancient battle.

Well, there's an ancient battle with a giant star Warship.

Wonder Woman looked at the ancient Greek words above, her delicate and beautiful face became more dignified, and she explained: "It records an ancient battle that happened a long time ago. The enemy who invaded was a darkness And the ancient cosmic forces, they want to invade Earth and conquer the world, the leader of the starship team leading the invasion is named - Darkseid!"

"Darkseid..." Xi Nian pondered one time.

Wonder Woman looked at the mural and said: "This name, cursed and feared all over the universe, when the Guardian of Earth fought a war with Darkseid. There are old gods, humans, Amazons Humans, Guardians from the stars, Atlantis and other forces participated in the war."

"And when Darkseid provoked the war, he discovered a secret on Earth, which was hidden in the Infinity space A power of my own!"

"What power?" Xi Nian frowned, suddenly remembered the Tesseract and Mind Scepter he had acquired, the two hidden powers deep and unmeasurable on the mysterious item.

"We have no way of knowing what the secret he found." Wonder Woman shook the head and continued: "But it was clear that Darkseid was desperate to get hold of it, so he used The three mother boxes created by their Apocalypse civilization - namely the living, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Apocalypse technology products. When the three mother boxes are combined together, the power it produces is enough to refining the entire planet, making Earth completely A world controlled by Darkseid!"

"He failed," Xi Nian said.

After all, if the other party achieves their goals, there will be no Earth now.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

: "Yes, the ancient Earth Guardians united and drove Darkseid and its fleet from Earth."

"As for that Three mother boxes, in order to prevent it from calling the Apocalypse star again. One is in charge of the human forces at that time, and the other is in charge of the Atlantis kingdom. You know the whereabouts of the last mother box, which is hidden in the paradise island of our Amazon family. "

"The situation is not optimistic." Xi Nian's eyes narrowed slightly, and the paradise island would ignite the flame hair to give an early warning. Obviously, the mother box has been infiltrated by the Apocalypse star power in Earth.

If the other party finds the remaining two mother boxes, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Auntie. What do you want to do next?" Xi Nian looked towards Wonder Woman beside him.

Wonder Woman raised her heroic eyebrows: "It can't be dragged on any longer. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will find the two people I mentioned earlier and let them join the Justice League. We must assemble a strong enough team as soon as possible. , prepare to deal with the infiltrating Apocalypse forces."

"Don't forget me, with you, I can fight." Xi Nian breathes deeply, said solemnly.

"Of course, you are the real trump card. If I need you, I will not forget you." Wonder Woman smiled slightly, reaching out to touch Xi Nian's black hair.

It's just that Xi Nian didn't notice at this time, a strange and determined look flashed under her eyes!

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