My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 88

In the air on the coast of the island, there is a thick smell of blood and gunpowder!

In the state of trinity, step on this beach in the form of a black kitten.

Xi Nian, who has night vision, glanced forward.

It can be seen that at the junction of the island's offshore sandy beach and rainforest, a brutal battle has apparently just ended not long ago.

The ground is littered with the remains of human beings, fragments of helicopters, gun turrets, and bullet casings scattered all over the place, and there are also flames and gunpowder smoke in some places.

Through the signs of a raging disaster, one can imagine the tragic extent of the battlefield just now!

However, there is no sound or sign of the living on the shore now.

No one survived?

"Where is the Staro you perceive?" Xi Nian said inexplicably hoarsely.

"Meow..." Xiao Huang's response came from Xi Nian's mind: "I can only vaguely perceive that it is on this island."

Perception ? Is it through the ability to perceive space like?

Xi Nian's mind flashed this thought, but even Xiao Huang himself had no way of knowing it.

It's still in the cub stage, and the Flerken Innate Ability may also be developed.

Just as Xi Nian was about to dig deeper into the island.

He paused, and his eyes suddenly landed on a part of the beach on the coast, where there was a non-human creature in the shape of a human weasel.

The other party seemed to be choking on water and was soaking wet.

The subtle heartbeat movement in the body indicates that it is still alive.


The night is getting darker.

Inside the island.

A team is walking through the primordial and dense rainforest. In addition to human members dressed in various armed styles, this team also has a shark-shaped monster that stands on two legs and carries a head on its shoulders. Teenage girl with mouse.

"I'm so hungry, so hungry, I really want to eat." The shark-shaped monster spoke human's words to himself, saliva flowing out of his mouth, and his hands patted his flat shark belly like a drum Same.

"Damn, are you sure this guy won't eat us as rations?" a foul-mouthed man in a helmet and red shirt.

"Of course not, it's our friend." The young white girl blinked innocently, moved towards the shark monster and waved her arms.

"I don't believe it!" the red-clothed man coldly snorted, clenching his special long-barreled pistol in his left hand: "You were almost eaten by it just now, and now it may have been digested, There's no convincing at all!"

"It's all piped down."

The black man who was clearly the leader of the team, dressed in a black uniform, said solemnly: "There's no way. There's already Having said that, it is the strongest battle strength of our team. Without it, we can't enter Jotunheim. We don't want to be detonated by the bomb in our body, so we can successfully complete the Quest and return to the prison, so that we can keep the team moving forward."

"That's right, that's it." As the black man's words fell, a calm female voice sounded simultaneously in the team members' respective miniature communicators.

Thousands of kilometers away from the current island country, in a high-rise base in the United States mainland.

In the hall of the institution full of monitoring screens and mainframe computers, a black woman in a professional western dress is staring at the screen coldly, remotely monitoring this Quest, which is composed of felons from the Dream Prison. team.

The black woman is the high-ranking American behind the control of Task Force X - Amanda Waller, as long as the felon on the Quest escapes or deviates from the action, she will be without Pressing the slightest hesitation activates the remote explosive device inside the member!

"If you want a lighter sentence, give me good action!" Amanda Waller moved towards communicator said solemnly.

"Got it."

Among the members of Task Force X, a young man with a strange light spot on his body who has been silent all the time responded weakly.

Just, don't wait for other people to speak.

The small eyes of the shark monster in the team suddenly lit up, opened the mouth of the shark-like blood plate, and quickly and violently rushed towards a part of the jungle!

At this time, other members noticed it.

I don't know since when, a black kitten emerged from the rainforest bushes, harmless squatted on the stone, and a pair of azure light beast pupils peeped at them.

It looks cute?

Faced with a behemoth more than ten times his size, the shark monster lashed out violently.

The black kitten grinned evilly, and a monstrous baleful aura field surged up from its body, and a small cat's front paws suddenly waved forward——

The air momentarily burst!

Like being hit by a heavy truck fiercely, the shark monster, which was still in the air, was shot out and smashed into the rain forest behind with a roar. The two-meter-tall and strong shark body was straight. It flew upside down ten meters away, and kept knocking down several big trees before it was able to stop the body!

"My God!" "Fuck!"

Watching the terrifying scene of reversal at this moment, an unprecedented icy chill surged up from the back, causing the players on the field All the members are numb!

A moment ago, the strongest battle strength was just announced?

It should be said that they deserved to be criminals who committed serious crimes. After a short period of consternation, the next moment started to fight back at the same time-

The black Captain held a large-caliber firearm and pulled it. Trigger, precise burst.

The red-clothed man also quickly raised his wrist and pulled his long-barreled pistol.

The light-spotted youth raised the palms of both hands and sprayed forward a burst of dense and strange energy light spots.

young girl is holding a strange light-emitting technology device. She originally wanted to call the mice on this island to attack, but she soon noticed something, and her beautiful young face instantly turned pale. Bloodless, he looked at the black kitten in front of him in horror.

Faced with densely intertwined bullets and light spots, a barrage is formed to cover itself.

The black kitten motionless squatted on the spot, and in the next instant, bullets and spots of light fell violently on its small body-

The members of Task Force X were unbelievable. Under his eyes, the instant the physical bullet landed on the black kitten's body, it immediately ushered in a rebound, or rubbed the cat's body surface and deviates from the bullet trajectory!

The energy of the light spot that is enough to pierce and melt the stone falls on the black kitten, but it is difficult to melt even a trace of its hair!


The black kitten itself has no hair, and its streamlined body is covered with a layer of biological cortex with a dark background!

Bullets and blips can't break defenses at all.

The black kitten squatted on the ground motionless in the face of the team's attack baptism, and the azure beast's eyes became more violent and impatient!

"You guys, stop attacking!" the young girl cried out in fear, holding the rat who was shaking all over her body.

At the same time, Amanda Waller's urgent command words came from the communicator of each member: "Everyone, stop attacking immediately! Stop your hands, you may still be alive, and continue to attack. , will definitely die!!"

The three members had no choice but to stop their attacks, but they also knew that once they stopped, it meant that their lives would be handed over to the current kitten. .

"Why, it's there!" In the hall of the US high-level base, Amanda Waller was also shocked, and opened an intelligence file on the screen in front of him——


The black kitten on the profile picture is exactly the same as the mysterious existence over there!

Codename: Black Flash!

First published on December 23, 2011, Christmas Eve.

Downtown New York.

Race: Unknown.

Currently known ability information:

The powerful force that can easily tear apart the muscle car, the amazing speed that exceeds the speed of sound, the ability to change or arm its own body shape, and the ability to manipulate to form huge The tentacles of the dungeon, enough to devour an item far beyond its own size, the maximum roar can form ultrasonic waves, and it has the transcendent defensive power that ignores the energy beam and the bombardment of heavy artillery shells...

Combat record:

< p>The unknown liquid creature is dead!

Iron Man nearly killed!

Dangerous Index SSS+, one level higher than Hulk! !

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