My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 94

New York, Stark Industries headquarters building.

"Sir, the anti-black flash armor is ready." The gentle and concise voice of artificial intelligence Jarvis sounded in the main hall on the top floor.

"Come here, ready to go." Tony Stark's eyes blinked, and his hands couldn't help clenching into fists.

Last time.

Faced with the Unknown Creature in the shape of a black kitten, Black Flash, Mark Iron Man Armor was almost helpless, and was exiled to an unknown mysterious space, experiencing an unprecedented horror journey.

Tony Stark is so worried about this that he wakes up at night feeling like Black Cat is calling.

So, in the past week, when programming and rushing the anti-armor series overnight, Anti-Black Flash was even ahead of Hulkbuster, ranking first in the anti-series Iron Man Armor!

"Anti-Armor" is not an upgraded version of "Regular Mark Armor", but a strategic armor tailored for a specific powerful extraordinary existence and based on the premise of countering and defeating the opponent!

"This time, must let you see how good I am. Take you back and see what kind of creature you are," Tony Stark muttered, a confident look on his face.

At this time, Jarvis asked very thoughtfully: "Sir, would you like to go through the process to record a personal video? Or, Miss Pepper is downstairs, you can contact her to come up."

"Jarvis." Tony Stark's smile faded, and he raised his brow. "I don't like this joke."


The members of Task Force X were stunned when they saw the giant and strange starfish monster that was imprisoned in the research institute.

"Look how beautiful it is!"

The thinker frantically looked at the huge starfish in the glass window and said with excitement: "I have been studying it for more than 20 years. It's time. It's called Staro, an alien species that can control and erode the energy of humans by deriving splits to grow itself!"

The thinker said at the same time, The super-large starfish Staro, who was imprisoned in the research institute, stared at him with the same huge one-eyed angrily, and slapped a sucker tentacle on the glass window!

Twenty years?

Xi Nian captured a strongly contradictory message. Xiao Huang is just a Flerken cub, and since 20 years ago, this Starro has been imprisoned in Jotunheim.

In this case.

How did Xiao Huang know Staro, and why did he want to find him?

Xi Nian can't explain what Xi Nian feels strange at the moment.

Perhaps, only through Staro can we understand the secret behind this!

"Why do you want to carry out the inhumane starfish project, do you want to use its power to endanger the world?" The second-generation mousetrap can't help asking.


The thinker suddenly laughed frantically and said with a sneer: "Twenty-two years ago, the top U.S. government captured this alien in outer space. Species, and transferred to the island country here, and built this research institute named Jotunheim."

Many people were surprised when they heard this sentence.

The thinker continued to say firmly: "Yes! Now the US government that sent you to clean up the starfish project is the one who entrusted me with full authority to conduct human experiments, extraterrestrial research, and carry out experimental plans for this alien species. The behind-the-scenes forces! However, due to the change of regime over the years, they just want to get rid of the current situation, and do not want to admit the evil deeds that's all!"

I heard the thinker talking about the US No, the peacemaker in Task Force X is anxious: "You fart! Don't believe him, he's a lunatic!"

"Don't believe it?" Thinker Hehe smiled and pointed to the laboratory One of the mainframes of the computer: "You can take away the chip that copied the archived data, which contains all the evidence of the US's participation in the plan for many years! That, maybe it is also what the US high-level officials really want you to clean up!"

The clown girl Harley, who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, immediately stepped forward and took the chip of the host computer in her hand.

"Give it to me!" The peace messenger stepped forward abruptly and reached out to Harry domineeringly.

"Don't you believe it? Now, why care so much about it?" Harley laughed.

"Whether it's true or not. For world peace, I will bury it here!" The peace messenger stood firm, coldly said.

"Calm down first!"

Robert Captain and the second-generation rat catcher try to persuade them.

It's just that no one in the laboratory noticed.

At this time, the black kitten has come to the edge of the glass window wall.

Across a very thick protective glass.

The three-in-one Xi Nian stares at the inner, building-sized super-large starfish monster.

"Really, you want to come out, right?"

The black kitten gave a savage smile, and suddenly raised a cat's paw slowly.

"What does the cat want to do?" The thinker was the first to notice this scene, looking at the black kitten, and muttering to himself in confusion.

Hearing his words, the members of Task Force X noticed.

Except for the uninformed Harley, the rest of the members, including Robert Captain, were all brains empty.

As if verifying what they thought-

Xi Nian in the shape of a three-in-one black kitten suddenly waved his little cat's paw and landed on the protective glass window in front of him!

"Then come out!"

bang! ! !

Only one paw!

The specially thickened glass window that even sniper bullets can't penetrate, with the small black cat's claw as the center, burst out dozens of cracks that spread to the entire glass wall!

"Hey, No way! How is this possible!!" The thinker looked shocked, watching this extraordinary scene that refreshed his own cognition!

Then, boundless fear rises in the mind like a tide!

The alien monster, Staro, who has been imprisoned for more than 20 years, is about to reappear in this world!

New York, SHIELD headquarters building.

Inside the top office, Director of SHIELD Nick Fury is tidying up the information files in the drawer, and he has been dealing with the complicated follow-up issues of Battle of New York recently.

As if noticing something.

Nick Fury suddenly changed his expression and took a photo out of the drawer. When his deep one eye fell on the photo, his serious face until now softened.

It was a group photo.

In the photo, there is a tall black youth similar to him, with healthy eyes, next to a beautiful blonde woman wearing a strange protective battlesuit. The background of the photo is on the spaceship with a sense of alien technology, there is also an adult orange cat on the ground next to it, and a palm-size strange starfish standing next to the orange cat.

"Has it been more than 20 years?"

Nick Fury's dark face showed a trace of nostalgia, and he quickly reined in the photo again. Insert a file and put it away.

That's the Goddess he's already not in here, and the youth that's gone!

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