My Marvel Supergirlfriend Chapter 99

Jotunheim, above the ruins.

"Cracking Cracking!"

With the clear sound of swallowing without chewing, a very frightening scene appeared.

Iron Man's brand new Hulkbuster Armor was devoured by mysterious black kittens in just a few seconds, and the thick armored shell of gold and red was pitted. People who don't know the insider see, I'm afraid it's not a mistake to think that Hulkbuster Armor is made of paper.

The black kitten is still biting inward, and the Hulkbuster Armor is nearly half damaged, losing the ability to continue fighting.

No matter how hard it is to accept, the fact of defeat is still brutally in front of us!

Hulkbuster Armor Blink with red alert flashes inside, Tony Stark gritted his teeth and was forced to give out one last command reluctantly——

I saw.

Hulkbuster Armor's back abruptly separated to both sides, and a platinum Colossus full of battle damage flew out of the armored cabin. All his engines started running at the highest power, turning into a white streamer. Slanting towards the sky beyond the island country.


At this time, Iron Man, who was wearing anti-black flash armor, looked much more embarrassed than when he first arrived. There were strands of black gunpowder smoke on his body. If the steel casing was severely damaged, the human body could be seen, and he could not hide it. Tony Stark lives inside.

The Iron Man, who is on par with Spiritual God, is now running away from defeat!

100 meters away.

The remaining four members of Task Force X were witnessing all this and couldn't believe their eyes for a moment.

The powerful Legendary Iron Man has suffered two tragic defeats, which is enough to make the black kitten of mysterious existence one of the strange stories that the world talks about!

On the field.

Xi Nian in the shape of a three-in-one black kitten, his white empty eyes regained a hint of vigour, and he watched Iron Man disappear into the clouds, without the intention of using his tentacles to intercept it.

It should be said, but also thank the other party well.

Xi Nian vented the darkness and evil that he had been suppressing in his two sets of anti-series Iron Man Armor, and was able to make his humanity return to the bottom line smoothly.

It counts.

It has been nearly twelve hours since I went out, and the time for the three-in-one to last is approaching.

You must leave here as soon as possible, or find a secret place, continue to let Xiaohuang bite, and continue to return to Washington.

Before that, also one thing to do.

Xi Nian thought of this, and immediately opened his mouth to devour the last main body of Hulkbuster Armor, and then took a fast vertical leap with the afterimage, and the next moment came to the X contingent 100 meters away. in front of the remaining members.

"Chew Chew, Cat Boss!" The Shark King Nanwei opened his eyes in surprise.

The clown Harley was even more delighted, and couldn't help walking forward, wanting to embrace it back into her arms.

The slightly normal Robert Captain and the second-generation mousetraptor showed extremely nervous expressions. For fear that the black kitten will take action against them, but even if they have this level of concern, they dare not raise their firearms to show any hostility.

It's pointless after all, it's just a decent death at best.

The moment the black kitten appeared in front of everyone, he suddenly mentioned the right cat paw of Diablo. The second-generation mousetrapter Cleo Cazzo, Robert Captain, the shark king Nanawi, and the body of the black-haired mouse.

Just when Robert Captain thought he was dead, he found that the tentacles did not penetrate their bodies, but merged into the flesh and blood without pain, and soon pulled out a small device from the body.

It's like a miniature bomb that has been inside the bodies of Task Force X members.

The moment the miniature bomb device leaves the human body, it triggers the direct explosion of the system program! It's just that the dark black viscous fluid on the tentacles quickly wraps the microbomb, so that the bomb that is enough to smash the human body only makes the wrapped dark fluid slightly bulge!

Like putting out a few small flames on the tentacles, the black kitten quickly retracted the five tentacles.

This is clear.

The members of Task Force X, in this brief moment, can all clear comprehension to the meaning of Xi Nian's behavior.

Of course.

Helps four felons to regain their freedom, this is naturally not Xi Nian's original intention, but the three-in-one evil style.

"The time... is almost here."

At this moment, the three-in-one Xi Nian suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, as if he could easily escape into this void!

So, at the same time that Harry rushed forward enthusiastically and stretched out his hands towards him.

The black kitten's body was transformed from real to virtual, and disappeared in place out of thin air!

Gurgling! !

In the darkness, Xi Nian felt like he had fallen into the sea. Strangely, the water in this sea is warm...

At this moment, the time has come.

Xi Nian, the Flerken cub, and the sleeping Symbiote on the Flerken cub, the two bodies in the three-in-one (Xi Nian, the Flerken cub) have recovered and separated!

Just hear "oh la la"!

Xi Nian, who recovered his body and was wearing this morning's long-sleeved pajamas, the boy's body spread the warm water in the space, and soon touched the smooth barrier of the space...

Xi Nian is also a little stunned, lying in the bathtub with a lot of warm water swelled out, what catches his eye is the ceiling of the bathroom that he is familiar with.

I was still in Kodomatis Island a moment ago, but now I'm back in the bathtub at my home...


Is this one of the abilities of the Devourer?

Without waiting for Xi Nian to think, he heard the sound of water from the shower next to him, so he subconsciously looked sideways.

In the steam-filled room next to the bathtub, there are two bodies, one big and one small. One of them is mature, lithe and graceful, the other is green and snow-white, with long black hair and crimson hair falling like waterfalls with different characteristics, while white-collar uniforms and small foreign skirts, coats and vests are put aside.

The black-haired woman, like a wife, was standing in full view, washing her hair for the red-haired girl who was sitting on the stool.

The shower spray drenched the woman's graceful white back, flowing down her perfect body without a trace of fat and curvaceous, and a lot of crystal water droplets fell on the exquisite snow-white body of the red-haired girl , bouncing cutely on the skin as white and tender as a baby.

Seeing Xi Nian appearing out of thin air in the bathtub, Diana was just a little surprised, but she was still calm and composed as always, showing her extremely mature side.

"Miss Diana, what was that sound just now?" Wanda kept her eyes closed due to the bubbles on her head, so she asked curiously in a low voice.

"Someone's back," Diana said truthfully.

"What?" Wanda tilted his head, and heard a familiar cat meowing beside him.

"Is the little emperor back..." Wanda's eyes widened immediately. Then, I saw a large black-haired boy lying in the bathtub, soaked all over, pressing a small orange cat back into his arms.

Saw Wanda's gaze.

Xi Nian waved his hand forcibly calmly and greeted: "That...I'm back."


The girl was stunned at first After a moment, he let out the biggest scream he had ever been able to make.

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