My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 996: Not bad for this soft rice.

Three years later, Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes.

Time has accelerated by 13,000 years. During these 13,000 years, Xu Fan has been comprehending the 3,000 Ways, and now he has all practiced to the limit of quasi-immortal.

"It's considered a grand slam among the quasi-immortals, and it will be boring to accelerate time later, and can only enter a state of no emptiness and no thought." Xu Fan said, slowly getting up from the time acceleration world.

Stepping out one step, he returned to his small courtyard.

The sun was just right, and Xu Fan was basking in the sun on the reclining chair.

"Master, now the fallen disciples have all been resurrected, and they have all joined the Whiteboard Chamber of Commerce."

"Under the control of the disciples of the business line, the White Board Chamber of Commerce has monopolized 30% of the low-end market in the surrounding fairyland."

"It is estimated that in more than 380 years, the immortal jade earned by each disciple can return to the peak state before the fall." Grape reported.

"This chamber of commerce is not bad. By the way, what is my good disciple and grandson doing now~" Xu Fan nodded and said.

"Han Feiyu is currently working hard to cultivate the tree of all things, and wants to cultivate the tree of all things to the level of immortals." Grape reported.

"To cultivate the tree of all things to the level of immortals, this requires a huge amount of immortal jade." Xu Fan said.

"Han Feiyu has invested at least 1.2 billion immortal jade in it, but it can only make the tree of all things flourish, and there is not much change."

"According to the observation and prediction, Han Feiyu still needs to invest more than 90 billion fairy jade for a long time to make the tree of all things grow to the level of fairy." Grape said.

"Tell this news to my good disciple and grandson, and let him take his time in a planned way. He has a clue in his heart." Xu Fan ordered casually.

"Follow your orders~"

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly felt an unfamiliar aura within the sect.

After a final search, I found it on a side boat on the huge lake outside Zongmen.

A woman wearing a long yellow dress was standing gently behind Wang Yulun.

"Grape, didn't you find this one?" Xu Fan asked.

At this time, the grapes suddenly began to make a sizzling sound like a jam machine.

"Master, Big Brother Grape is restrained by a power higher than him." Tizi's voice sounded.

"Have you noticed the woman on the lone boat on Peak Master Wang Yulun?" Xu Fan asked again.

There was another sizzling sound, and Tizi was also stuck.

"Yes, it's a big old man who can't be offended." Seeing this scene, Xu Fan understood what happened.

After one step, he came to the lake not far from the lonely boat.

Xu Fan walked on the lake, looked at the woman behind Wang Yulun and said, "I dare to ask which senior it is and how it is related to my good brother."

The woman turned her head slightly to look at Xu Fan.

"You are Yulun's eldest brother Xu, thank you for taking care of Yulun for so many years." The woman in the long yellow dress said softly, her eyebrows full of Wang Yulun's figure.

"You don't have to guess my identity, I am the eldest princess of the Great Zhou Xian Dynasty, and the purpose of coming here is just to see Yulun."

When it comes to the word Yulun, there is a strange emotion in the expression of the eldest princess of the Great Zhou Xianchao.

"Meet Princess Xianchao." Xu Fan said with a slight salute.

In his eyes, this is an extremely thick thigh. Although only his good brother can actually touch it, he can be regarded as hugging the thigh with the help of his good brother's afterglow.

"This piece of immortal world is not under the control of my Great Zhou Xianchao, and there are some things that are still inconvenient to intervene."

"You may have to trouble you to take care of Yulun later," the woman said softly.

"It's natural. Xiang Chi and I have come up from the lower realm. We have come through ups and downs along the way, and we are already closer than our relatives." Xu Fan said firmly.

At this moment, the woman's signal seemed to be blocked, and the phantom around her body began to flicker, and then disappeared on the lonely boat.

At this time, netizens did not seem to notice the conversation between the two, and they were still fishing wholeheartedly.

"Is she gone?" Wang Yulun said after a long time.

"Go, I thought she could hide from your perception." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"It's true that I concealed it. Only when you are talking in a vague way can I judge that the second child is here." Wang Yulun said with a deep sigh.

"Since you know he's here, why didn't you greet him?" Xu Fan asked curiously.

"In order to eat that soft meal, many unequal agreements were signed, including not being allowed to speak to any confidantes in previous lives other than him and his sister, only during the period before his sister's return.

After hearing this, Xu Fan suddenly felt a little sad. The sister-in-law restricted her brother-in-law to such a degree that she couldn't even say a word to her friend from the previous life.

"What did you two talk about?" Wang Yulun suddenly asked curiously.

"Let me take good care of you or something," Xu Fan said.

"When she was standing behind me, some memories of her previous life suddenly emerged."

"I didn't expect that after my death in my previous life, that pair of strong siblings would be able to reach this point, it's not in vain for me..." Wang Yulun's tone was somewhat relieved.

"What happened back then..." Xu Fan suddenly started gossiping.

"It's okay~"

"Brother Xu is still short of immortal jade, I think I have eaten soft rice, and this is not bad." Wang Yulun suddenly raised his head and said.

"It's a shortage, but it won't get you to the point where you can eat soft rice."

"I appreciate your kindness." Xu Fan nodded with a smile.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"Did that eldest princess from Da Zhou come here just now?" The phantom of a woman appeared on the lonely boat.

"I didn't talk to her," said Wang Yulun, who was fishing.

"I know, I'm here to sign another contract for you."

"10 billion immortal jade, you can only be with my sister and your Taoist companion in this life in the future."

"As for the others, how about I help you cut off the cause and effect." The woman's phantom said suddenly with interest.

"Not much." Wang Yulun shook his head and said.

"Do you agree, I will give you 10 billion immortal jade to your good brother, and in all likelihood, it will run into your hands."

"As long as your good brother this 10 billion fairy is yours." The woman suddenly looked at Xu Fan and said.

"Senior, I don't feel very good. I can't let my good brother give up the whole forest for me." Xu Fan said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Then you missed an opportunity to make a fortune." The woman gave Xu Fan a pity and said, and then the figure disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Your sister-in-law looks quite competent, and she always thinks of her sister." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"Hey, I don't know why, but I feel that once her sister comes back, my free days will come to an end." Wang Yulun put away his fishing rod and sighed.

"It's about the same as me. As soon as her sister comes back, the two of us will probably be separated for a while." Xu Fan said with a smile.

I don't know why, after coming to Immortal Realm, the fate of the good brother is getting stronger and stronger, and it can't be suppressed.

------off topic-----

Everyone, I have no status today, let's start a chapter~

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