My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 998: Wang Xuanxin

"Brother, I will pay attention~" Xu Fan nodded and said.

Xu Fan knew that it was safe to transfer the sect to the Ten Thousand Realms Immortal Realm, but he had been rooted in Jinqicheng for a hundred years, and it was really reluctant to leave now.

"Just be careful, brother. If there is an accident, be sure to contact brother in time."

"Even if I try my best, I have to protect my brother's sect." The white-haired old man said seriously.

"Brother, I'm worried~"

Although Xu Fan knew what the white-haired old man was drawing, his eldest brother had a clear picture.

That is, I am now devoted to you, and I will give you whatever you want, as long as you can help me at the critical moment in the future.

Finally, the white-haired old man took out another jar of good wine, rubbed Xu Fan a meal, and left.

However, when he left, he did not take the Protoss with him.

"Elder, this is your lower realm's sect, a letter sent to you." Xingling took out a jade slip and said.

Xu Fan took over the jade slip, and suddenly had a very novel feeling. He had been away from the lower realm for nearly 200 years, and he didn't know what happened to the sect inheritance he left behind.

When I checked the jade slip, I found that it was news from a lower realm disciple who had just become the headmaster of the sect.

In his sect inheritance, there is a test for the headmaster. As long as the disciples of the lower realms can pass the test, they can become the headmaster.

Xu Fan looked at the information in the jade slip, and couldn't help showing a relieved expression on his face.

The hidden spirit gate of the lower world has developed very well, and it has the posture of the original hidden spirit gate.

After these years of development, there are already millions of disciples in the hidden spirit gate of the lower realm, and with the support of huge resources, the forces have begun to radiate the surrounding Middle Thousand Worlds.

"Headmaster disciple Wang Xuanxin, a good name." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"Master, more information has been decrypted from the jade slip, do you want to check it now?" Grape's voice sounded.


In an instant, all the information condensed into a picture, on which was quickly played the events that the first batch of disciples had experienced from the development of the Yinlingmen to the present.

Xu Fan quickly browsed it and nodded in satisfaction.

The sect that left the inheritance developed better than he imagined.

"The next sect will develop well, and I would like to thank the elders of the lower realm for their help. Thank you very much." Xu Fan looked at the star spirit and said.

"What thanks between you and me, isn't it Shishu~" Xingling said with a smile.

"Haha, in the future we will discuss each other. I will call you fellow Daoist, and you will call me uncle." Xu Fan said hehe.

Xingling ignored Xu Fan, looking like I didn't know you.

"The next sect is going well. I want to send something to the Hidden Spirit Gate in Feiyu Realm. Can you do anything?" Xu Fan asked.

"There is a way, but the price is quite high. It needs to pay 10 times the value of the thing to be transmitted."

"It's not a necessity, and it's not worth passing on in the past." Protoss said.

Xu Fan thought for a while, then lifted his hand up, and a set of immortal artifact appeared in his hand.

"This set of immortal artifact is worth about 10,000 immortal jade. I will give 200,000 immortal jade. I would trouble the elders of the lower realm to give this immortal artifact to the head of the Hidden Spirit Sect," Xu Fan said.

"That's right, I'll give it to the elder of the upper realm and let him teleport to the Feather Realm." Protoss said after accepting the combination fairy.

"It's troublesome~"

Then Xu Fan personally sent the star spirit out.

Then Xu Fan returned to the small courtyard and began to take a closer look at what happened to the hidden spirit gate in the lower realm over the years.

Li Xingci did not know when he appeared behind Xu Fan, so he quietly watched the light curtain projected by the grapes.

"Yes, one's realm has been condensed to the pinnacle of true immortals. As long as you have a little chance and understanding, you can set foot in the realm of golden immortals."

Xu Fan sat on the reclining chair and quietly watched the content in the light curtain without looking back.

"When we traveled to the Immortal World, Tian'er and I had no intention to step into the land of aliens. This alien can travel between Immortals and the outside world of reincarnation as soon as they were born."

"I observed that I couldn't extricate myself for a hundred years. It wasn't until the alien race migrated to other immortal worlds with the help of reincarnation. I didn't expect such a big thing to happen in the sect." Li Xingci said.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I lost a lot of immortal jade." Xu Fan sighed softly.

"I formed a friendship with that alien race, and when I left, I passed down their unique fairy tales." Li Xingci said that he was about to show it.

"Don't worry, follow me to see how the hidden spirit gate of the lower world develops." Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

Li Xingci nodded, stood behind Xu Fan and looked at the light curtain curiously.

"It may be that the Will of Heaven in Feiyu Realm has devoured other sources of Will of Heaven and strengthened, so that the Hidden Spirit Gate of the lower realm has recruited many disciples with excellent aptitude and character."

"Especially Wang Xuanxin, the headmaster who just took office, can be said to be a replica of the previous elders, and even stronger." Xu Fan praised.

"It's no wonder that the master is so complimented by the master's replica." Li Xingci exclaimed in amazement at Wang Xuanxin, who was only in his 200s and had already advanced to the God Transformation stage in the light curtain.

"Give him another 1,000 years, and no one in the Zhongqian world can stop him." Xu Fan said, looking at Wang Xuanxin, who was in love with Heaven in the light curtain.

"How does the master accept him as his apprentice~" Li Xingci said suddenly.

He suddenly thought that his talented master had not accepted a disciple of Tianjiao level.

His senior brothers, senior sisters, and junior brothers are strictly middle-class, not even top-notch.

Sometimes he had to listen to the Dao that Master taught him several times in a row before he could understand the essence of it.

Therefore, he wanted Xu Fan to accept a top-notch junior apprentice.

"Accept as a disciple? This seems to be a good choice." Xu Fan said while rubbing his chin. To be honest, he has never accepted a disciple with such excellent aptitude.

Close it as the door, want to experience what it's like.

Wang Xuanxin's aptitude was at the top level even in the Immortal Realm.

Xu Fan suddenly thought of what would happen if he simplified the 3,000 Dao methods he had cultivated into 300 Dao methods and passed it on to Wang Xuanxin.

Xu Fan raised his hand gently, and 30 numbered jade plates appeared in the air, engraving the simplified three hundred methods on the jade plate.

"Grape, send these 30 jade plates to Protoss." Xu Fan said.

"As ordered."

The last teleportation array wrapped thirty jade discs and teleported them to the Protoss.

The star spirit, who had just left the hidden spirit gate, suddenly felt a wave of spatial fluctuations around him.

Then 30 jade plates appeared in front of him.

"Trouble you, fellow Xingling, and hand it over to the headmaster of the Yinling Sect in the lower realm." Xu Fan's voice sounded.

"I know, Uncle~"

When Xu Fan heard this uncle, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the light curtain projected by the grapes is nearing its end.

In the light curtain, Wang Xuanxin's cultivation realm had reached the peak of the Incarnation God Stage, and he was only one step away from advancing to the Void Refinement Stage.

The light curtain ends here.

"It's a good apprentice."

"After that, I will have another eighth junior brother." Li Xingci said with a smile.

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