My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1011: Xiong Yajinxian

The Canglei Saint looked gloomily at the Canglei Tree City that was divided into two.

Then he thought of the sword that the Muyuan clan Jinxian cut out just now, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

That sword is definitely above space and time, and it is already qualified to hurt him.

"No matter who you are, today's cause and effect is settled." Canglei Saint said fiercely.

At this moment, Canglei Saint suddenly sensed the three Muyuan clan Jinxian just now.

Then there was a strong spatial fluctuation, which was the fluctuation emitted when the ultra-long-distance teleportation array was opened.

"Let me see your true face, which golden immortal from the human race." Canglei Saint said with a grim look.

There are quite a few golden immortals of their Muyuan clan, especially the combat power shown by the three Muyuan clan golden immortals just now, there is no record in the clan.

The Canglei Saint forcibly broke through the space and teleported away in the direction in which the spatial fluctuations emanated.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was hiding in the isolated secret realm, immediately took Xu Gang and controlled three golden fairy puppets to rush towards the companion spirit tree of Canglei Saint.

But when the road was not halfway through, Xu Fan suddenly had a whim.

"Grape, Xu Gang, stop!" Xu Fan said immediately.

"What's wrong, master?" Xu Gang manipulated the Jinxian puppet to look at Xu Fan puzzled.

"On a whim, it is estimated that the old thing has come on the contrary, be careful."

"Find a place to be lewd for a while." Xu Fan said cautiously.

At the same time, Canglei Saint's clone went to the place where Xu Fan's bait was.

And this real body is guarded by his companion spirit tree.

Like a beast waiting for a rabbit.

In the Millennium Tree City, Xu Fan and Xu Gang wandered among the major Muyuan Clan chambers of commerce, buying things they liked when they saw them, no matter how much it cost.

"Hua Palace Immortal Palace, yes, I bought it~"

"Wuyuan Spirit Liquid can speed up the growth of Spirit Flower Spirit Grass Spirit Medicine, give me a lake first."

"Three-colored enlightenment flower, it can provide the chance of enlightenment when cultivating medicine pills. Not bad, not bad, give me 1000 plants first."

At this moment, Xu Fan realized the happiness of his good disciple and grandson.

Of course, the immortal jade they spent was all obtained from the three Muyuan Golden Immortal Artifact Spaces, so there was no burden to spend.

"That Feiyue Jinxian is estimated to be the key training object of the Muyuan Clan. I actually found three acquired Lingbao from him."

"What's even more coincidental is that they are all acquired spiritual treasures that have a special opportunity for the Five Elements."

"After you are promoted to the Golden Immortal, the acquired Lingbao will be fully matched." Xu Fan said, feeling the other two acquired Lingbaos in the Feiyue Golden Immortal Space Immortal Artifact.

"It's enough for the disciple to have the five-color peak. The remaining two masters of Houtian Lingbao will be sold, and they will be used by the sect after returning."

"Besides, the Feiyue Jinxian is the key training target of the Muyuan clan. It is not killed by the master with a sword, or buy 1 and get 2." Xu Gang said with affection.

Xu Fan controlled the Golden Immortal puppet to cut out that sword, which has left Xu Gang a little dazed.

"What do you sell it for, and keep it for the puppet."

"Don't you want an immersive experience?"

"Let's go to another tree city of the Muyuan clan to look for something, and let the teacher open your eyes to you." Xu Fan said with a smile, since he came out, let's broaden his horizons for the boss.

Xu Gang's eyes lit up.

"Thank you master!"

At this moment, a huge spiritual sense directly enveloped the entire Millennium Tree City.

Start to search carefully, as if looking for someone.

In the face of this kind of spiritual sense, Xu Fan took Xu Gang to eat and drink like a normal person.

By the way, he also had a quarrel with an unknown Muyuan clan true immortal on the street.

Three days later, Xu Fan and Xu Gang made the teleportation formation of Millennium Tree City and came to a tree city closest to the Land of Sins.

This area is located at the junction of the Muyuan clan and the demon clan, and it belongs to a state of no care.

The evil cultivators of the two races will gather here.

Xu Fan and Xu Gang disguised themselves as the Muyuan clan and marched towards the most chaotic place.

A giant hand condensed from lava was shot directly at a hill hundreds of miles away.

Suddenly the whole earth shook violently, cracking thousands of miles long.

Then there was the power of the earth movement, and the thousand-mile-long crack was restored to its original state.

"You are quite environmentally friendly." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"I used to be used to fighting outside the sect. Anyway, it doesn't cost much immortal power." Xu Gang answered honestly.

"Speaking of which, this place is indeed a place of crime and chaos. In just one day, there have been 4 waves of ambush. It's a pity that they are all rotten fish and rotten shrimp."

"You dare to come out to rob Dao when you are in the real immortal period, is your brain not good?" Xu Fan complained.

"It seems that just the two of us, Muyuan Zhenxian, can't attract any heavyweight players."

"Then I'll give him a little more weight." Xu Fan laughed.

Immediately, he called out a golden immortal puppet, disguised as the Muyuan clan who had just entered the golden immortal, exuding a subtle fluctuation.

This kind of obscure fluctuation is the kind that just got an acquired spiritual treasure, but has not fully controlled it, and there will be a hint of the acquired spiritual treasure leaking from time to time.

"The bait has been placed, and I will wait for the fish to be hooked in a while."

"Xu Gang, you go back to the advanced space first and attach your consciousness to the golden immortal puppet." Xu Fan ordered.

He is possessed by today's puppet, and has the ability to protect Xu Gang, but he is afraid of just in case.

After a while, it will be troublesome if Jin Xian fails to catch a Daluo Follow the orders. "

Xu Gang was subsequently included in the Space Immortal.

In this way, one disguised as a golden immortal, the other disguised as a real immortal, and acted as a pair of master and apprentice rushing towards the land of crime.

"Master, I don't think you are telling others that you are fishing?" Xu Gang asked beside him.

"Yes, it is clear that it is to lure them, but this acquired Lingbao is the real thing."

"That's why we want to attract those who are talented and bold."

"Of course, if a fool takes the bait ahead of time, I don't mind, let's have some appetizers ahead of time." Xu Fan looked ahead, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a roar came from the sky.

Suddenly, a huge bear appeared in the distance.

A huge earth element cage suddenly appeared, trapping the two puppets in it.

"Hand over the acquired Lingbao in your hands, and I will let you go according to the rules of the land of sin."

"My Xiong Ya Da Yao is the most disciplined."

The earth element cage that trapped the two puppets slowly shrank.

A giant bear appeared in front of Tuyuan's cage.

"If you enter my earth element cage, even if you enter my stomach, as long as you are a Jinxian, you will not be able to escape."

"Honey, hand over that acquired treasure."

"I, Xiong Ya, the big demon, is the most trustworthy, unlike the other golden immortals here, who **** the skin and bones and **** the marrow, and don't let anything go." Xiong Ya Jinxian looked like he was winning.

At this moment, the puppet that Xu Fan possessed cast his gaze into the distance.

"Things are getting interesting~"

------off topic-----

Helping my children with homework, my blood pressure has risen, I really can't write the second chapter, I will start with the first chapter today.


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