My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1018: mess up his mind

In Tianbei Xianyu, Mu Dai and two Jin Xian guards are struggling to resist the alien invasion on the front line.

"You don't have to worry about me for a while, find an opportunity to help my father." Mu Dai said with a strong face.

"Miss, the battle between Da Luo is not something we can participate in anymore."

"Just now, the Holy Master heard the news, let us swear to protect your safety." One of the Jinxian guards said.

"I don't need you to worry about it. Give me the space fairy tool that my father gave me. Even if I encounter an alien golden fairy, I can escape."

"My father's side is different. If you make two golden threads, you will have more strength." Mu Dai said looking at the sky.

During those nine days, his father faced three alien Daluo saints alone.

At this moment, a light like a meteor shower suddenly appeared in the sky.

Countless green lights covered Mu Dai's direction.

"Miss is not good, it is the earth spirit technique released by Jinxian of the Muyuan tribe. This place is not safe, we need to leave quickly." One of the guards Jinxian said anxiously.

At this moment, thousands of more green lights in the sky covered the front line positions.

At the same time, the frontline guard Zhenxian sensed the aura of 5 foreign golden immortals and was rushing here.

"Retreat, incapable of the enemy!" The guardian of this position, the true immortal, shouted.

"Miss, there are at least six foreign golden immortals here. Just relying on these big armies on the front line, even if they form a battle formation to resist, the whole army will be wiped out."

"Leave early, and the rear group will send reinforcements here."

"The Holy Master is the Saint of the Human Race, and the great forces behind will not ignore it."

"The safety of the young lady is the most important thing right now." A Jinxian guard said and wanted to break through the space and take Mu Dai away.

"Let's go, miss, if you don't go here, the space will be blocked by those foreign golden immortals." Another golden immortal guard advised.

At this time, the breaths of three alien Jinxians suddenly locked Mu Dai.

The expressions of the two Jinxian guards changed drastically.

"It's not good, miss, let's go."

At this moment, a force of space blocked the space in this area.

The space crack that was broken by the Golden Immortal guard disappeared instantly.

"The daughter of Saint Mu Lei, if you catch you, it is estimated that you can exchange for a lot of good things." A greedy voice sounded.

Then a big hand appeared in the sky and grabbed towards Mu Dai.

At this time, a thunder exploded, directly defeating the big hand in the sky.

"Miss, you and Erlei leave quickly. I'll stop here first, and then join you later."

In just an instant, the sky in this area was shrouded in thunderclouds.

Then endless thunder exploded, wreaking havoc between heaven and earth.

Forcing the other 5 alien Jinxians who were hiding in the dark to show up.

"Sure enough, it's your Holy Moon and the Ancient Demon Race. The Human Race should have wiped out these two hidden dangers." A thunderous voice sounded.

"Speak so domineeringly, I'll fight in a while to see if you have the prestige you have now." A cold female voice sounded.

Then a round of holy moon appeared in the sky, and all those who were illuminated by the light of the holy moon showed their faces. Fascinated color.

No matter how loud the thunder in the heavens and the earth is, it will not wake up those who are addicted to the holy moon.

"Don't confuse all beings" Da Lei was about to use the power of thunder to blow up the holy moon in the sky, when a strange force stopped him.

An ancient Golden Immortal Demon appeared not far from Dalei, exuding an abyss atmosphere.

At the same time, two Jinxians from the Holy Moon clan cut off Mu Dai's way back.

At this moment, six spears of thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, as if breaking the heavens and the earth, and shot at the six alien golden immortals.

But then, a pair of hands as bright as moonlight stopped the six thunder spears.

"Saint Mulei, you dare to be distracted by the three of us. This is disrespectful to us." A cold voice sounded.

"Grab that human female cultivator and slaughter it in front of Saint Mulei, and see if you still have the arrogant face you used to have in my clan."

Just after the voice finished speaking, suddenly a mad thunder came up and down from the Nine Heavens.

He directly wiped out an alien golden immortal who cut off Mu Dai's path.

"What if you kill a golden immortal, you are incompetent and furious."

"Today, although the three of us can't suppress you, the top sage of the human race, it is still possible to disturb your Dao heart." A cold voice mixed with hatred sounded.

At this time, the five foreign golden immortals had already surrounded Mu Dai and the two golden immortals.

Seeing the desperate desperate expressions of the two Jinxian guards beside her, Mu Dai suddenly raised her head and shouted to the sky.

"Father, you can fight with peace of mind, your daughter will never hold you back!"

Because she found that the surrounding space had been blocked by the alien Daluo saint, and the three alien Daluo worked together.

Even if her father is the top sage of the human race, he will not be able to break through the blockade space for a while.

"don't want!!"

"My Saint Mu Lei can't even protect his daughter, what face is there between heaven and earth."

A purple mad thunder burst directly from the space, turned into a giant hand and grabbed Mu Dai, who was about to unravel the body of the fairy, and dragged her into the leaving two golden immortals behind. Guard, facing the five alien golden immortals alone.

Saint Mu Lei, who was in the Nine Heavens, looked at the three aliens who were besieging him.

The arrogance in his eyes has not diminished, he is wearing mad thunder holy armor and holding a thunder spear.

"You three idiots, even dare to mix in the game between the top races."

"It seems that in the ancient times, the kindness of my human race was gray, and I don't want to leave you a dog as a dog."

"Do you think you can take a share of my human race while my human race is quasi-sage?"

"Now I'll tell you a truth, a dog is always a dog, and it's just a dog's fantasy to want to take advantage of the owner's serious illness to replace it!"

Saint Mu Lei said, chaotic flames ignited on his body, even if he was in the nine heavens, the surrounding disasters were darkened in front of this chaotic flames.

"No, this old thing has to work hard!!" Saint Moon Clan Daluo felt his scalp numb.

"Hold on, as long as the big Luocheng over there comes to support, we can suppress this old thing."

"Calling us like dogs, we must not forgive me lightly!" Another alien Daluo said angrily.

At this moment, one of the big Luos, who was mainly blocking the space, had a happy expression on his face.

The last big hand reached into the space, and after retracting it again, Mu Dai was held in the palm of the hand by that big hand.

"Saint Mulei, it seems that you didn't work very hard when you rescued your daughter. Even if you burned the power of the source, it was not captured by our family's Jinxian." Daluo Jie of the ancient demon clan said with a smile. .

The power of countless thunders instantly condensed around him, trying to rescue Mu Dai who was caught in the palm of his hand.

As a result, he was stopped by two other alien Daluo saints.

"You stop Saint Mu Lei, I will kill his daughter and mess with his Taoism!" To be continued

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