At this time, Daluo of the Holy Moon Clan, who was recovering from his injuries, suddenly felt that the Holy Moon Bay, the innate spiritual treasure of his family, had received a lot of pure power of faith.

"What happened~" Saint Moon Clan Daluo gently spread his hands, and a crescent moon appeared in her hands.

Then he traced it back to the Holy Moon Hall through the pure power of faith, and Xu Fan explained the scene of faith understanding to other Holy Moon tribes.

"Who he is, he has already been promoted to the saint level. How could such a senior saint not find out before."

But then the innate spiritual treasure, Shengyuewan, gave the answer.

This saint just traveled too long in the immortal world and was too far away from the Holy Moon Bay body, and even the most pure and holy beliefs could not be accepted.

"It turns out that, I didn't expect that at such a moment, my family can have an extra saint. It seems that the will of heaven is also on our side."

"I'm going to use the sacred artifact of my family to enlighten this saint." The decline of Saint Moon Clan Daluo being injured by Saint Mu Lei eased a little.

At this time, on a huge boat like a crescent moon.

Another Daluo from the Holy Moon Clan received the news.

"There is another saint in the clan, not bad."

"A little more, you can really stimulate the power of Holy Moon Bay."

"At that time, it was the root of our race to replace the human race to become the top race."

"The only goal now is to make the race chaotic." A full moon appeared in the eyes of Saint Moon Clan Daluo.

At this time, when he was explaining his understanding of faith to the people in the Holy Moon Temple, an idea suddenly occurred.

How boring it is to fight and kill, go deep into the enemy's interior, deceive the enemy's feelings, and steal the enemy's property, this is the kingly way.

"Grape, change the plan and use deception to seize the treasure house of the Holy Moon Clan." Xu Fan said to Grape in his heart.

"Follow the master, the plan is being revised." Grape's voice sounded.

"Fellow Daoists remember that by living for the Holy Moon, we can restore the glory of our Holy Moon family again."

"This is the only time I got this sentence when I traveled to the fairyland for 100,000 years and saw the rise of the major races."

"The immortal world can be without the Holy Moon, but it cannot be without us who believe in the Holy Moon."

Especially Xu Fan's last sentence was like the finishing touch.

At this moment, the holy light of the holy moon clan's true immortals who listened to Xu Fan's explanation of their beliefs, finally turned into a huge and pure power of faith and integrated into the holy moon above the holy moon temple.

This is Xu Fan's explanation, which added 4 saints to the Holy Moon Clan.

Jinxian guarding the Holy Moon Palace seemed to see a miracle, and he performed the highest etiquette of the Holy Moon Clan to Xu Fan.

Even Saint Moon Clan Daluo stood up in shock by this scene.

Then he raised his hand slightly and broke the space and summoned Xu Fan.

"Meet the saint."

Xu Fan, who transformed into the Holy Moon Clan, excitedly performed the highest etiquette.

At this time, Xu Fan was a native of the Holy Moon Clan. Even if he searched for souls, he could only find the life of a saint in the Holy Moon Clan.

"Why did you dare to use the Mahayana realm to go out of the Holy Moon Clan and travel to the Immortal Realm?" Saint Moon Clan Daluo asked Xu Fan with interest.

She found out about Xu Fan's previous experience through the innate spiritual treasure Shengyuewan based on Xu Fan's beliefs.

For this result, Saint Moon Clan Daluo is convinced.

"Since I believe in the Holy Moon, I always feel that something is missing."

"In the ancient times, when my clan was most prosperous, there were 100,000 saints alone, and the strength was comparable to today's human race."

"Just when my clan's quasi-sacred horse was about to be born, it was an unexpected life, the rise of the human race, and the chaos of all clans, which forcibly blocked the path of our clan's rise."

"At that time, I was thinking about what caused my family to fall here."

At this time, Xu Fan's disguised Shengyue family is like a sage who is carrying the burden of the race.

Listening to Xu Fan's words, the expression of Saint Moon Clan Daluo became more and more solemn.

"Traveling in the immortal world for 38,000 years, I found the reason."

At this time, the Saint Moon Clan that Xu Fan had changed had an aura of the brilliance of heaven.

Saint Moon Clan Daluo sat upright and faced Xu Fan on an equal footing.

"What's the reason~"

"The holy moon is just the holy moon of our family, not the holy moon of the fairyland."

"The general trend is not on our Saint Moon Clan!" Xu Fan looked up at Saint Moon Clan Daluo and said word by word.

These words flashed through the mind of Saint Moon Clan Daluo like lightning.

I saw Shengyue Daluo get up and look at Xu Fan with a respectful look on his face.

"Sage, what did you get for the 60,000 years behind you?" Shengyue Daluo looked hopeful.

She also knew that the general trend of the immortal world was not on the Holy Moon Clan, but what could be done about it.

"Daluo, can I take a look at my clan's sacred artifact before speaking?" Xu Fan said calmly.


Shengyue Daluo gently waved his hand and brought Xu Fan into a strange space world.

A full moon, shining with divine moonlight, hangs over the world.

Xu Fan first bowed to the full moon in the sky with a pilgrimage on his face, and the pure power of faith radiated from Xu Fan and merged into the full moon above.

At this time, the power of faith exuding from Xu Fan can surpass the amount of the three saints who worshiped the holy moon for one year in the past.

Then Xu Fan looked up and watched the full moon for a long time before slowly saying, "Saint, take me back."

There was a hint of sigh in the words.

Shengyue Daluo took Xu Fan back to the original hall in an instant.

"In the remaining 60,000 years, I have traveled all the powerful races in the fairyland."

"Human Race, Monster Race, Ancient God Clan, Rakshasa Clan, Sea God Clan."

"I get an inspiration from exploring their history and studying the way they rose in ancient times and even earlier."

"What inspiration!" Saint Moon Clan Daluo asked urgently.

"Our Holy Moon Clan is restricted." Xu Fan said softly.


"Yes, saint, I just said that the holy moon of my family is not the holy moon of the fairyland."

"What restricts our clan is the holy moon bay of our holy moon clan."

"Although a congenital spiritual treasure is powerful, it cannot make our family into a big family like the human race."

"I visited all the great clans in the Immortal There is no race that relies on an innate spiritual treasure to fight for their faith." Xu Fan looked at the Saint Moon Clan Daluo and said.

"For millions of years, our family's beliefs have all been absorbed by that innate spiritual treasure. Although many strong people can be born, this is also the key to the general trend of the immortal world not being on our family."

"And those big clans that rose in the Three Thousand Realms, I explored their history and only got two words."

"Which two words?" Daluo of the Holy Moon Clan suddenly felt a sense of collapse of faith.


"Except for those innately powerful races, the remaining ones who rise to the top of the weak are all unyielding."

"Our Holy Moon family can have our own beliefs, or we can believe in the Holy Moon."

"But this holy moon is the holy moon of the immortal world, the holy moon of the three thousand worlds, not a small innate spiritual treasure holy moon bay." Xu Fan said, fooling around for a long time, and finally getting to the point. .


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