"Then you first deduce how to make No. 1 and No. 2 complete the Houtian Lingbao-class spacecraft more quickly, under the existing conditions." Xu Fan asked.

"Master, apply for the consumption of Mysterious Yellow Qi."

"How much Xuanhuang Qi is expected to be consumed?" Xu Fan asked.

"There is no data model, but at most it will not exceed a crystal of mysterious yellow energy." Grape's voice sounded.

"A crystal of mysterious yellow energy!" Xu Fan was calculating its value.

"Come on, then, you have to have a data model anyway." Xu Fan thought about his family background.

There are a total of four crystals of Xuanhuang Qi in the treasury, and he can still afford one crystal.

With the authorization of the grapes, a crystal of mysterious yellow gas is integrated into the origin of the grapes.

Then Xu Fan felt a strange wave emanating from the grapes.

Then it only took a quarter of an hour for this fluctuation to disappear.

"Master, the deduction has been completed."

"Using the air of Xuanhuang and the assistance of the secret method, the master of No. 1 and No. 2 can be upgraded to the level of a master craftsman. It only takes 500 years to refine a spaceship of the Houtian Lingbao level." Grape replied quickly.

"Then how much Xuanhuang Qi did you consume this time?" Xu Fan was more concerned about this issue.

"0.7 Crystal Profound Yellow Qi." Grape said carefully.

"0.7 Crystal Profound Yellow Qi!


"This is hundreds of billions of immortal jade." Although Xu Fan felt a little distressed, he knew that there was no good way.

Just try it this time, and use it later.

"Then how much Xuanhuang Qi will be consumed in these 500 years." Xu Fan asked.

"One person, one crystal of mysterious yellow energy is just right." Grape said carefully.

"Counting the raw materials and labor costs, should I ask Tianding Chamber of Commerce if they sell ready-made Houtian Lingbao spaceships." Xu Fan was still heartbroken by his 0.7 crystal black and yellow aura.

"Master, Grape has inquired about it. For this kind of spaceship that can routinely go to the Nine Heavens and Houtian Lingbao, it requires at least 20 crystals of Profound Yellow Qi, and it is still out of stock for a long time." Grape said quickly.

". The master refines the spaceship by himself. The most crucial advantage is that after the master No. 1 and No. 2 become a master craftsman, he can redesign the design of the Houtian Lingbao spaceship."

"There is no need to use some unconventional means to forcibly refine the Houtian Lingbao spaceship."

Hearing Grape's words, Xu Fan touched his chin.

"It's not unreasonable what you said. Besides, now that we have immortal jade, it is not appropriate to forcibly refine the simplified version."

"Tell No. 1 and No. 2 to re-deduce the Houtian Lingbao spacecraft and refine it at the level after becoming a master craftsman." Xu Fan ordered.

"Yes, Master."

Originally, Grape wanted to ask Xu Fan if he wanted to deduce the design of the Houtian Lingbao spaceship with the Qi of Xuanhuang.

But he saw Xu Fan's distressed expression and shut his mouth wisely.

On the huge lake outside the Yinling Gate, Xu Fan felt distressed and wanted to find a good brother to ease his mood.

"What's the matter? Looking at Big Brother Xu's expression, he seems to be distressed for something?" Wang Yulun, who was fishing, asked.

"Zongmen got the Qi of Four Crystals Profound Yellow, and asked the grapes to test it. He gave me 0.7 Crystals of Profound Yellow Qi at once, but it ruined my heart." Xu Fan also took out his fishing rod and was fishing, but He was catching serious fish.

"The Qi of Xuanhuang?" Wang Yulun thought for a while, and then took out the Qi of Ten Crystals of Xuanhuang from the space ring.

A piece of petrified dragon scale has been gnawed in half by Fierce White.

Xu Fan curiously took the half of the petrified dragon scale to test the hardness, and was surprised to find that with his current strength, he could not break the dragon scale.

"Little guy, after sleeping for so many years, why is it still the size of a palm?"

Xu Fan held Fierce White with one palm, and gently stroked Fierce White's head with the other palm.

"Ow~" Fierce Bai roared softly at Xu Fan.

"Are you saying that you will never grow up?" Xu Fan asked with a smile.

Fierce White nodded.

"Do you like to eat this kind of petrified dragon?" Xu Fan asked again.


"Well, you also like to eat without petrochemicals. Yes, this habit is very good." Xu Fan said haha.

"It's okay, don't worry, this petrified dragon is yours, you can eat it slowly." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Fierce Bai jumped onto Xu Fan's shoulder and rubbed his small head against Xu Fan's face to show intimacy.

Putting Fierce White on the body of the petrified real dragon, Xu Fan returned to the small courtyard and fell into the salted fish again.

On the second day, Xu Fan was lying in the courtyard, basking in the sun.

Qiu Ziyuan, the most inexistent headmaster of the Hidden Spirit Sect, came to Xu Fan's small courtyard.

"Meet the Great Elder." Qiu Ziyuan said respectfully.

"Get up, what's the matter?" Xu Fan asked kindly.

For Qiu Ziyuan, his senses have always been very good, and he took care of the sect's affairs in the lower realm, and he has never made any major mistakes until now.

This is very invaluable.

"Elder, there are more and more quasi-immortal and true immortal disciples in the sect, and the existing tasks of the sect are no longer enough."

"So the disciples who led to the new promotion to Quanxian have no resources other than the most basic welfare of the sect."

"I discussed it with Grape, and I can send sect disciples to be scattered all over the immortal world to open an academy to earn immortal jade, so that the sect disciples have something to do."

"Have you reached this stage so soon?" Xu Fan said.

"Master, nearly 30% of the fourth-generation disciples have been promoted to immortals, and the number is increasing. There is really no reasonable task for the sect to arrange." Grape replied.

"That's why you want to ask Zongmen to provide the immortal artifact to teach students, and open the academy by yourself," Xu Fan said.

"That's it." Qiu Ziyuan nodded.

"This method is fine. There is really no task assignment, so let the disciples start their own businesses. As long as they don't go to the frontier battlefield, they can say anything." Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

It's not that he is unwilling to let the disciples contribute to the human race, but the current battlefield situation is unclear, and the rules in the battlefield have been destroyed.

Jinxian Daluo has now made a random attack on the real immortal, and now he sends his disciples over, as long as he performs better, he will be targeted by the opposite Jinxian Daluo.

With a wave of the hand, the human race can lose a large number of excellent human race monks, and those people are still very willing to do it.

"Grape, hand it over to you." Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

"The academies are evenly distributed, just don't steal the business of the same school." Xu Fan then added.

"As ordered."

"As soon as I leave the apprenticeship, I'm going to open an academy. That's enough." Xu Fan said with a smile, let's go with those disciples, just don't die.

"Master, the branch warehouse of Gold Ware Academy has been received, 133 million immortal jade." Grape's voice sounded.

"Yes, you can use these immortal jades to buy some immortal mines, and refine some immortal artifacts for those colleges in the future." Xu Fan ordered.

"According to the master."

Xu Yifan lay in the courtyard and looked at the white clouds in the sky. After watching it for three consecutive days, he recovered.

The Immortal Realm, a secret outside world.

Ye Xiaoyao was sitting helplessly on the ground.

"Old Jian, this has been tossing for more than two years. Haven't you thought of the secret method to unlock the secret treasure of this Wuwang Immortal Realm?"

"Don't worry, try this secret technique again." Lao Jian said with Ye Xiaoyao in his heart.

Then a secret law passed into Ye Xiaoyao's mind.

After a short study, Ye Xiaoyao made a secret seal in his hand and patted the gate of the secret realm.

But there was no response at all, but instead it caused the backlash of the gate of the secret realm, and was directly bombarded by a repulsive force.

"Old Sword, don't try it. I'll tell you when you think about it. I won't be blamed for this." Ye Xiaoyao, who was embedded in the mountain by the bullet, said with a dark face.

Who can stand being bombarded seven or eight times a day.

"No, it should be this secret method, what's wrong?"

"Xiaoyao, don't be discouraged, you try this secret technique again."

Another secret method came into Ye Xiaoyao's mind.

"Rest, don't try." Ye Xiaoyao gave up completely.

"How can you mix up these secret methods, you must know that you were an Immortal Emperor before!" Ye Xiaoyao said in his heart.

"My Immortal Emperor's memory is too huge, it's normal to mix things up a bit."

"Besides, you stinky brat, don't do it if you get frustrated, how can you help me avenge me in the future?"

"Try these secret techniques again, you really can't rest for a while.

time, let's try again. " Lao Jian encouraged in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"You said it lightly, it wasn't you who was ejected into the mountain." Ye Xiaoyao retorted.

"Anyway, there is something in it that can make you become a golden immortal quickly. Do you like it or not?" Lao Jian said with a pouted mouth.

Ye Xiaoyao hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and began to try a new secret method to open the secret realm.

The result is that there are several more human-shaped pits on the mountain wall in the distance.

"No, why is it wrong, is this secret method really messed up?" Lao Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

In the small courtyard, Xu Fan, who had just been free, looked at Li Xuandao with a headache.

"Slow down on the Immortal Emperor's Secret Treasure in advance. I have other important things here. After I've settled down, I'll accompany you to the Wuwang Immortal Realm." Xu Fan looked at Li Xuandao, who was going to arrange a job for him and said~ www.readwn.com~Follow your orders. " After Li Xuandao finished speaking, he left regretfully.

"Immortal Emperor's Secret Treasure, this matter sounds troublesome, I'll talk about it later when I have time to spare." Xu Fan said while lying on the reclining chair.

At this moment, a white light suddenly plunged into Xu Fan's arms.

I saw Fierce Baizheng gnawing at a petrified dragon scale fragment.

Xu Fan looked interesting, picked up the fierce white tail and raised it in front of him.

"What kind of breed do you say you are, you can even understand such a hard petrified dragon."

Fierce Bai, who was held in midair by Xu Fan, screamed, his head pointed in the direction of the petrified dragon scale fragment, and desperately stretched out.

"Grape, check the ancient books and see if there are turtles that feed on real dragons." Xu Fan asked suddenly.

"There are three kinds of turtles that feed on dragons in ancient times, greedy, swallowing the domain, and the void. The master's fierceness does not match these three." Grape said.

"Okay, just wait a little bit later and see what it is."

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