"By the way, once you go to the first human fairyland to collect luck, you can't stop. As long as you go to the fairyland outside the 108 fairyland, it will start again." Xu Fan looked at his good disciple and said. .

Sometimes fate is so strange, you should run not less than a meter.

The master let you pass the first half of the road safely, and you have to walk the second half of the road by yourself.

Hearing Xu Fan's words, Han Feiyu's face clearly showed reluctance.

I'm doing well in the sect, why did you arrange such a task for me?

"Master, I decided to wait for my Jinxian to collect the luck of the human race in the 108 world." Han Feiyu thought for a while and said.

After becoming a golden immortal, at least one more security in the fairy world.

"Have you seen this Great Dao scripture?"

"If you don't start collecting in those immortal worlds within 10 years, your jasper gourd will not be promoted in at least 100 million years." Xu Fan said and returned the jasper gourd to Han Feiyu.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, worthy of being a big man who will stand at the top of the human race in the future, he is cruel to himself.

Xu Fan could see that in the scriptures on the Great Dao, this was a task specially set for his good disciple and grandson.

It is very likely that his future good apprentice grandson has customized tasks for his current self.

"Ten years is very short, hurry up and prepare." Xu Fan said that there were two more Golden Immortal puppets by his side.

"Grape, hand over the control of these two golden immortal puppets to Fei Yu's Item Spirit." Xu Fan ordered.

"According to the master."

Then another light curtain appeared in front of Han Feiyu.

The 108 fairy worlds dominated by human races are listed above in order.

"You take these two golden immortal puppets and go to your immortal world to have a guarantee."

"When you are ready to go to other fairy worlds, let your artifact and grapes synchronize the database."

"The other thing is to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and take a copy of the Five Elements Art that I deduced the highest version and the matching kendo sword array magic power, which is enough for you to cultivate in the next 108,000 years." Xu Fan said here. After a pause, he wondered if there was anything else he needed to add.

Han Feiyu sat down in Xu Fan, and his eyes were wet as he listened.

"Master, the disciple and grandson are reluctant to bear the master and the brothers." Han Feiyu said with tears in his eyes.

When he first entered the world of immortality, he realized the cruelty, ruthlessness, intrigue, mutual calculation, and the principle of respect for the strong.

Until he met the master Wang Xiangchi in the sword academy that day, and then met the master.

In this way, the door in his heart, which had been frozen when he first entered the Immortal Cultivation World, slowly opened.

It has been thousands of years since it opened. Now, for this innate treasure, he must freeze the door in his heart again and leave this sect that warms him.

Is this really necessary?

"In the future, our Hidden Spirit Sect will last forever, and so will the disciples in the sect."

"You can get a mysterious yellow treasure in only 108,000 years. It's a good deal."

"Hurry up and pack up, get ready to leave the sect and spread your wings." Xu Fan patted his disciple and grandson on the shoulder and sent him out of the source world.

"My disciple's good days are over, do you want to remind him first?" Xu Fan said while rubbing his chin.

Just now, he quietly made a hexagram of a good disciple, Sun Bu, and the hexagram was so miserable that he couldn't stand it any longer.

But he knows that this is the fate of his good disciple and grandson, and he has no good way to change his fate against the sky.

After Han Feiyu returned to his cave, he was told by his artifact that he had only one month to prepare for the trip.

"Why only one month?" Han Feiyu felt that it should be very fast to travel through several fairy worlds to reach the first human-dominated fairy world.

"Master, from Tianguan Immortal Realm to Scarlet Yellow Immortal Realm, you need to make a fairy boat, so in order to ensure that you can reach Scarlet Yellow Immortal Realm within the specified time, it is better for Master to leave early." Han Feiyu's tool spirit said, this is he just synchronized with the grapes data obtained after the database.

Han Feiyu showed a helpless expression on his face, and then took advantage of this time to bid farewell to his senior brother.

The last place I went before I left was in front of the Tree of Everything.

Han Feiyu placed 1,000 fairy spirits in front of the Book of Everything.

"Tree of Everything, I'm leaving. It is estimated that we won't see each other in 110,000 years."

"These are all the fairy crystals on my body, you don't need to condense anything for me, just leave it to yourself to digest it slowly."

"Save it. During my absence, you won't get as many immortal jade as before." Han Feiyu said reluctantly.

At this moment, a tiny tree root was drilled out of the ground, and the immortal crystal on the ground was tied and dragged into the ground.

Then the whole tree of all things glowed with colorful light, and a colorful Ruyi with bright light floated in front of Han Feiyu.

"Is this a gift you gave me?" Han Feiyu said looking at the colorful Ruyi in front of him.

The tree of all things swayed slightly, and the leaves made a rustling sound.

As soon as he took over the colorful Ruyi, a message appeared in Han Feiyu's mind.

"I can only condense some spiritual things that are not immortal. Although it is of no use to me, it is good to keep it by my side as a souvenir."

"Tree of Everything~www.readwn.com~I'm gone"

Just when Han Feiyu was about to leave, he was suddenly called by Xu Fan.

Xu Fan had an extra storage bag in his hand, and the top of the storage bag was inlaid with spiritual stone fragments.

Then the storage bag turned into a light and was printed on the back of Han Feiyu's hand and disappeared.

"If you encounter an unexpected situation, you only need to kiss the back of your hand 10 times, or slap the back of your hand 10 times and the storage bag will come out." Xu Fan said, in order to refine this little thing, he went off in person.

"Master, have you calculated something?" Han Feiyu suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Relax, I believe that you can get through all the hardships, so hurry up and leave." Xu Fan disappeared after saying that.

Although Han Feiyu had doubts, it was time to set off.

Xu Fan was sitting in his small courtyard, with big eyes, as if he could see the figure of the good disciple and grandson who had left through the mountains and rivers.

"One hundred and eight thousand years"

"How much is this guilty?" Xu Fan said with emotion.

It didn't take long for Wang Xiangchi and his wife to come over.

"Master, Dai'er has been in the True Immortal Card for tens of thousands of years, and has been wandering outside the Golden Immortal Gate, can you please call me?" Wang Xiangchi said.

Xu Fan didn't speak, just expressed a question mark to Wang Xiangchi.

Her father is the top sage of the human race, why don't you find your daughter-in-law and his father to find me?

"Elder, my father is not good at teaching apprentices, and the one I cultivate has nothing to do with my father's thunderbolt." Mu Dai said.

After she was brought home by Wang Xiangchi, she became the elder of Yinlingmen.

It's a bit strange, but it's considered the same.

Xu Fan felt the fluctuations emanating from his daughter-in-law, and then used Hongmeng Enlightenment Tea to condense a cup of Dao tea that suits her.

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