My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1043: Exclusive 300 Ways

"Xue Ling, the three hundred methods you practice are based on time as the main, five elements, space, yin and yang, as supplementary."

"Luo Fan, the three hundred methods you cultivate are mainly based on devouring the avenues, allowing all the laws and all things in yourself, and deriving your own three hundred methods by swallowing the avenues."

"You can't learn from the former in your cultivation path, you can only go out on your own."

Xu Fan emphatically explained to Xiao Luofan the magical powers extended by swallowing the three hundred ways.

Zhang Xueling, who was sitting beside Xiao Luofan, had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

This is not preaching to the disciples who practice the Three Hundred Ways, this is not pure and pure teaching alone to the new senior sister of the Hidden Moon Sect, and he is just a foil to the green leaves of the flowers.

Although it was only a green leaf, the one or two words that the Great Elder spoke to him benefited him a lot.

This time, the teaching of the Three Hundred Dao Fa took a full month.

"Luo Fan will never forget the grace of the first elder to preach and solve puzzles." Xiao Luofan said respectfully.

"It's not that exaggerated, it's just that you are a good seedling, just give some pointers." Xu Fan looked at Xiao Luofan and said with relief.

In the process of his preaching and dispelling doubts, he could understand that the version of the Three Hundred Ways that Xiao Luofan cultivated was the most unsuitable for her.

Now a little change, Xiao Luofan has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The source world, within the virtual space.

Xiao Luofan devoured a hundred virtual enemies of the same stage of the nightmare level with a single force.

Afterwards, he passed the assessment of the Void Refinement Stage and the Integration Stage.

It is even at the end of the endless challenge, reaching the last level.

The last level of the endless challenge level is the puppet of the refining period with the computing power of Grape Thousand Yi.

Although he was finally defeated by the puppet, Grape still gave a high evaluation.

It was evaluated by Grape as the second most powerful at the same stage in the history of Yinlingmen.

"As expected of a person who is blessed with great luck in the Three Thousand Realms, this comprehension, this combat power, this talent." Xu Fan said with emotion.

This is the period of virtual refinement, and it has already been revealed.

"Growing up fast, trouble comes fast~" Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan can let her go out with confidence for this kind of person who is blessed with great luck in the Three Thousand Worlds.

As for whether it will cause trouble for the sect, he doesn't care.

At this stage, the sect has a golden immortal puppet and a good big brother.

The last trump card is still fishing outside the sect, so for the current stage of the Yinling Sect, the general power of Muyuan Xianjie can touch it.

In the underground space, clones No. 1 and No. 2 are refining the Houtian Lingbao spaceship.

The No. 3 Golden Winged Dapeng clone is mechanically refining the golden fairy puppet.

"Ontology, the original No. 3 is gone. Will you treat me and No. 1 like No. 3 in the future?" No. 2 clone asked.

"I don't worry about eating radishes. Didn't you see that the new No. 3 didn't have wisdom?"

"Let's talk about how much time and energy it took to cultivate you to the present, and how difficult it is."

"You are not combat clones, so you control you to fight with the enemy, isn't this a food delivery?" Xu Fan said, looking at clone number 2. Now Zhang Si

"This Houtian Lingbao-level spacecraft should have been refined 100 years ago. Unfortunately, your fairy soul was injured halfway through, and we were also affected."

"Although the post-Tianlingbao-class spacecraft has been postponed, the refining is still going smoothly. After another 100 years, it is estimated that it will be successful." The No. 1 clone who was refining the Houtianlingbao-class spacecraft said.

"Refining well, and after the refining is successful, I will give you a one-year vacation with a cost of 100 million immortal jade." Xu Fan encouraged.

"One billion dollars!

"The two avatars, No. 1 and No. 2, were instantly refreshed.

Even the holy fire that refines the spaceship in the void is inexplicably prosperous.

After giving No. 1 and No. 2 blood, Xu Fan left.

Grape secretly reported to him that the No. 1 Body Refinement Academy, that is, the academy led by Xiong Li, was targeted by an immortal sect.

Xiong Li and Zhuang Ling in the No. 1 Physical Training Academy looked at the Jinxian in front of them without any fear.

"Broken Gold Immortal Sect, you are too domineering. If you want to compete, you can openly and use such disgusting means to damage the reputation of my academy. It's like there is no one behind me." Xiong Li transformed into a chaotic golden body, like a **** The devil stared at the golden thread of the Broken Golden Immortal Sect.

"I've already inquired about the sect behind you. It's not the Yinling Gate of Jincheng City."

"A strong dragon doesn't overwhelm the snakes, and besides, you are not dragons."

"Opening an academy on my site was nothing but tepid before, but now I have received such great benefits, and I will break the gold immortal sect for me without any profit. How can I think that my immortal sect is in this huge city for nothing. million years."

A golden immortal image of hundreds of feet stood in the sky of No. 1 Body Refinement Academy, with extremely contemptuous eyes, looking at the beings of the Body Refinement Academy as if looking at ants.

"My immortal sect is not unreasonable. From now on, your body training college will share 60% of the profit every year with us, and I will keep you all right."

The Golden Immortal Dharma Sign seems to have issued a very ordinary notice.

"Grape, what is the strength of the Golden Immortal Sect?" Xiong Li, who was confronting the Golden Immortal Method, asked quietly.

"Duan Jinxianzong, there are three golden immortals in the sect, a total of 36 million true immortal disciples, and countless miscellaneous disciples."

"Support is already on the way, please rest assured." Grape added after finishing speaking.

"Anyway, it's also a golden immortal. It's not appropriate to scold directly." Xiong Li said.

At this moment, a sword immortal with a giant bear of the golden immortal stage suddenly appeared in the No. 1 body training A sword light rose from the ground, directly killing the golden immortal in the sky. Legal phase.

"Breaking the Gold Immortal Sect and humiliating my sect's affiliated colleges, I will personally visit the Guixian Sect in three days to ask for an explanation."

The Sword Immortal took his sword and stood upright, looking at the sky and said lightly.

Then the giant bear beside Jianxian roared into the sky, and the unison wave directly shattered thousands of miles of clouds.

"Grape, this is the golden immortal of our sect!" Xiong Li said in surprise.

"The Yinlingmen's slave department Jinxian, there are only these two members at present." Grape said.

"Three days later, you will go to Duan Jinxianzong with the two Jinxians." Qiang Xie read Xie

"It depends on your ability how many things you can get from the immortal sect. These two golden immortals fully support you." Grape said.

Upon hearing this, Xiong Li's eyes instantly lit up.

"Grape, can you send me thousands of soldiers? He is good at asking for things. This guy is already insane. No matter what he does, he is very open." Xiong Li said with a smile.

"Yes, set up an ultra-long-distance teleportation array, which consumes 1,000 Immortal Jade." Grape said.

"You explain the situation and let thousands of soldiers come over at their own expense." Xiong Li said directly.

"Please wait."

Not long after, a teleportation formation appeared in front of Xiong Li and Zhuang Ling.

Then thousands of soldiers came out excitedly from the teleportation array.

"How dare you damage the reputation of the senior academy, and don't let that sect lose the entire treasure trove to the sky, where will the senior brother's face go."

"Don't worry, senior brother, leave this to me, and I promise to do it well for you."

Ten thousand soldiers' expressions were like a wolf who had been hungry for more than 10 days and saw a pile of fresh meat.

I like my master who only breaks through every time limit, please collect it: () My master only breaks through every time limit, and the literature update speed is the fastest.

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