My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1047: good bro leave

Just when thousands of soldiers fantasized about leading ten golden immortal puppets to be majestic and arrogant outside.

A real immortal puppet came over with a pot of spirit tea.

"Are you dreaming of your golden fairy puppet again~" said the real fairy puppet.

Ten thousand soldiers looked back at this real fairy puppet that had gathered all his efforts.

"I'm not thinking of adding another big brother to you. When I go out in the future, I can cover you." Wan Bing said with a smile.

Back then, under the guidance of the Great Elder, he walked out of his own puppet.

He walked out of his own way, and he was the puppet in front of him.

At first, he was afraid of shocking the world, and was not tolerated by the immortal world.

He didn't feel relieved until he later saw that Jiufeng Xianchao had his own puppet with wisdom.

"The steps are too big, and it's easy to pull the eggs."

"You haven't even touched the edge of the Golden Immortal Realm yet, so you are thinking about the Golden Immortal Puppet, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to control it by then?" The True Immortal Puppet said while pouring tea for thousands of soldiers.

"The two of us are conjoined father and son. No matter how hard I work, you have to practice hard."

"If you can touch the Golden Immortal realm, it doesn't mean that I can also advance to the Golden Immortal." Ten thousand soldiers grabbed the True Immortal puppet and said with a smile.

The real immortal puppet in front of him is a fusion of his own flesh and soul, and its characteristics have become more and more in the direction of the human race.

When I noticed that this puppet born with intelligence was unconsciously absorbing its own flesh and soul, it really surprised thousands of soldiers.

Then quickly took this puppet to find the Great Elder.

The first elder just glanced at it lightly and said, "It's okay, you can just be an extra puppet."

Afterwards, a puppet secret method was deduced for thousands of soldiers on the spot.

"The thousand-year-old sermon of the first elder, I have been listening to you in your body, and I have benefited endlessly."

"Neihe is just because you are poor and you can't get the acquired Lingbao-level immortal mine, so my core capacity is limited, and I can't touch the golden immortal realm. Can you blame me for this~"

"It used to be okay, but if you are poor, you should be poor. Now you have a lot of debt. I originally thought that when you opened the academy and became rich, you would be able to advance to the fairy mine."

"Looking at your expression now, you are all thinking about buying the Golden Immortal puppet, and you never thought about my promotion."

When you hear the words of your own real fairy, don't be embarrassed and say: "How is it possible, since the beginning of your birth, I have treated you as a son."

"As a biological father, why don't you give good things to your son?" Wan Bing smiled and sent the True Immortal Puppet away.

"Haha~" The real fairy puppet can see through thousands of soldiers.

After the real fairy puppet left, there was a small flower in the hands of thousands of soldiers.

Raise a son, buy a golden fairy puppet, keep a son, buy a golden fairy puppet.

Until the last piece fell on the foster son.

"It must be that I took the wrong flower~" Then he took out a small flower, and the last flower fell on the Golden Immortal Puppet. Ten thousand soldiers nodded in satisfaction.

Over the years, his puppet son is also one of the reasons why thousands of soldiers are poor.

Because it can eat fairy ore too much, it can refine five real fairy puppets just from the fairy ore it eats.

On the huge lake outside Yinling Gate, Xu Fan was called over by his good brother.

"Brother Xu, maybe I'm leaving." Wang Yulun said with a reluctant look on his face.

Xu Fan understood what the good brother meant, nodded and said, "What should come will always come, don't worry, I will fix the sect."

A jade talisman exuding a mysterious yellow energy appeared in Wang Yulun's hand.

"This can summon the clones of my wife and sister. I wanted to have a few more spells like this, but unfortunately I broke my face in the end and only got one."

"Brother Xu, use it first, and I'll get some for you when I have a chance." After Wang Yulun finished speaking, he put the jade talisman that exudes a mysterious and yellow aura into Xu Fan's hands.

Xu Fan immediately burst into tears, and he was reluctant to part with his words. The good brother did a great job.

"I don't know how many years have passed since this parting. When I have the strength, I will see you." Xu Fan said, and took out thirty crystals of profound yellow aura.

"You take these 30 crystals of Xuanhuang Qi, the poor family will get rich."

"No matter how soft, Big Brother can't let you eat soft rice in this area." Xu Fan said sincerely.

"Big Brother Xu~"

"Yu Lun~"

The two looked at each other, full of lovesickness.

No matter how deep the brotherhood is, the time to go is to go.

Xu Fan stood outside the sect gate and waved to the distant Wang Yulun couple.

At this time, the figure of a young girl appeared in the sky.

First he looked at Wang Yulun, then at Xu Fan.

"Brother-in-law, let's go~"

Wang Yulun and his wife waved at Xu Fan, and then disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Don't be disheartened, your father went to end the cause and effect of the previous life, not to go to the battlefield." Xu Fan said, looking at Wang Xiangchi next to him.

"Master, when will my father come back~" Wang Xiangchi asked after a moment of silence.

"I don't know if I'm a teacher. I guess it must be at least 10,000 years apart." Xu Fan said, looking in the direction where Wang Yulun disappeared.

Wang Xiangchi nodded. Although he was reluctant to give up, he knew that some things had to be After bidding farewell to Wang Yulun and his wife, the entire Yinlingmen returned to its normal state, but there was less on the giant lake. A man who fishes alone.

Not long after, Xu Fan's good eldest brother came to visit.

"Brother Wang is gone?" the white-haired old man asked.

He dared to come to Yinlingmen to find his good brother only after he heard the news.

"I left a month ago." Xu Fan nodded.

Hearing Xu Fan's words, the white-haired old man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother is so scared, haven't you thought about it for yourself during this time?" Xu Fan asked with a smile looking at the expression of the white-haired old man.

For someone with unlimited overdraft plug-ins, nothing is out of the question.

"Recently, I am repairing the previous deficit and preparing to advance to Jinxian."

"I calculated it for myself in the past. After meeting my brother, it is the eternal phase of the sky to survive the catastrophe. The slight twists and turns in the middle are nothing to worry about." The white-haired old man waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Brother finally wants to understand that if you want to advance to Jinxian, what's the matter with making up the shortfall?" Xu Fan asked curiously.

"It's all the numerology that was lost due to excessive divination in the past to train apprentices."

"It is necessary to make up for the blood that was vomited before and the body that was overdrawn." The white-haired old man said with a headache.

"For the supplement of qi and blood numerology, I am afraid that we need the divine pill refined by the alchemy master." Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

In the sect, he occasionally refines some life-saving healing holy pills to prepare for occasional worries, so the craftsmanship of alchemy has never fallen.

"It seems that my brother is still a connoisseur. Now there are holy medicines for refining divine pills, but the alchemy master is not good." The white-haired old man said with a sigh.

"Is there a magic pill recipe to make up for the deficit?"

"How much Xuanhuang Qi are you going to consume to invite an alchemy master?"

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