A space crack was suddenly torn open in the unfamiliar star field, and the two of them flew out of the shield condensed by the power of space.

Han Feiyu and Jian Wuji stood in the star field.

"Little Ling, can you calculate our location?" Han Feiyu said with a headache looking at this unfamiliar star field.

He had learned how to locate the direction in the star field in the sect, but it was only a simple identification.

"Falling into an unfamiliar star field, you can only determine the direction to the nearest fairyland." Han Feiyu's portable tool spirit said.

"Sure enough, it is estimated that there will be no good days in the future." Han Feiyu sighed and said, and then took out an immortal artifact spirit boat from the immortal artifact space.

He bought 10 of the top immortal artifact spirit boats in the immortal world at a time, just for fear of encountering such an unexpected situation.

"Hey, wasn't your immortal boat sucked in?" Looking at the familiar Xianzhou Jian Wuji, he asked suspiciously.

"For convenience, I bought 10 identical ones at one time." Han Feiyu said lightly.

"Okay~" Jian Wuji never doubted how rich his senior brother was.

The two boarded the immortal boat, and Han Feiyu released all the maids who had entered the space immortal artifact.

More than 100 beautiful maids appeared in the immortal boat, all of them were in shock and looked pitiful.

"I don't know why, the small world broke away from the immortal boat of your chamber of commerce, and then met the giant beast in the star field, and was forced to come to this unknown star field."

"You often walk in the star field, so you can know which fairy world you are in now." Han Feiyu asked.

The leading maid heard Han Feiyu's words, she got up first, and thanked her pitifully for saving her life.

Then, with the help of the spirit boat, he began to probe into the star field.

After a while, the head of the maid's expression became solemn, and there was some fear in her eyes.

Han Feiyu saw all this, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Master, now we may be in the world of chaos, which is one of the most chaotic fairy worlds among the three thousand worlds."

"And the world of chaos is extremely special." The maid said and used her own mana to condense a water mass.

The water mass was originally the size of a basketball, but then it was disturbed by some unknown force, and it quickly became smaller, and finally disappeared.

"This is..." Han Feiyu frowned, as if the situation was worse than he imagined.

Then he activated his own immortal power, and he felt a kind of binding force as soon as he ran it.

In the past, 100% of the power can only exert 30% or 40% here.

"The Great World of Chaos Demons has its own unique Dao Law, which will suppress all foreign creatures."

"And the most important thing is that the stronger the spiritual power and the immortal power, the more it can attract the attention of the demonic creatures in the chaos world."

The maid remembered some information about the great world of chaos, and she trembled when she thought of being here.

"Little Ling, control the spirit boat to drive in the opposite direction of the Chaos Demon World," Han Feiyu ordered.

"Master, the immortal boat is suppressed by the Great World Dao Law of this side, and its speed has dropped to 40% of its original speed." Xiaoling said while controlling the spirit boat to fly in the opposite direction to the Chaos Demon Great World.

At this moment, not far away, the demonic energy suddenly rolled over, and a huge white-boned boat appeared thousands of miles away from the spirit boat, and quickly headed towards the spirit boat.

"I said where the delicious smell just now came from. It turned out to be the little bugs that broke in from other immortal worlds."

"Although it's not enough to stick between the teeth, but it's worth it to taste this delicious taste~"

A gloomy voice sounded from everyone's ears.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

"I didn't believe there was such a laugh before. I didn't expect that what the master said at that time was true."

"Ten of the people who make this kind of laughter are the enemy villains." Jian Wuji couldn't help saying when he heard the laughter.

A jade box appeared in Han Feiyu's hand, and after opening it, there were two recovery elixir like longan.

"One per person, prepare to fight if you can't run." Han Feiyu took out a d and threw it to Jian Wuji.

As soon as the two took the Ziyang Pill, their state recovered by more than half.

At this time, the entire immortal artifact spirit boat was at full speed, but it was still pulled closer by the giant white-boned boat behind it.

"Xiao Ling, how much power can the two Golden Immortal Stage puppets given to me by the master." Han Feiyu thought that even if he exerted 30% of his strength, he could easily destroy the white-boned giant boat behind him that was only a true immortal. .

"Master, the Golden Immortal puppet can exert its full strength, but it consumes a lot of money."

"The 1 billion immortal jade stored by the master is only enough for the real immortal puppet to activate 10 magical powers at most." Xiaoling replied.

Just when Han Feiyu felt that it was barely enough, a huge space fluctuation was detected 100 miles away from the left side of the spacecraft.

I saw a giant whale that was 10 times bigger than the white-boned boat just now.

I saw that the outer skin of the giant whale was all rotten, and there seemed to be a city of bones standing above its head.

"Little bugs, it's good luck for you today. You can have dinner for Lord Rot Whale, which will save you a lot of the pain of being tortured~" The real immortal-level chaos demon on the white-boned giant boat scolded and left.

At this moment, the star-like rotten whale shed a drop of cloudy saliva when it saw the spirit boat ~www.readwn.com~ where Han Feiyu was located.

Then he swung his huge body and swam towards the spirit boat.

At the same time, a huge space barrier blocked the surrounding area.

"Master, the space is blocked, and the spirit boat can't escape from this area by jumping in space." Xiaoling said.

"What's the plan to escape the blockade of this thing now?" Han Feiyu asked quickly.

At this time, Jian Wuji was not very panicked, and even had spare time to comfort the group of maids who were frightened and lost their souls.

"The 23 space-breaking fairy artifacts stored in the master's fairy artifact space have failed in the star field of this special avenue law."

"The only plan now is to release two golden immortal puppets and use the most powerful magical power to break the space blockade."

"But the consequence is that it consumes all the immortal jade we have stored." Xiaoling quickly reported.

Seeing the rotten whale getting closer and closer to the spirit boat, Han Feiyu knew that he had no choice.

According to the evaluation of his portable tool spirit, the huge star-like rotten whale in front of him is at least the top level of Jinxian.

Although using two golden immortal puppets and consuming all the immortal jade, there is a chance to kill this rotten whale.

But the word "opportunity" is no different from sending death in Han Feiyu's eyes.

So he chose the safest way.

Two golden fairy puppets appeared on the top of the spirit boat.

The sword fairy-type golden fairy puppet cut out a purple sword light that was a hundred miles long.

The fairy-type golden fairy puppet directly shot a ray that illuminated the star field.

Following the sword light, a space fissure dozens of miles long was opened in the star field.

The golden immortal puppet was retracted, and the spirit boat quickly disappeared into the space crack.

I like my master to break through every time limit, please collect it: () My master only breaks through every time limit and has the fastest update speed.

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