My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1053: mechanical puppet

In the chaos world area, Han Feiyu tragically led the crowd to abandon the magic boat, allowing the two golden immortal puppets to break through the space and teleport again.

"It's the 4th time, why can that rot whale still find us."

Another fairy boat appeared, and Han Feiyu and Jian Wuji entered it.

"Is there a possibility that this area is all the territory of that rot whale."

"Or we can sense something on us." Jian Wuji said after thinking for a while.


"Little Ling, re-create the escape plan." Han Feiyu took out two more fairy weapons that could hide his soul, and gave one to Jian Wuji.

"Hide your aura first and see if it is because of this that you will be chased." Han Feiyu analyzed.

"Gene Era"

"Okay, then the problem we are facing now is that the magic boat is destroyed, and we have to continue to find the next boat. Do you still have the Fortune Stone on you?" Jian Wuji asked.

"Yes, the last piece is left, if we are found again..." Han Feiyu said silently.

"Then think of another way~" Jian Wuji said.

At this moment, huge spatial fluctuations appeared again.

A giant rotten whale seemed to jump out of the water and swallowed the spirit boat directly

your region.

The whole spirit boat seemed to have fallen into a bottomless black hole.

Then the two people in the spirit boat felt

The immortal power of the body is slowly being absorbed, and the immortal jade stored in the spirit boat is also slowly disappearing.

Then, all the magic weapons carried by the two of them poured out of their bodies.

And more than 100 maids in Han Feiyu's space fairy were also squeezed out.

At this time, the suction from the void became stronger and stronger, and the two quickly changed from true immortals to mortals.

Then the whole spirit boat quickly fell into a dim world.

The spirit boat smashed onto a pile of fluffy ruins, saving everyone from the collision of falling from high altitude.

"We seem to have fallen into the body of a rotten whale." Han Feiyu observed for a while and said.

"Now that we have all become mortals, how can we get out of this spirit boat?" Jian Wuji looked around.

The entire spiritual boat is a hundred feet long, and there are only four doors that can be opened with spiritual power.

"Come with me, this spirit boat can use mortal means to open the secret door." Han Feiyu said, this is the reason why he can choose it from hundreds of immortal artifact spirit boats.

As soon as everyone got out of the spirit boat, they saw the gray sky and the earth as decayed as doomsday.

The gloomy wind blew, and everyone tightened their clothes.

"This should be the inner world of the rotten whale, let's find a way to get out first." Jian Wuji said.

At this moment, the surrounding ground began to tremble.

"Master, look there." One of the maids pointed to the distance and said.

Han Feiyu looked up and saw that the dim horizon in the distance began to wriggle.

The demons who could not see their heads attacked them.

"Flesh, fresh flesh~" A greedy and low voice sounded.

"Here you~" Jian Wuji handed over an immortal sword that had lost its aura.

Although the immortal sword has lost its aura, its hardness is still there.

"What do you give me this for?"

"You don't want to fight those demons with such a heavy sword." Han Feiyu took the sword with some difficulty. They are in an annoying state now. .

"After the last battle, wait for the resurrection~" Jian Wuji said sternly.

Hearing Jian Wuji's words, the group of maids behind him began to panic.

"What should I do, master, are we going to die here~" said the maid who pointed to Han Feiyu.

"Have the immortal power of the two golden immortal puppets been sucked away?" Jian Wuji asked suddenly.

"That's not true. It's just that I don't have any spiritual power now, and I'm paralyzed with my tool spirit. No one can control these two Golden Immortal puppets now," Han Feiyu said.

At this time, the distant demons were getting closer and closer to them.

"What kind of backhand did the master leave you, hurry up and use it, otherwise we will wait for the resurrection." Jian Wuji spread his hands and said, his expression was very sad.

"Well, it seems that there is really no way to mobilize the two golden immortal puppets, and can only use the backhand left by the master."

As soon as Han Feiyu finished speaking, Jian Wuji's eyes lit up.

"There really is a backhand! Quickly use it!"

Whoever can live is willing to wait for resurrection. After resurrection, everything becomes a blank slate, and it is necessary to re-condense the body of the fairy soul.

Seeing the demons getting closer and closer, Han Feiyu began to pat the back of his hand.

After 10 pats on the back of his hand, Han Feiyu's entire hand began to glow.

Then a one-foot-tall mechanical puppet appeared in front of Han Feiyu.

"Please tell me the current predicament." The mechanical puppet's eyes glowed, and he looked down at Han Feiyu and said.

"We fell into the inner world of a giant beast of the Golden Immortal stage, and now we are about to be attacked by the demons in these inner worlds." Han Feiyu said quickly.


"Detecting surroundings."

"The Yin energy force field is detected, and it is transforming the energy core of the combat unit."

"Start scanning, the current strength of the enemy to be faced has been scanned, and the current danger level is low."

"It is detected that there are two large combat units around, which have undergone core energy conversion and transformation, whether they are used to fight."

"Its combat power is limited by the absorption power, and it can only exert its own two layers of combat power." The mechanical puppet asked for instructions.

"Okay, hurry up and use those two golden immortal puppets." Han Feiyu said hurriedly.

Because that group of demons was less than ten miles away from them.

At this moment, two puppets exuding abyss breath rushed out from the spirit boat.

Then the sword fairy-shaped puppet slashed out with a sword, and a sword light that was a hundred miles long appeared.

The sword light swept across the area where the demons rushed over.

All the demons slashed by the sword light turned into black aura, and were finally sucked into the body by the two original golden immortal puppets.

At this moment, five bat-like demons suddenly appeared in the sky.

Before Han Feiyu ordered, a jet-black ray swept across the five demons in the sky.

"The enemies are all wiped out."

"Let's start building a plan to rush out of the inner world of the Golden Immortal-level behemoth."

"My ultimate goal is to enter the Nandou Immortal Realm, and use this benchmark to implement the following plan." Han Feiyu said beside him.

Having followed him with the tool spirit for so many years, he has mastered the way of talking to this tool spirit.

"Re-establish the plan, and the ultimate goal is to assist the temporary host to enter the Nandou Immortal Realm."

"Start to detect the strength of the world in the body and find its origin."

"Analyzing, please wait."

After the mechanical puppet finished speaking, it shot a door of light, and then countless tiny mechanical bugs poured out of the door of light.

In a short time, a manor suitable for mortal life was built not far from the crowd.

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