My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1075: Dixuan Zulong

After the Quanlong Banquet was over, Xu Fan continued to refine the Xuanhuang Dabu Shendan for his good eldest brother.

In addition to alchemy, they are looking forward to Pang Fu and the No. 2 clone returning quickly with the treasure of time.

The grapes are speculated based on the rumors about the dragon race in the various fairy worlds.

The origin world of the dragon race is in a remote place from the immortal world of the human race. Even a quasi-sage-level Ancestral Dragon will take a long time to come to the immortal world of Muyuan where he is.

"Grape, how about the pre-eucalyptus you made~" Xu Fan asked while refining alchemy.

"Master, the construction of the ultra-long-distance transmission channel of Yinling Island has already begun."

"It only takes three teleports to leave the Immortal Realm of Muyuan and teleport to the Unknown Star Territory."

"The construction of the causal confusion array has begun, and it is expected to be completed in a year." Grape Report said.

At the moment when they offended the Dragon Clan, Grape had already begun to build and arrange these great formations.

"Very good, dispatch the disciples of the business line to go to the Wuwang Immortal Realm, one is to investigate, and the other is to notify the No. 2 clone to return with the time treasure through the Immortal Realm Teleportation Array."

"According to the tax laws of the Immortal Realm, the tax for that batch of time treasures can still be paid." Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

"According to the master."

The Divine Dragon Realm is the realm that gathers the most dragons apart from the great world of human origin.

At this time, the real dragons of the entire Shenlong Realm suddenly felt that a mountain was pressing down on them.

The sound of the death dragon bell sounded between the heavens and the earth, which means that there are real dragons above the level of real immortals in the dragon family, and the corpses of real dragons and dragons have been humiliated.

"Muyuan Immortal Realm, Hidden Spirit Gate!"

"Insult my dragon clan, never die!"

The entire True Dragon Realm resounded with the angry voice of Ancestral Dragon. Although the Dragon Race began to shrink within the entire Three Thousand Realms over the years, its strength has not diminished.

The top ten orthodox ancestral dragons in the dragon clan are still there, except for the top forces in the three thousand worlds, any other aliens dare not make fun of the corpse of the dragon clan.

Many real dragons in Shenlong Realm became angry after hearing Zulong's angry voice.

The dragon clan has the rules of the dragon clan, and they cannot fight in a single world.

If the Dragon Clan base camp intervenes, there is only one situation.

After the fall of the dragon clan, the dragon corpse was humiliated, and it was either refined into a magic weapon or made into a dish.

"Dixuan Ancestral Dragon, you go to Muyuan Immortal Realm."

"Exterminate all the tribes of the Hidden Spirit Sect, burn their bones, detain their immortal souls, and bring them back to be burned by dragon fire for ten thousand years!"

The grand voice resounded through the heavens and the earth.

"Di Xuan is ordered~"

An ancestral dragon with a whole body like jade looked up at the sky and said.

Xu Fan, who was refining Dabu Shendan in the Yinling Gate, suddenly trembled in his soul, and the hand that controlled the seal of the holy fire trembled, almost causing the holy fire to become unbalanced.

Seeing the trembling Pill Stove Xu Fan urgently formed a righteous union, using various secret techniques to stabilize the Pill Stove so that it would not explode.

"It seems that the Dragon Clan is dispatched~" Xu Fan said with narrowed eyes.

"Looks like you have to hurry up~"

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he continued alchemy.

In the Hidden Moon Sect, Xiao Luofan saw the piece of jerky dragon meat in front of her for a long time.

"Eat another piece, and eat another piece to advance to the Tribulation Transcendence Period."

At this time, a large amount of spiritual energy was overflowing from Xiao Luofan uncontrollably.

The true spirit has been tempered to the extreme by Xiao Luofan's devouring avenue, and it is possible to advance to the transcendence period at any time.

But she was not reconciled, she felt that she had not reached her limit, and could still eat another piece of dragon meat to temper herself.

Quanlong Banquet, although the disciples of the Hidden Moon Sect also participated.

But their cultivation level has not yet reached the Mahayana period, and they can eat half a mouthful of dragon meat, but if they dare to eat a little more, they are in danger of being burst.

Therefore, in order to balance, Grape distributed a piece of dragon meat to each disciple of the Hidden Moon Sect, promising that as long as it was digested within a year, they could receive the second piece.

And the piece of jerky in front of Xiao Luofan's eyes is the second piece.

Xiao Luofan slowly stretched out his trembling hand and grabbed the jerky, but he took it back when he was about to touch the jerky.

She couldn't forget the feeling that after eating the first piece of jerky, she had to condense her body and spirit.

That kind of feeling is better than death, as if the whole body has been shattered bit by bit, and then coagulated again.

The true spirit collapsed and condensed again.

"The elder has withstood so much pressure for me, I must grow up quickly."

"I can't bear this little pain, this little collapse, and I will talk about revenge for my brother in the future." Xiao Luofan gritted his teeth, grabbed the piece of dragon meat and put it in his mouth.

The body and the true spirit began to break down and were constantly repaired, and so on for a month.

Thousands of miles away from the Hidden Spirit Gate, there is a small island specially designed for disciples to cross the calamity.

On this day, ninety-nine thousand tribulation clouds condensed over the island.

Xiao Luofan did not activate any formation to weaken the calamity, and just stood in the sky to accept the baptism of Thunder Dragon.

Xu Fan, who was concocting alchemy, just glanced at the sky.

"Ninety-nine thousand miles of robbery clouds, it should be the limit." Xu Fandan said.

When he said that, he automatically excluded himself.

"Grape, go and send a Holy Spirit Pill to Xiao Luofan, otherwise it will be detrimental to survive this calamity." Xu Fan said.

"Follow the orders of the A golden immortal puppet came to Xiao Luofan with a jade box against the sky full of thunder dragons.

"The Holy Spirit Pill, repair the mind, the true spirit, and stabilize the foundation of immortality." Jinxian Puppet said.

"Thank you, Great Elder." Xiao Luofan, who barely accepted the baptism in the sea of ​​thunder, said in a trembling voice.

She overestimated herself a little, but she didn't expect to attract 99,000 miles of robbery with her own background.

It was more than 80,000 miles than the original estimate.

The puppet disappeared, and Xiao Luofan also ate the Holy Spirit Pill.

Suddenly, a huge vitality emerged from Xiao Luofan's body.

An abyss like a black hole appeared behind Xiao Luofan and began to absorb the energy of the surrounding thunder sea.

Two days later, Xiao Luofan survived the first calamity, and then took a rest for less than a day before the second calamity followed.

The third kalpa is also seamless after the second kalpa.

A month later, Xiao Luofan became the first disciple of the Hidden Moon Sect to become a Mahayana disciple.

"Master Grape, I want to meet the Great Elder." Xiao Luofan said.

"The master is now in retreat and alchemy, so don't disturb it unless it is necessary."

"But you are promoted to the Mahayana period, there is a gift from you in the sect, please accept it."

As the grape's voice fell, an auspicious cloud appeared in the sky of the Hidden Moon Sect and fell towards the mountain where Xiao Luofan was.

The auspicious clouds fell in front of Xiao Luofan and dispersed.

A treasure bottle, a giant shield of sect-style immortal artifacts, and an immortal boat.

"This is the reward for you to become the first Mahayana of the Hidden Moon Sect. Most disciples only have one immortal weapon." Grape said beside him.

"Many thanks to the great elders, the kindness of the sect is hard to repay." Xiao Luofan said.

"The master said that after becoming a disciple of my sect, you can do whatever you want."

Hearing Grape's words, Xiao Luofan nodded.

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