The Xianyin was on its way to the Hopeless Immortal Realm, and the No. 2 clone looked at the distant galaxy in the main control room.

"Hey, I knew I would bring some more disciples here, so at least someone could chat."

"There used to be Li Xuandao, but now it's just me and the puppet. I really want to go back and continue refining weapons~"

"Actually, it's quite comfortable to chat with No. 1 while chatting while watching dramas." No. 2's clone rubbed his palms and said.

"If I didn't have to control the Xianyin number, I really want to go back and send time treasures for Li Xuandao."

At this moment, the Xianyin broke free from space and entered the star field, ready to charge up for the next jump.

Clone No. 2 suddenly felt a battle fluctuation not far from the spaceship.

The sound of grapes also rang out.

"Master, it was detected that there were battle fluctuations 10 million miles away at the beginning. According to the detection, it is at least the level of Jinxian."

"Stop, hide!"

"Let's see if we can catch a wave and go again~" Clone No. 2 said excitedly.

It's rare to come across something interesting on a boring journey.

When the Xianyin number was refined, it was very hard to hide.

As long as the Xianyin is hidden in the star field, it is difficult for the Daluo saint to find it, let alone Jinxian.

The Xianyin launched the hidden immortal array, hidden into the star field, slowly radiated to the ground, and approached the place where the battle fluctuated.

The closer the Xianyin was to the battle, the greater the fluctuations.

When approaching the core of the battle, the No. 2 clone showed an interesting look in the eyes.

"It turned out to be the Buddhist Dao Jinxian. If the main body had not paid attention to Buddhism and Dao, I would have thought that there was no Buddhist cultivation in this version of the Three Thousand Realms." No. 2 clone said with a smile.

I saw three Buddhist and Taoist golden immortals in the distance besieging an extraterritorial demon in the Daluo realm.

I saw that the extraterritorial demons in the Daluo realm were in the shape of smoke, and they were dealing with the three Buddhist and Taoist golden immortals.

"Speaking of which, this Buddhism is really against the demons. The three Buddhists dare to besiege the demons outside the realm of Da Luo today."

"It's really a good show, Grape, get me a melon meal set, just as a relaxing time during the journey." Clone No. 2 smiled and said while looking at the battle in the distance.

It didn't take long before a puppet came over with beer and skewers.

Grape also moved the ship to the best viewing position.

"Grape, enter the battle data of this Daluo realm, do you have enough computing power?" Clone No. 2 asked with a smile while drinking beer and eating skewers.

"Over 90% of the computing power of the clone has been activated, and it can barely be maintained." Grape's voice sounded.

Just as Grape was talking, a golden light from Buddhism almost blinded the eyes of clone number 2.

A giant golden Buddha of thousands of miles in size appeared in the star field.

Then he stretched out his giant hand and slammed it towards the extraterrestrial demon.

The fluctuations spread by the friction between the giant palm of the golden Buddha and the star field shook the star field that is hundreds of millions of miles away.

The No. 2 clone saw with his own eyes the alien Jinxian being forced out by the force of shock.

Just the power of this shock, the average Jinxian can't bear it.

Fortunately, the No. 2 clone was hiding in the Xianyin, and was not affected by this fluctuation at all.

"I counted, there are quite a few little sparrows hidden behind them." No. 2 clone glanced at him and saw more than 10 alien golden immortals.

"Grape, do you have any information about this extraterritorial demon in your database?" Clone No. 2 asked curiously.

He felt that these alien golden immortals were surrounded here, and they must have something to do with this extraterritorial demon.

"The extraterritorial demon is not only the biggest enemy of the Jinxian realm, but also the best supplement."

"Jinxian and the extraterritorial demons above Jinxian can be used in medicinal herbs to speed up Jinxian's cultivation."

"The best is the origin of the extraterritorial demons, which can greatly nourish the soul and increase its strength."

"It is very helpful for Jinxian to break free from the long river of time." Grape Science said.

"Let's get this extraterritorial demon of the Daluo realm, how much crystal Xuanhuang Qi can we sell." Clone No. 2 suddenly asked curiously.

"There is no data record, but there is a record of an extraterritorial demon at the level of a golden immortal being exchanged for 6 acquired Lingbao."

"Then this big Luo Tianmo can be exchanged for the innate spiritual treasure." No. 2 clone slowed down when he was drinking beer.

Looking at the big Luo Tianmo who was about to be captured, his saliva was drooling.

At this time, the Daluo-level extraterritorial demon has been firmly controlled by the giant Buddha.

Then the giant Buddha disappeared and turned into three Buddhist and Taoist golden immortals.

And that Daluo-level extraterritorial demon was trapped in a cage condensed by Buddhist scriptures.

The smoky cloud of extraterritorial demons looked at the three Buddhist and Taoist golden immortals very unwillingly.

"If I hadn't been injured by that old bald donkey and blocked my passage back to the source world, how could I have been fooled by you juniors now." The extraterritorial demon said angrily.

"The oil in the oil lamp in front of my Buddha's hall is almost exhausted, and you can just replace it."

"You bewitched all living beings, and now you have fallen to this point, you deserve it." One of the Buddhist and Taoist Jinxian said.

The other two Buddhist and Taoist golden immortals looked at the foreign golden immortals around them.

"Every benefactor, what do you think about my Buddha's fight against the devil and the devil?"

"Why don't you all come to my Buddhist world and tell me how you feel?" The two Buddhist and Taoist Jinxians asked with a The three Buddha Lords, we are just here to cheer, absolutely no other ideas, now the battle is over It's over, we should leave too. "

Numerous alien golden immortals scattered, and the No. 2 clone was also ready to leave.

"I'm in a hurry for a late show, and I don't have any beer and this string. After the show, it's all over. It's so boring." No. 2 clone pouted and said.

If he had the cultivation base of Jinxian, he would have to help the Daluo Extraterritorial Demon and let the play last longer.

The Xianyin quietly turned its direction in the dark, and flew towards my fairyland again.

It didn't take long for it to reach the highest speed and start the space jumping voyage.

Just when Clone No. 2 was about to finish eating the rest of the beer and skewers, a hint of tiredness suddenly hit.

"It's interesting, Grape is optimistic about the spaceship, I'll sleep first." Clone 2 closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was salting fish in Yinlingmen, suddenly felt a little sleepy.

"Did my daughter-in-law come to find me again!" Xu Fan suddenly said happily, and then went back to his hut and fell asleep.

At this time, in the void area of ​​the dream, Xu Fan No. 1 and No. 2 appeared.

"Ontology, have you received the news from Xuan Dao?" Clone No. 2 asked immediately when he saw Xu Fan.

"I received it, but now the most important question, should you explain it?" Xu Fandan asked. It wasn't his daughter-in-law who was calling him, and he was very upset.

"When I was sailing in the X star field, I watched a lively scene."

"Three Buddhist and Taoist golden immortals beat up a Daluotian demon, but unfortunately they only got one evening show."

"But it's hard to die, and the demon possessed me that day."

"That's how it is now~"

Clone No. 2 was talking, and a pair of giant scarlet eyes appeared in the sky.

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