After Qiu Ziyuan left, Zhou Kailing said, "Master, how did you see Senior Brother Qiu at the beginning?"

"Everyone's talent is different, it's easy to see, just like your little **** rain technique back then." Xu Fan said with a smile.

In the past ten years, Zhou Kailing has been studying with Xu Fan. Although it is not as good as the original Xu Fan, it is still a gifted talent compared to other spiritual creators.

Xu Fan has seen the information about the spiritual master, this thing is like a doctor, and it is becoming more and more popular. It often takes several years to create a spell or practice.

A rigorous and feasible practice spiritual master can study for a lifetime.

"Master, you are laughing at me again." Zhou Kailing said depressedly, but he was proud of the fact that the small **** rain technique at the beginning had already evolved into a **** tornado.

"Master, I created a spell by myself recently, please appreciate it."

Zhou Kailing said and stretched out a finger to point to the lake.

Metal and fire properties merged and condensed into a bullet at his fingertips.


The bullet turned into a streamer and flew towards the distance.

"The idea is okay, the consumption of spiritual power is small, the attack power is okay, and the later stage is highly developable. It is a good spell."

Xu Fan's words made the corners of Zhou Kailing's mouth rise a little. In recent years, he has rarely been praised by his master.

"However, you let me appreciate it as soon as it was developed, didn't it mean you were scolded." Xu Fan said with a change of tone.

"It's not like you haven't seen something like a gun. The spell you just used was directly propelling it by the power of the explosion."

"Poor accuracy, short range, and it didn't play to its strengths perfectly."

Xu Fan took out a magic weapon-level bullet from the space ring and threw it to his apprentice.

"The bullets in the back are condensed like this, and the power can be at least doubled."

Xu Fan stretched out his hand towards the sky as he spoke, and a long sniper bullet appeared, surrounded by a gun barrel condensed by the wind attribute.


A large white bird flying freely in the sky begins to do a free fall.

Zhou Kailing swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he watched the big bird falling from the height of a thousand meters. It was a thousand meters in the sky, and he used the same spiritual power as him.

"This is a self-created spell when I practiced the fifth level of Qi for my teacher. It's just small in power and has never been used before." Xu Fan said.

"You are 20 years old this year. Since entering the door, you haven't been out of the sect. This time, when Pavilion Master Pang comes back and is leaving, you go out with him and go shopping in the various immortal cities in the Central Continent. I will let you go for a year. False." Xu Fan said.

A group of 20-year-old boys is not a problem to hold back in the sect, so Xu Fan often arranges some tasks to go out to run errands, and arranges the disciples in the sect to go out to gain insights.

"Master, I don't want to go out." Zhou Kailing said, he felt that he had not learned enough and was unwilling to leave Xu Fan's side.

"Let's take a photo session. In a year's time, I want to see pictures of the bustling streets of 24 immortal cities. By the way, tell me what major events are happening in these immortal cities." Xu Fan ignored Zhou Kailing and continued, I am one of the otaku in the sect. enough.

"As ordered." Zhou Kailing could only say helplessly.

"By the way, when I remembered that you came, I also said that after you became immortal, you would go back to your village to marry a girl named Xiao Cui."

"When you are just leaving, let Pavilion Master Pang turn around and let your childhood wish come true." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"Master, the younger brother who just finished his mission from outside brought me back a message."

"Three years ago, Sister Xiaocui was married. I was destined to have no relationship with Sister Xiaocui in my life." Zhou Kailing said sadly. Back then, in their village, it was everyone in their village who brought Sister Xiaocui home. Child's dream.

"Well, it's really good luck." Xu Fan could only express regret.

This is Xu Fan's sudden closing, and a one-meter-long Qianhu fish is hooked.

"Yes, there is fish soup today."

This is, a drone flew from a distance, Xu Fan put and big bird in, ready to add dinner tonight,

It's been almost five years since Xu Fan spent such a leisurely day. He cultivated his mind and cultivated his sentiments. He felt that it was better than fighting and killing all day.

"Let's go, your fourth senior brother will be back in a while, and you should get in touch with each other more."

Auspicious clouds were born at Xu Fan's feet, and Zhou Kailing slowly floated towards Yinling Island.

And the giant tortoise they were riding on slowly dived to the bottom of the lake. This was one of the twelve little tortoises at the time. After being fed by Xu Fan's feeding pill, they had all advanced to the foundation-building stage and had already opened their spiritual wisdom~] Send you a cash red envelope! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to get it!


In a fairy city somewhere in the Central Continent, a young girl is riding on a cloud deer.

"Xiaohua, the Central Continent is so big, how can we find it?" the girl asked.


"You say I'm lucky, I can find it just by looking for it?" the girl said with some doubts.

Cloud Flower Deer nodded.

"That's ok, we'll just walk around and look for it, and we don't know what's going on with your husband now."

When she knew that Xiangzhou was invaded by the demon clan, she begged the master to save her husband, but the master sent her away with only one sentence.

"Your little husband, you have long gone to another state to cultivate well, but you will find it yourself."


The sword king sect, Ye Xiaoyao, who has changed his face, is staring at a base-building stage craftsman refining a fifth-order treasure flying sword.

After a while, the craftsman of the Foundation Establishment period finished drawing the last rune, and aura began to flow on the flying sword.

"Brother Ye, the last Shuiyun sword has been completed."

The refiner handed the refined Qiushui sword to Ye Xiaoyao, no, it should be called Ye Chen now.

"Brother Wu, you've worked hard." Ye Xiaoyao said gratefully.

"Don't say that, Brother Ye is my savior. Besides, without the rare treasures containing runes that Brother Ye gave me, I still can't make this fifth-order treasure." The young crafter scratched his head and said.

"Unfortunately, your good brother is not here, or else this Qiushuijian could be improved to a new Lao Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao's heart.

"Hey, Xiaofan, he doesn't know where he is now."

These exotic treasures containing runes were originally prepared for Xu Fan, but due to the fall of Xiangzhou, Xu Fan would definitely not be able to find them for a while.

"I will look for your good brother in the future. At present, I am trying to find a way to train this kid in front of me into a master craftsman. His temperament and character are all superiors, and he will definitely not suffer if he is trained."

"You still need 12 flying swords of the Taoist level, and the Qianjian Forbidden Sky Sword Formation will become it." Lao Jian said.

"Don't be afraid of long time. With me, the most prosperous thing is time."

"it is good."

At this time, Ye Xiaoyao looked at the genius craftsman in front of him and said, "That's just a little effort. As for the rune treasure, it's useless for me to keep it, it's better to give it to you."

"Thank you, Big Brother Ye, I will take care of all your flying swords in the future." The craftsman said with a green face, feeling that he had met the best big brother in the world, a life confidant.

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