After feeling the specially-made Chaos Qi crystal, the Primordial Master directly waved his hand and snatched it from the disciple.

Finally, a special Chaos Qi permeated the hall. After Huangshan felt it, he fell into memory.

"This seems to be similar to the Chaos Qi in the Halloween Building that you took me to 40,000 years ago, but this Chaos Qi is not so pure." Huangshan recalled.

He still remembered that at that time, the Yuan Master who was searching in the Halloween Building only ordered four dishes, and he was half dazzled before he even touched his chopsticks.

"Yes, this is made by Master Xu."

"It can make this kind of Chaos Qi. At that time, we will provide the materials and be responsible for selling them, and the final four or six will be divided."

"Look, I didn't move the Hongmeng amethyst crystal in the sect's treasure house in vain, and I even brought a business to Yuan Shizong." Yuanzhu said with a smile.

"Forty-six is ​​divided into six, it won't be our four Xu masters six." Huang Shan frowned slightly. "Of course, this technology is used by Xu Dashen." Yuanzhu said as a matter of course. "Okay, when I have time, I'll go shopping in several other big worlds to see if this thing sells." Huangshan said, feeling the special chaotic aura.

At this time, in the hidden spirit gate, a special cultivation secret realm quietly opened. Xiong Li appeared in the source world and walked to the secret cultivation place.

"Nine Refinements of Chaos, the second refinement has reached a bottleneck, and we have to find a place to practice in a secret realm rich in Chaos Qi." Xiong Li looked at the secret cultivation realms in the original realm and was hesitating which one to choose.

At this moment, the sound of grapes sounded.

"Zongmen has launched a new secret realm, and the Chaos Qi in it is very easy to absorb. You can try it."

Hearing Grape's words, Xiong Li had a strange expression on his face. It was the first time he had heard grapes sell something.

"What's the price?" Xiong Li asked casually. He knew that the sects generally only charge the cost price for such a secret cultivation realm.

"One month, Hongmeng amethyst crystal with a radius of one zhang."

Xiong Li, who was about to swipe his card, stopped instantly, and asked the price again in shock.

"It's so expensive!" Xiong Li exclaimed in shock.

"It's just the cost price," Grape replied.

After hesitating for a while, Xiong Li gritted his teeth and walked into the secret cultivation realm of Chaos Qi. As soon as I entered, I felt a different chaotic atmosphere.

Xiong Li sat cross-legged and started to practice.

A cyclone appeared in the secret realm, and then endless chaotic energy poured into Xiong Li's body.

As a result, without much effort, Chaos Second Refinement broke through.

A huge momentum rushed out of the chaotic secret realm, covering the entire source realm.

All the disciples in the source world felt this momentum.

"This is the aura of Senior Brother, stronger than before," said a Yinling Sect disciple.

"Elder Brother is practicing the Nine Refinements of Chaos, which was at the level of Refinement 2 some time ago. This time, the sudden release of such a huge aura must be a breakthrough." Another Hidden Spirit Sect disciple analyzed.

At this time, Wang Xuanxin, who was challenging in the chaotic space of the source realm, suddenly stopped the challenge and withdrew into the source realm, carefully feeling the breath of Xiong Li.

"How about the last battle after the breakthrough?" Wang Xuanxin sent a message to Xiong Li.

But at this time, Xiong Li was consolidating the realm of the Three Refinements of Chaos, how could there be any news in the magic weapon of air traffic control communication.

Xu Fan, who was basking in the sun, couldn't help laughing when he heard the news. "It's bigger than expected."

"If there is that crucial thing, all the disciples of the sect can quickly enter the Quasi-Saint realm," Xu Fan said.

"Master, Yuan Shizong has sent the materials, have you started to produce the crystals of Chaos Qi?" Grape asked.

"Let's start, in the future our sect will have to rely on this to make money."

Just when Xu Fan wanted the grapes to calculate the yield and how much money they could make in the future.

The No. 3 clone, who was following his good brother, suddenly changed.

Xu Fan quickly closed his eyes and shifted his consciousness to Point 3. At this time, a team of great gods and demons surrounded the huge boat where Wang Yulun was.

And these great gods and demons are only besieged but not attacked. The great gods and demons headed by them just quietly looked at this giant boat, and there seemed to be memories in their eyes.

On the deck, Xu Fan came to the body of a good brother


"The six great gods and demons are not easy to deal with." Xu Fan said, looking at the six great gods and demons surrounded by the giant boat.

"Brother Xu, the great gods and demons headed by this are controlled by the source of the true self." Wang Yulun said.

"I feel it, or else this team of great gods and demons won't be around you when they're bored."

Xu Fan said and raised his hand slightly toward the sky in the Land of Chaos.

A huge chaotic formation emerged, and then it was broken into pieces like glass.

At this time, the confidantes of the good brothers in the giant boat all woke up. Three mysterious and yellow treasures appeared around Xu Fan.

One knife, one sword, one tower, and then several innate treasures revolved around the periphery.

"Let me lead the great gods and demons, and let your confidantes handle the rest." A gigantic, star-like, thousand-handed virtual image appeared in the land of chaos. There is a spiritual treasure in each hand, and three thousand Taoist disks appear behind the virtual image of a thousand hands. Then all the space in this area was blocked.

At this time, the great gods and demons who felt the shattering of the chaos formation were all angry. Six Paths attacked the giant boat as if it could penetrate the world.

A transparent mysterious tower guards the entire giant boat.

"Let your confidantes come out to work quickly, I can't stand 1-on-6." After Xu Fan finished speaking, the Qianshou virtual image he controlled cut out a dazzling sword light like a galaxy.

Then a giant blade with several light armors appeared in the land of chaos, and slashed towards the great gods and demons headed by that team.

At this time, Wang Yulun's confidantes also controlled Lingbao to attack several other great gods and demons.

A sea of ​​five-color chaos suddenly covered the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of light armors. A giant shield condensed from the five-color chaotic energy appeared, blocking the sword light and giant blade that Xu Fan cut out. UU reading

Five giant beasts made of chaotic five elements emerged from the sea of ​​chaos, exuding the breath of a great sage.

The virtual image of dry hands immersed in the sea of ​​chaos of the five elements suddenly threw out a long river of spiritual treasures, isolating the sea of ​​chaos of the five elements from the long river of spiritual treasures.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of hands merged to form a great seal of the supreme aura emanating from the ancient times.

In an instant, all the surrounding chaotic places were controlled by Xu Fan.

And the chaotic sea of ​​five elements spread over hundreds of light armors also dissipated in an instant. The leader of the great gods and demons and Xu Fan's virtual image of a thousand hands did not move.

In the surrounding area, several other great gods and demons had already fought with Wang Yulun's confidante to the most intense battle.

As for the five giant beasts that were just condensed, they also dissipated when the sea of ​​five elements of chaos disappeared.

"It's so pitiful, your backhand has not been arranged yet, so you came out to work." Xu Fan said softly.

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