My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 1277: Only accept Hongmeng Ziqi crystal

Hidden Spirit Gate, in a small courtyard.

Xu Fan looked at Li Xingci who was a little weak, and took out a healing pill for his apprentice to take.

"Do you need me to help you out this time?" Xu Fan said.

"Master, there is no need. The apprentice was injured by a saint in the world of reincarnation. After becoming a quasi-sage, he will avenge his revenge sooner or later." Li Xingci said.

"Okay, it's good to have this ambition." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"Master, today's reincarnation world has expanded from the size of the original Xiaoqian world to the size of the wood source fairy world."

"It is estimated that after a while, it may be as large as the entire Muyuan Immortal Realm area." Li Xingci reported.

"It's still early. As long as there is chaotic energy output, the world of reincarnation will continue to expand."

"There are also many opportunities in the expanded reincarnation world, and you can grasp it by yourself when the time comes," Xu Fan said.

"Follow master." Li Xingci nodded.

"By the way, Elder Wang asked me to give it to you." Xu Fan said as he took out a cloak that exuded the aura of innate treasure.

"Master told him about me?"

"I accidentally chatted for a few words, and I will keep what I give you, don't take it for nothing." The cloak controlled by Xu Fan was put on Li Xingci's body.

This is the innate treasure that Wang Yulun has placed in the treasury long ago.

"This cloak is just right for you, and it can also help you in the new world of reincarnation." Xu Fan said with satisfaction watching Li Xingci put on the cloak.

"Master, thank Elder Wang for me." Li Xing said his goodbyes and left.

"It's all a family, thank you for nothing." Xu Fan said looking at the direction Li Xingci left.

"According to the time, No. 1 should also get the news. I wonder if he can find the truth of chaos." Xu Fan said leisurely while lying on the recliner.

In the empire of beasts, gods and demons, in the hall of chaotic runes.

No. 1 frowned slightly when he saw the message from Xu Fan.

"The truth of chaos, what is this thing, I want to inquire, at least wait until I finish touching these millions of pillars." No. 1 said, looking at the densely packed chaos rune sky pillars in the depths of the hall.

Just when he was about to continue to touch the next Chaos Rune Sky Z Pillar.

The door of the hall suddenly opened slowly.

I saw the great **** who brought No. 1 in at the beginning walked in.

As soon as he came in, he pulled out countless rune chains and tied the No. 1 clone.

"Test, untie all these chaotic rune chains on your body." The Great God Demon said.

No. 1 felt the chaotic rune chain tied to his body, and he was not necessarily speechless.

"I have finished my high school courses by myself, you come up and give me a primary school application problem."

Although it was very simple, No. 1 still pretended to be struggling, and untied these chaotic rune chains one by one.

"That's right, come with me, there are some tasks that you need to do." The Great God Demon said, and walked towards the outside of the temple.

The No. 1 clone also hurriedly followed the cheap master.

In the training ground of gods and demons, piles of chaotic spirit mines appeared in front of No. 1.

"In 200 years, 10 innate spirit treasures were refined."

"Every piece must reach the boutique level, and I will see it when the time comes."

"If you don't succeed, you will go to the military training ground and become a handyman." The great **** Mowu said.

"Of order, Master Wu." No. 1 clone said.

"Refining spirit treasures well, as long as you show your own value, I will teach you how to refine primordial treasures in the future." Shenmowu said with a smile.

"I see, master." No. 1 clone nodded solemnly.

After the great **** Mowu left, clone No. 1 began to choose a suitable spiritual mine from the pair of chaotic spiritual mines.

"Just take advantage of this time to rest." No. 1 said with a sigh of relief.

Just as clone No. 1 had selected all the chaotic spirit mines to be refined.

The Great God Mowu suddenly returned, looked at the No. 1 clone and said: "The mission has changed, you have to refine all the chaotic spirit mines here into innate spirit treasures."

"I will activate the time acceleration for you. If you can complete it within ten thousand years, there will be a lot of rewards." The Great God Demon Wu said.

"Master Wu, why did you suddenly change the mission again?" No. 1 clone asked in confusion.

"Recently, the empire needs a large number of innate spirit treasures, so the refining process needs to be accelerated."

"It is said that the boss of the Ancient Gods and Demons Empire on the opposite side is gone, so we are going to start preparations here." Great God Mowu said excitedly.

"Is this going to war?" No. 1 clone asked and answered.

"Only equal strength is called war, this is called annexation." Great God Mo Wu said.

The Great God Mowu gave a few more instructions and left.

No. 1 looked at the piles of chaotic spirit mines, so he first refined a large melting pot of innate spirit treasure level.

Start refining various chaotic spirit ores.

Then he felt that the time in the space he was in began to accelerate.

"The ratio of time acceleration is really exaggerated, but unfortunately the main body is no longer needed." No. 1 clone said with a sigh.

In a short while outside, No. 1 clone has been here for more than 8,000 years.

And the piles of chaotic spirit mines surrounding the No. 1 clone also disappeared, turning into pieces of innate spirit treasures.

Time speeded up and disappeared, and Master Magic Mist walked in.

Looking at the innate treasures floating in the air, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right, as expected of my apprentice, any one you take out is a high-quality product."

"Is it safe to refine the innate treasure now?" asked the Great God Mowu.

"I'm sure, but I feel that the chaotic rune system I understand is a bit small, and the innate treasures that can be refined are very limited." No. 1 said.

"Is it enough to give you another 100,000 years?" Great God Mo Wu said with a golden light in his eyes.

There are few chaos training masters in the Beast God Demon Empire, and now if there is one more, there will be more spiritual treasures.

"100,000 years is enough, and we can guarantee that we can refine all kinds of innate treasures." No. 1 clone promised.

"Okay, I promise, when you become a chaos refiner of Xuanhuang level, I will bring you back some chaos truth, and guarantee you to become a chaos refiner of Hongmeng level." Great God Mowu promised.

"Hongmeng Artifact Refiner, Chaos Truth, Master Wu, is there any connection between these two?" No. 1 asked doubtfully.

"If you want to refine the primordial treasure, the truth of chaos is indispensable."

"You will know these after you become a Xuanhuang training master. UU reading"

Then the Great God Mowu brought No. 1 to the Chaos Rune Hall.

Hidden Spirit Gate, in a small courtyard.

Xu Fan was looking carefully at Han Feiyu's baby.

"Master, have you discovered something new?" Han Feiyu asked.

"It's okay, I just took a look at it on a whim." Xu Fan said, and returned the jasper gourd to Han Feiyu.

"Master, is there a way to break the restriction of this layer of jasper gourd?" Han Feiyu felt that it would take a long time for him to become a great sage.

"Think about all the beautiful things, isn't your Xuan Huang Qi not enough for you now?" Xu Fan looked at Han Feiyu and said.

"My grandson wants to buy the Xuanhuang Supreme Treasure, but those big chambers of commerce only accept the Primordial Purple Qi Crystal." Han Feiyu said helplessly.

(end of this chapter)

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