My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 142: If I don't die, I am the real body

"My master only breaks through every time limit (

For a while, the entire demon clan at No. 1649, Liziying Camp, was emptied out.

At this time, the eyes of the cultivators in the imaginary stage instantly turned to the defense line next door. They who had fallen into a disadvantage had already regained most of the defense line at this time, and the half of the position was covered by a dense forest of giant trees.

"Lao Lin, did you have a cultivator who is good at a wide range of supernatural powers?"

"Lend me to use it, I can't stand it anymore." The cultivator in the imaginary stage hurriedly said, and he was almost crying with envy.

In the Zhenzi Camp next door, there is a god-turning cultivator who is good at a wide range of Taoist magic powers. As long as that god-turning cultivator has spiritual power, one person can guard the entire line of defense.

With this treasure, the entire Zhenzi camp is as stable as a mountain.

"No, you forgot the kendo cultivator who robbed my camp last time."

"I want to borrow the baby I just got, hehe!"

A hehe, instantly broke their comrade-in-arms friendship.

At this time, the demon clan in the vacuum zone continued to press on, and the entire position fell into its original state again.

At this time, a hundred new monks arrived. 90 yuan infant period. 10-bit Divine Transformation Period.

Looking at the newly-arrived cultivator, the cultivator in the imaginary stage took a breath.

"The cultivators of the Spirit Transformation stage put out fires in various areas, and the cultivators of Nascent Soul find vacancies to fill them up."

"This area has been covered by Zhou Tianyi. Your credit will not be less, but if you are timid, be careful to be taken away by the law enforcement team."

After the cultivator finished speaking, he let all the new cultivators join the battle, and he continued to suppress the rat demon in the ground.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and Xu Yuexian's figure slowly disappeared, which was a sign of the beginning of the battle.

Xu Gang routinely went directly to the center of the defense line of No. 1649 camp.

Seeing the demon clan attacking from the sky, Xu Gang felt a little excited. He was born for this kind of big scene.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be stunned, hurry up and kill the demon clan, our defense line is almost unable to hold on." A kendo cultivator in the Nascent Soul period said, waving a sword light, and more than ten demons in the Jindan period. The clan becomes two halves.

Most of the monks in the central area sacrificed magic weapons to fight with the demon clan.

The new monks have already started, and only Xu Gang is still observing, he is observing the strength of the monks around him and the strength of the demon clan.

"Fellow Daoist, you did it, are you scared stupid?" Yuan Ying Kendo monk came back and said beside Xu Gang.

"Fellow Daoist in front of you, please, I'm going to use a big move." Xu Gang's words spread throughout the center of the 1649th battalion.

After hearing Xu Gang's words, the cultivator who was fighting in front of Xu Gang in the central area consciously retreated to the side.

Xu Gang knotted the seal on his hand, and a violent fire-attribute spiritual power instantly ravaged the entire Camp 1649.

Facing the endless tide of demon clan, Xu Gang started with the largest range of front-end magical powers, or called front-end skills.

'Magma World'


The earth burst, and countless magma poured out from the ground, instantly covering nearly 60% of the entire area of ​​Camp 1649.

Before the monks could react, Xu Gang formed the seal again.

'Magma Demon'

Immediately, the demons who had not sunk into the magma were dragged directly into the magma by the magma demon.

At this time, the cultivator in the refining stage who was suppressing the underground rat demon looked at the magma world in the central region in disbelief.

"Our 1649th battalion also has a large range of magical monks!" The cultivator said excitedly. He was the director of this defense line area. If the defense line could not hold, he would have half of the responsibility.

"Xiaoyu, go protect the treasures of our camp, this time our camp's defense line is stable."

"Okay." said a girl in the God Transformation period with a short sword in her hand.

At this time, the Yuanying monsters flying in the sky turned their attention to Xu Gang.

"Protect our output!" This is the only thought of the cultivator in the central region.

Xu Fan looked at the demon clan in the Nascent Soul stage who didn't care about him, but continued to output mana to control the magma and strangle the demon clan that rushed into the defense line.

At this moment, the heads of the Yuan Ying monsters who rushed towards Xu Gang burst open, and then fell from the air into the magma.

At this time, above the 100,000-mile giant lake, Xu Fan and Li Xingci were watching the live broadcast.

Because Xu Yuexian, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly discovered that there was a communication signal here, she naturally opened a live broadcast to Xu Fan.

"Is this the border battlefield of Shenglingzhou? With such a large number of demon clan, don't the demon clan have a family planning committee?"

"What to do if the resources of the demon world are exhausted." Xu Fan spit out.

"Master didn't notice the expression of the senior brother, the senior brother now seems to have found the meaning of life." Li Xingci said, looking at Xu Gang, who had become the center of the battlefield.

"It goes without saying that when your senior brother looked at this endless monster clan, his eyes lit up."

"This is the self-cultivation of a fort." Xu Fan said with a smile, he still remembered Xu Gang's excitement and joy when he released a large-scale spell for the first time when he was a child.

"Actually, you are very good at dealing with this kind of battle." Xu Fan suddenly wanted to say.

"It's okay, but it's not as gorgeous as Big Brother's supernatural powers."

In the picture, Xu Gang created a large-scale magma rain, which completely sealed the demon clan below the Nascent Soul stage.

At this time, the monks of Line 1649 began to relax.

This is, Xu Gang suddenly said to the god-transforming girl who was guarding him next to him: "Senior, do you need me to narrow down the range of my magical powers so that the fellow Daoists around me can get some points."

Xu Fan told him since he was a child that if it is not necessary, he cannot take all the benefits alone.

Just now, the monsters couldn't finish killing them, and the monsters who rushed into the defense line were not enough in the current situation.

At this moment, a giant eagle in the divine transformation stage in the sky was attacking Xu Gang with the divine power of his life.

Almost everyone didn't respond.

However, Xu Gang, who should have been completely destroyed in body and spirit, has now completely turned into a black ball.


Just at the moment when the giant eagle in the sky finished displaying his magical powers, a bullet passed through the giant eagle's eyes and hit the giant eagle's brain, and then exploded, the giant eagle in the divine transformation stage, and died.

At this time, everyone was still anxious about whether to come, and Xu Gang's figure appeared in the original position.

"A qualified fort, never let the enemy discover your true location."

This is the first and most important rule that Xu Fan handed over to Xu Gang.

"You're not dead?" the girl in the spirit transformation period next to her asked in amazement. She was still sad for this cultivator for a few seconds just now.

"Senior is talking nonsense, why is this junior dying," Xu Gang said lightly.


"Then are you a real body or a clone now." The girl in the God Transformation period asked.

"If I don't die, I'm the real body." Xu Gang said with a smile, joking. When the real body appears during the battle, isn't that courting death?

At this time, Xu Fan, who was watching the live broadcast, said proudly: "What, I didn't expect it. It took me a few years to create success with your master's hand."

"A qualified fort, how can the real body leave the country during the battle."

"Master is amazing." Li Xingci said lightly Don't have any other words. "Xu Fan said with a little disappointment.

"Since the teacher is the Tao, he should predict the world's affairs and control the world's enemies." Li Xingci casually said the words that Wang Xiangchi gave him back then, and his eyes were quite nostalgic.

Xu Fan was stunned for a while, as if he hadn't finished digesting the sentence.

"Is this what Xiang Chi taught you?" Xu Fan asked with a strange expression. He didn't expect this stinky boy to still talk nonsense after so many years.

"There are a few more words, Master, do you want to listen?" A faint smile appeared on Li Xingci's face, and he was suddenly very happy at this moment.

"Let's talk about it when it's time for the occasion," Xu Fan said.

If you have the opportunity, be sure to ask his good brother Welfare how he came up with these nonsense.

At this time, a little girl took a food box and rode the spirit boat and came to the two of them.

"Elder, Shishu, it's time to eat." Lei Wenxi said softly.

Lei Wenxi took out a small dining table and placed it on the turtle shell, placed a few plates of hot dishes and two bowls of spiritual rice, and then quietly withdrew.

"Master, the method of selecting disciples is very unique. Although I haven't understood it yet, I know that the disciples selected by Master have great potential in the future." Li Xingci said.

"Haha, this is the foundation for the teacher to establish the Hidden Spirit Gate in the Immortal Realm. I really want to develop steadily in the future. Not to mention all of them, at least half of these disciples will be able to fly to the Immortal Realm." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"Master is amazing." Li Xing remarked.

Xu Fan nodded, saying that he had received it, and he couldn't just listen to the rhetoric, otherwise it would be easy to get caught.

After the chat, the master and the apprentice had dinner, and at this time, the communication magic device sounded.

Xu Fan glanced at it. The video evaluation of the beauties in the major immortal cities that he made has been successfully uploaded, and the photo stones will be placed on the shelves of the chambers of commerce in the major immortal cities at the same time.

This procedure was run by Pang Fu.

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