After half a year, the sand sculpture finally came to Linsen Xiancheng.

By the side of the 100,000-mile giant lake, the sand sculpture looked at the lake and said with emotion: "It's not easy, I finally reached the destination."

"Is Junior Brother Xu's sect built on this giant lake?"

In the past six months, the sand sculptures have been traveling to Linsen Xiancheng while traveling. During this period, because they are not familiar with the road, they have gone wrong a few times, and they have also encountered a few small sects who want to force the sand sculptures to stay. After all, they are top-level refiners.

But in the end, they all escaped by virtue of his wit.

At this time, a spirit boat flew quickly from the sky and landed next to the sand sculpture.

"You are Elder Sha, Elder Xu asked me to pick you up, please get on the spirit boat." Lei Wenxi said.

The sand sculpture set foot on the spirit boat without much thought.

Looking at the vast lake, the sand sculpture asked, "There must be a lot of monsters in the lake. How does the sect fight against monsters?"

"There is no need to fight, the monsters in the lake have been subdued by the turtle mother." Lei Wenxi said with a smile, now the entire 100,000-mile giant lake has become the back garden of the Yinling Gate. As for monsters, it's just ingredients That's it.

"Who is the turtle mother?"

"It is the Jiao-headed turtle that has always been in the spirit-transforming stage. Since its sons are all in our hands, it has become the guardian beast of our Yinling Sect."

"And it has a small red flower on its head, which looks very cute, and its children have now become the gate guards of the Yinling Gate, and there are a total of twelve."

"Many senior brothers will catch monsters in the lake to serve as little turtles.",

Lei Wenxi rarely met strangers, so he began to introduce everything about Yinlingmen in detail.

The sand sculpture looked at the chattering little girl and laughed, and suddenly felt a little warm in this sect.

After half an hour, Lei Wenxi said to the sand sculpture: "Elder Sha, you are about to enter the Yinling Gate. Before entering, the elder should not breathe in at the end."

"Why?" The sand sculpture asked suspiciously.

"May be choking."

At this time, the spirit boat broke into the light film, and then disappeared.

The scene in front of the sand sculpture changed instantly. One second was the vast and boundless giant lake, and the next second was Asgard Garden.


He almost didn't catch his breath in one breath, the concentration of spiritual energy in the air was a bit too much.

Looking at the choked sand sculpture, Lei Wenxi squinted and smiled and said, "Elder Sha will get used to it in the future."

The restored sand sculpture was stunned by the fairyland-like scene in front of him.

"Is this the sect established by Junior Brother Xu, really..." The sand sculptures didn't know how to describe it.

The spiritual power environment here is several grades higher than the inner world of Que Tianmen.

At this time, the spiritual power waterfall in the distance attracted the attention of the sand sculpture and asked, "Is that waterfall composed of spiritual liquid?"

"Yes, this is because the Zhoutian Spirit Gathering Array in the sect has too much spiritual energy, so it flows down in this way." Lei Wenxi said proudly, this waterfall is the most frequent place for the disciples in the sect.

"A spirit gathering array of this level requires at least a fifth-order treasure, less than 100 pieces, and it cannot achieve this effect at all."

"Returning this gate guard formation is really too grand. How did Junior Brother Xu build such a grand project in just over ten years."

At this moment, Sand Sculpture hopes to see Xu Fan soon, he has a lot to say.

The spirit boat slowly descended on the top of Xu Fan's courtyard.

"Senior Brother Sha, long time no see." Xu Fan said happily.

He felt that among the friends he knew, Brother Sha was the purest person. He was obsessed with refining tools, was a decent person, and was extremely enthusiastic about his friends.

What wickedness could he have.

"I have seen Senior Brother Sha." Wang Yulun and his wife welcomed him.

"I have seen Uncle Sha." Wang Xiangchi and Li Xing said goodbye.

"It's great to see my former classmates." Sand Sculpture said with a smile.

"Today the Yinlingmen has a banquet to celebrate Senior Brother Sha's joining the Yinlingmen." Xu Fan said happily.

Five mountain guard puppets from the Nascent Soul period flew out of the gate guard formation and plunged into the 100,000-mile giant lake to start looking for ingredients.

In the evening, in the large dining hall of the Yinlingmen, all the disciples enjoyed a great meal and got to know the new elders of the sect by the way.

After that, there was another Immortal Item Peak in the Yinlingmen, which was also the ultimate goal of the sand sculpture.

In the evening, Xu Fan and the sand sculpture were chatting in the courtyard. Currently, Xianqi Peak is under construction, so the sand sculpture can only temporarily live in Xu Fan's courtyard.

"Elder Xu, how did you build such a magnificent sect, do you rely on puppets?" Sand Sculpture asked steadily.

At this time, Xu Fan did not talk nonsense, and directly summoned the heart of the puppet, and then popularized the concept of artificial intelligence to Senior Brother Sha.

After hearing Xu Fan's concept of artificial intelligence, the sand sculpture was stunned.

"The Zongmen Grand Array and the buildings inside the gate were built by you using artificial intelligence to control the puppets." Sand Sculpture said in disbelief.

"Not only that, but also the magic weapon and elixir production line." Xu Fan said.

At this moment, the sand sculpture opened the door to a new world, and then Xu Fan authorized the sand sculpture to have all the grapes.

"In the future, if you have any questions you don't understand, you can ask Grape." Xu Fan said.

" Sand Sculpture can't wait to say, he wants to study all the magic weapons refined by Xu Fan,

"Junior Brother Xu, I didn't see you wrong back then. Your way of refining weapons is far beyond mine."

"I hope Elder Xu will give more guidance in the future."

"Master Sha's breath, I must know everything."

Xu Fan and Sand Sculpture chatted very late.

The next day, Xu Fan found Yu Nan and Zhou Kailing back to the Yinling Gate.

"Yu Nan, your next task is to cultivate well in the sect."

"Kailing, you are the same. It is estimated that it will not take long for the world of immortality to change greatly. It's better to have a higher cultivation base at that time." Xu Fan said.

At this time, in the entire cultivation world, news began to spread that the two worlds merged, and that the human race and the demon race were going to invade the mainland of Zhongzhou.

Xu Fan also got an official news from the Presbyterian Church. The above content is: Now that the integration of the two worlds has started, it will be as short as 15 years, as fast as 20 years, and the two worlds will rapidly merge.

In the early stage, the battle will only take place in the realm of the extreme sky. In the later stage, when the two worlds are connected, there will be demons teleported, and of course the human race can also be teleported to the demon realm.

From the day the two worlds began to contact and merge, the elders canceled the annual taxes and fees of the major sects, allowing the major sects to shelter the civilians in their area, so as to keep the human race immortal.

"The policy is quite humane." Xu Fan said with a smile.

But the policy on the last day gave him a wake-up call. The area radiated by the Yinlingmen is almost equivalent to the combination of the previous life of the Huahua family and the Maoxiong family. In the past, the main problem of the monsters in the 100,000-mile giant lake, there will be more monsters in the future. , the disciples of the Yinlingmen are obviously not enough.


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