My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 153: Big business

"Senior is really insightful, this puppet is just an ordinary puppet."

"The reason why the combat power is so high is because of this treasure that controls the puppet."

Xu Fan said and summoned the heart of the puppet.

"This puppet heart has a program set by me, and its combat power is definitely at the top level at the same level."

"If the seniors are interested, you can buy a set and go back to experiment."

"This puppet heart can control up to 400 Jindan stage puppets to maintain a high combat power state." At this moment, Xu Fan looked like a sales manager selling cars.

"Can you maintain the high combat power of the Jindan stage puppet?" said the monk in the integration stage.

"Senior, you can try it if you don't believe me." Xu Fan also called out a main attack puppet of Jindan stage, which is the puppet with the strongest attack power among the melee puppets.

The two-meter-tall puppet is carrying two spirit swords behind it, which are standard treasures specially used by Xu Fan to refine puppets.

"In my Taoist Garden, there were just four demon foxes, at the peak of the Golden Core Stage."

The monk in green shirt called out a four-tailed demon fox with a body length of 4 meters from his Taoist space.

"If your puppet can still defeat it, I'll buy a set of puppets according to your wishes." The blue-shirt fit cultivator said with a half-smile, Xu Fan's expression just now was really too familiar to him.

"Haha, my mind was seen through, making the seniors laugh." Xu Fan said with a smile.

You look right, I just want to sell you the puppet and the heart of the puppet.

With the spiritual mine in Xu Fan's hands, there is no problem in refining a few puppet hearts.

In the dojo, the main attacking puppet of the Jindan period took out the treasure spirit sword behind him, and another spirit sword flew in the air around him.

At this time, the four-tailed demon fox had already started to circle around the puppet.

After both parties were ready, the puppet directly held the spirit sword and ran over. In the eyes of the puppet's heart, this four-tailed demon fox of the Golden Core stage was full of flaws.

To kill it, there is no need to deal with each other at all.

The flying sword in mid-air struck the four-tailed demon fox through a graceful arc in the air, and the long sword of the puppet behind had already made contact with the four-tailed demon fox.


A fire burst out, and the four-tailed demon fox rushed towards the puppet.


The flying sword in mid-air directly blocked the sharp claws of the four-tailed demon fox, while the puppet held the spirit sword and easily stabbed the spirit sword into the four-tailed demon fox's chest.

If the four-tailed demon fox moves again, the puppet only needs to move slightly to smash the heart of the four-tailed demon fox.

"Amazing," said the two cultivators at the fusion stage. In their eyes, the combat power of the Jindan stage puppet was close to the peerless level.

If this combat power is put into the Thousand Spirits, at least 90% of the disciples can be wiped out.

"Can your puppet's combat power be reduced?" said the cultivator in the integration period who was in charge of the library and purchased.

"Okay, you just need to tell Puppet Heart."

Xu Fan said, took out a bottle of healing elixir for external application, and threw it to the puppet.

The puppet gently caught it, opened the elixir, and applied it directly to the sword wound on the four-tailed demon fox's chest, pinching the demon fox's neck with one hand to keep it from moving.

"Does your puppet's heart have an artifact spirit?" the cultivator in the integration period of the blue shirt said looking at the puppet's movements.

"It's a half artifact, and can only understand some simple commands. The more you communicate with people with the heart of the puppet, the real artifact may eventually emerge. But it will be very difficult to go further."

"How many spirit stones do you want to sell?" asked the monk in the integration period of the blue shirt. Buying the puppet heart back might greatly improve the combat power of the disciples in the sect.

Just ten years later, there will be a monster invasion again, a little more combat power and a little more protection.

"If the seniors were to buy it with spirit stones alone, 2 billion spirit stones would not only have the heart of a puppet, but also a thousand puppets from the Qi refining stage to the Nascent Soul stage."

"In addition, a trial tower of the fifth-order treasure is being sent."

"Of course, it can also be replaced with spirit mines, spirit materials, and spirit treasures from the extreme sky." Xu Fan said sincerely, he didn't earn much, and there were several small goals among them.

"Senior, if you feel unreliable, you can take it back and try it out. It feels suitable for Fu Lingshi or Ling Mine."

"If it doesn't feel right, the two seniors will directly send someone to bring things back to practice." Xu Fan said with a smile.

The Thousand Spirit Sect is a ninth-level sect in the Central Continent. There is one star boat, two sea boats, three Mahayana Venerables, and there are 1 million disciples under the sect.

Their identities, Xu Fan has been confirmed by the elders, so he is not afraid of these two big brothers in the integration period.

"You can rest assured, that's fine, I'll take the things back first, and I'll give you the news in a month." The cultivator in the blue shirt fit period said with a smile, and exchanged the contact information of the communicator with Xu Fan.

Without saying a word, Xu Fan directly handed the cultivator a space ring to the cultivator of the integration period in the blue shirt, which contained the spare puppet heart and a thousand puppets of various models from the Qi training period to the Nascent Soul period.

"The heart of the puppet can be activated directly with spiritual sense. As for the remaining treasures, the fifth-order trial tower, when I refine it, I will send it to the senior through the elders." Xu Fan said.

After the blue-shirt fit cultivator checked the space ring, it was convenient for Xu to bid farewell.

Xu Fan stood on the head of the giant tortoise and waved goodbye to the two cultivators.

"The trouble is solved, I didn't expect there to be a little surprise."

"A 200% profit is attractive, so that the puppet production line in the early Nascent Soul period can be fully opened."

"At that time, after the two elders of Qianlingzong realized the benefits of challenging puppets, it is estimated that they will come to book a few sets. I will hurry back and After Xu Fan put away the palace on the giant tortoise, While flying towards Yinling Island, the space-based satellite treasures far in the sky were also released from the launch state.

Yu Beast Peak is a peak that was just established some time ago. At present, there are only Lei Wenxi and Yu Qian Shan, the disciple who has the talent for fighting beasts.

At this time, all the monster eggs bought by Uehara had hatched.

"Xiaoqing, don't peck Xiaobai."

"Xiao Hei, you have eaten enough today, you can't eat any more."

"Xiaojing, you can't be invisible without my permission in the future."

"And you Xiaohong, I don't want you when you're breathing fire."

Lei Wenxi is teaching these demon beast cubs who have opened their intelligence one by one, and the smile on her face proves that she likes this job very much.

At this time, a small blue hummingbird flew above Lei Wenxi's head, and was swaying this unknown blue light.

"Xiaoqing, I'm not injured, don't use your innate supernatural powers indiscriminately."

Lei Wenxi said that he held a blue feeding pill in his hand and handed it to the front of the blue hummingbird.

"Eat it, this is a feeding pill that I specially made with a few kinds of spiritual fruits that you like to eat."

The small body of the cyan hummingbird fell into Lei Wenxi's hands and began to peck at the Spirit Feeding Pill half the size of its body.

While pecking, it makes a pleasant sound.

Looking at all kinds of monster cubs surrounding him, Lei Wenxi said happily: "You must grow up quickly, so that you can protect the sect with me in the future."

At this time, Li Xingci, who was not far away, smiled and watched this scene, and the other side flower in his hand also dissipated.

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