"My master only breaks through every time limit (

Shenglingzhou Boundary Camp Exchange Center.

"This is the immortal spirit treasure exchanged by the two, you should keep it."

The steward of the exchange center solemnly handed over this immortal treasure to the Xu Gang brothers and sisters.

"Thank you, senior." Xu Gang said.

"If there is no follow-up plan to slay the demon, let's take this immortal spirit treasure as soon as possible. The breath of this immortal spirit treasure cannot be concealed by ordinary space rings."

"If your cultivation is in the wild, you will not be able to run away if you encounter a powerful cultivator who is above the fusion stage." The manager of the God Transformation stage said that this fairy treasure is already something that can be exchanged for the highest value outside.

"Thank you for reminding me, senior," Xu Gang said.

Xu Yuexian was very relaxed by the side, and it was not only one or two times that he took heavy treasures to the world of immortal cultivation.

How to go home with a heavy treasure, she has practiced and calculated countless times.

As soon as the siblings left the sect, Xu Yuexian gave Xu Gang a wink.

Xu Gang understood, and the two walked directly towards a large-scale commercial building.

"Is someone eyeing us?" Xu Gang said.

"One of the refining stage and three of the spirit-transforming stage, seeing that we were received by the steward, so they stared at us."

"It's alright, a small problem." Xu Yuexian replied, she came out of the secret realm for this kind of thing, and she was followed eight times out of ten.

As soon as they entered the gate of the comprehensive commercial building, the two brothers and sisters directly activated the mask treasure function issued by Yinlingmen.

It has transformed its appearance and soul aura, and it has naturally merged into the flow of people in the commercial building.

Since the border camp of Shengling Prefecture is governed by the Council of Elders, and this place is where all kinds of monks gather, ordinary monks will not release their spiritual senses to explore the crowd, unless they want to die.

"In the world of immortals, in addition to treasure hunters, there are monks who specialize in hunting treasure hunters. The good thing is to exchange a little spiritual stone for all the treasures on your body. The worst thing is to kill people to steal treasures."

"Those cultivators have met before. If it wasn't for the supernatural powers taught by Master, they might have been planted." Xu Yuexian took Xu Gang into a shop, and then came out two substitute puppets.

In a fairy city closest to the camp, the Xu Gang brothers and sisters stepped into the teleportation formation.

A month later, Xu Gang and the two appeared above the Huanli Huhu. Looking at Lei Wenxi feeding the tortoises there, Xu Gang said, "We're finally home."

"I have seen the uncle, I have seen the headmaster."

Lei Wenxi, who was feeding the tortoise, looked at the two who had returned to their original appearance and hurriedly said hello.

"Wenxi, can these turtles become divine beasts?" Xu Gang asked with a smile.

Xu Yuexian was also watching these little turtles of various colors. The bloodlines of these turtles did not seem to be simple.

"The elder said yes, as long as I keep feeding it, one day, these turtles will be turned into real beasts." Lei Wenxi said firmly.

These turtles have been fed by themselves from the Qi-refining period to the Foundation-building period, and when they are fed to the Mahayana period, it is estimated that they will all become divine beasts.

"Then come on, I'll go back to the sect first." Xu Gang looked at the serious little aunt and said, he couldn't wait to return to the sect and dedicate the fairy treasure to the master.

"Respectfully send your uncle, and respectfully send your headmaster." Lei Wenxi saluted and sent off.

Brother and sister Xu Gang quickly flew towards Yinling Island.

"I almost forgot, I'm still the headmaster of the Hidden Spirit Sect." Xu Yuexian said with a smile.

"You won't be the headmaster for a long time. Master already has a suitable candidate, and you can abdicate safely." Xu Gang said, he had met the disciple named Qiu Ziyuan, who indeed took all the sect. Things are well managed.

"That's the best, as the headmaster, it would be interesting to search for treasures in the world of immortals." Xu Yuexian said, she was also thinking of finding a fairy artifact Yuzhou that could break the world for her master.

As soon as the two came into contact with the mountain protection formation, they disappeared into the air.

In a blink of an eye, he entered another world.

Seeing the sect in front of him that looked like a holy place of a fairy family, Xu Gang felt like he was coming home.

Knowing that his eldest and second disciples were back, Xu Fan rarely walked out of the time cabin.

"Xu Gang, how does it feel to go outside?" Xu Fan asked with a smile.

"It's still better for the sect." Xu Gang said naively, although the whole piece of the demon wave can use his supernatural powers to his heart's content, but that's what happens when he gets tired of it.

"Haha, don't learn to be a teacher, you have to go out more in the future."

At this time, Xu Yuexian took out a small box made of spiritual gold and jade and handed it to Xu Fan.

"Master, this is a gift from my little sister and I." Xu Gang said.

"Oh, and gifts."

Xu Gang opened the box and looked at it, and his eyes were immediately fixed.

I saw a pale yellow stone in the box, exuding an extremely heavy feeling. A small stone is like a person facing a vast and boundless continent.

"Is this the result of your more than half a year abroad?"


"You have a heart."

Xu Fan looked at Xianwen Lingbao in the box and felt that these apprentices did not receive them in vain.

"My little sister and I heard that there must be immortal texts for refining the Taoist tool, which just happened to be exchanged with our Monster Slayer points, so we exchanged it and presented it to Master." Xu Gang said with a smile.

"Actually, it is possible to refine a Taoist tool without immortal text~www.readwn.com~ It's just worse than a Taoist device with fairy text." Xu Fan picked up the fairy text and began to observe it carefully.

"If you have this immortal script for your teacher, after you become a teacher, you will have one immortal script Taoist tool for each of you."

Xu Fan solemnly put the Xianwen Lingbao back in the box and put it away. Since these apprentices grew up, none of the gifts they gave were simple.

Immortal text, the source of wood, star boat, these things are things that are rarely seen.

Leaving aside the feelings, these things have already exceeded the things that they have given them by hundreds of times.

In the evening, Xu Yuexian, the chef himself, called all Xu Fan's apprentices and had a dinner together.

Then Xu Fan entered a long retreat. The two worlds merged, and the monsters attacked. When he was not sure of his safety, his leisurely days would definitely be gone.

In the Time Cabin, Xu Fan looked at the piece of immortal text and spiritual treasure in his hand, and next to him was his good apprentice Li Xuandao.

"Master, this immortal script means the earth character in the Five Elements."

"In the world of Daqian, it is a relatively basic immortal script," Li Xuandao added, "The basis I am talking about is relative to the true immortal."

He was afraid that his master had misunderstood.

"It's equivalent to the native script, I understand."

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Xu Fan asked. He was comprehending Xianwen when he received a message from Li Xuandao asking to see him.

"I thought about it, since I joined the Yinling Sect, I can't pay for nothing."

"That's why I've sorted out the magical powers, immortal texts, pill recipes, and more than a dozen kinds of immortal artifact refining methods that I know, and dedicated them to Master."

"Although it belongs to the masses in the Daqian world, it still has some value in the immortal world." Li Xuandao said.

He has been in the world for so long, and he knows this public stuff.

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