"Wan Senguo, the battle of the demon clan invasion has ended."

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of the four of them, and the events after the puppet arrived were played on it.

"Isn't the individual combat power of this ghost wolf clan very strong?"

"It's just that this combination of the magical powers of the law is a bit interesting, and when the time comes, let the master get one too."

"The power of our sect's electromagnetic guns is not bad, at least it can hit the demon clan of the God Transformation stage directly, and it can be solved in one shot."

"Electromagnetic guns are nothing. Master also said that there is something called a rail gun. In the future, Master may practice it after advancing to the Golden Core Stage."

"This demon clan is too cowardly. Where has the glory of your demon clan gone? How to say surrender is to surrender."

The four looked at the picture in the light curtain and discussed each other.

"I thought I would be able to fight the last one, but now it seems that there is no game."

"Since there is nothing to do, then I will go back to practice." Xu Gang said a little disappointed.

At this time, Xu Yuexian said: "Brother, since we have gathered together, let's discuss and see who of the four of us is the first in combat power."

"Just the virtual arena in the trial tower can accommodate four Nascent Soul battles."

Wang Xiangchi and Li Xingci also showed moving eyes. As the first four apprentices Xu Fan accepted, they had not yet had a good discussion together.

"No need to compare, I will win. Master said that in terms of combat power in the early round, I can single out the three of you."

"If it's really hard steel, I must be the one who survives in the end." Xu Gang said confidently, as a senior brother, he had to calm down other junior brothers when it was convenient to fight.

At this time, the other three's eyes began to look bad.

"Senior brother, don't talk too much. My heart and swords are recognized as the top at the same level. The words of the elder brother look down on me a bit."

"Senior brother, look at my eyes." The rhyme of reincarnation appeared in Li Xingci's eyes.

"I haven't seen Yuan Ying who can withstand a shot from me." Xu Yuexian said, looking at the arrogant Xu Gang.

"If you don't believe what Master said, then let's try it. Master said that my Divine Channeling Technique is just to restrain your existence in the early stage." Xu Gang said.

Hidden Spirit Island, in the virtual arena world on the top floor of the Trial Peak Trial Tower.

At this time, most of the virtual world of the arena was covered by magma, and countless monsters made of magma filled this virtual world.

The 100-meter-high phantom image of a thousand hands is continuously casting powerful magic spells. I see giant dragons made of magma roaring in the heaven and earth, and countless self-exploding magma demons are waiting for the appearance of the enemy.

Behind the virtual image of the Thousand Hands, there are ten giant spears composed of magma, each of which is no weaker than the blow of a powerful God Transformation Stage.

At this time, Xu Yuexian was hiding somewhere with the two junior brothers.

"Master, he is partial." Xu Yuexian said helplessly.

"It's really eccentric. I can't find the real body of the senior brother. Even if we have all kinds of means, we can't use it." Wang Xiangchi said, looking at the magma sea that can erode the entire virtual world.

"I have a way to draw out the real body of the senior brother, but the premise is to know what the senior brother desires the most." Li Xingci said slowly, he also had a headache for Xu Gang who could not find his real body.

At this time, Xu Yuexian's expression changed, and she slowly revealed the secret deep in Xu Gang's heart.

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"Your senior brothers dream of trying to save the master once."

She never knew how his big brother's dream came about.

Wang Xiangchi and Li Xingci looked stunned for a moment, this matter sounds quite exciting, Li Lan Kuanglan rescued the master for a while, and it was very exciting to think about it.

"Leave it to me." Li Xingci said.

The hand knotted the seal of reincarnation, and suddenly the entire virtual arena world began to change, and a virtual world began to evolve.

Outside Yinling Island, the overwhelming demon clan emerged from the 100,000-mile giant lake to attack Yinling Island. At this time, Xu Fan led Xu Yuexian, Wang Xiangchi, Li Xingci and others to guard outside Yinling Island, commanding endless puppet defense. The attack of the monsters.

"Now is the critical time for your senior brother to advance to the Divine Transformation Stage. You must not let the demon clan disturb him." Xu Fan said firmly.

"As long as your senior brothers advance to the Divine Transformation Stage, then this demon wave can be overcome by our Hidden Spirit Sect." Xu Fan said, and looked at the top ten demon clans in the Void Refining Stage overlooking the entire battlefield in the distance.

Xu Gang, who was hiding in the dark, was directly attracted by these two sentences. Although he knew that the scene was fake, his mind was still involuntarily involved.

Later, with the development of the plot, with the death of a large number of disciples in the Yinlingmen, Xu Fan also had several scars on his body.

Just when Xu Fan was besieged by the Ten Great Void Refining Stage Monster Race and was about to die, Xu Gang, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but take action.

At this moment, the whole world shattered.

Xu Yuexian held the spear, and Wang Xiangchi held the sword and launched the strongest blow against Xu Gang.

'Earth is one color'


One Xu Yuexian carried a gun, and two more Xu Yuexian appeared behind Xu Gang, and Xu Gang was instantly killed.

When the battle was over, the entire virtual arena world collapsed.

"The blue team wins."

The four figures came out of the special magic circle.

"I'm still soft-hearted." Xu Gang said, feeling a little regretful that he couldn't save the master in the virtual world in the end.

"Brother, your supernatural powers are indeed restraining us. Master is partial." Xu Yuexian said.

"Elder Brother, if it wasn't for your final appearance, we wouldn't have been able to win." Wang Xiangchi said.

"Eldest brother is amazing." Li Xing said.

"Haha, Master is not biased. Now, according to Master's words, I am invincible in the early stage and weak in the later stage."

"You are almost in the early stage, but you are invincible in the later stage." Xu Gang said with a smile. He once asked the master when the later stage was, and he only got one sentence to comprehend.

The three nodded and acquiesced to Xu Gang's statement~www.readwn.com~ They had also heard similar words from Xu Fan.

At this moment, a vision suddenly appeared in the sky.

With a sound of dragon and phoenix, a kilometer-long dragon and a huge colorful phoenix appeared in the sky and began to revolve around the entire Lingyin Island. Afterwards, the five-element holy beast appeared, appearing on the dragon and phoenix, and the holy light sprinkled on the Yinling Island.


A bell rang through the heavens and the earth, and a quaint giant bell appeared in the sky, with all things engraved on the bell body.

At this time, the whole Yinling Island was filled with Danxiang again, and Yidan Furnace appeared next to the giant bell, competing for glory with it.

At this time, the disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect who were struggling to suppress their realm, a sip of Danxiang, directly sent them to a higher realm. Suddenly, half of the entire Hidden Spirit Sect disciples leaked a wry smile, and the sect examination could not pass.

In the next few days, the disciples of Yinlingmen slowly went from being shocked at the beginning to becoming numb at the end. First, there are too many things in the imagery in the sky, and the result of the vision is that all the disciples dare not cultivate. Now, for fear that an impulse will break through the bottleneck.

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