My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 177: young and unknown

The middle-aged monk reluctantly agreed to Xu Fan's price after going through a series of complex emotions such as shock, entanglement, hesitation, fear, fluke, and greed.

Just because of Xu Fan's words.

"What does my increase have to do with seniors?"

Xu Fan looked at the middle-aged cultivator who seemed to be doing this kind of thing for the first time, and felt that he had to comfort this man who had just experienced the first time in his life.

"Senior, as a friend, in the future, I will maintain the spiritual treasure of the senior for you free of charge."

In an instant, the middle-aged monk felt that the public meal was really fragrant.

After the middle-aged monk finished his own affairs, he gave Xu Fan a very obscure look.

"You guys go and inspect around the sect to see if there are giant prawns in the ice lake. Today, I'm going to serve the seniors with this dish." Xu Fan said to the impatient three people behind him.

"As ordered."

The three happily got up and said goodbye to Xu Fan and the middle-aged monk before leaving.

"Senior, what can I say now?"

"This dojo has a soundproof array that isolates the detection of spiritual consciousness," Xu Fan said.

The middle-aged cultivator sorted out his thoughts and said, "My fellow Daoist, named Su Rantian, cultivates the way of a hundred desires."

"Now it seems that this **** may have something to do with your disciple."

"Will there be any danger if my disciple refuses Senior Rantian?" Zhang Yue said with a frown. If it was just a dewy relationship, it would be fine, but if he really wanted to deceive men, his master couldn't. Persuading women's colleges to send the country for three hundred and so on.

"This one won't work. There are many kinds of ** levels, and unrequited love is also possible."

"But if your third disciple is unwilling, you'd better persuade. If your disciple becomes my fellow Daoist demon, you'd better let your disciple hide for a while."

"That's what I want to tell you too."

"I have worked with Daoist Rantian for more than 300 years. She has always been single. In addition, her cultivation base is high, her combat power is strong, and she is beautiful."

"If you let your apprentice follow her, it will be a good talk, so that your sect can also have one more master in the integration period." The middle-aged monk said.

"I'm not involved in the apprentice's emotional affairs." Xu Fan shook his head and said, he was not interested in having an additional master in the sect, let alone an outsider who had never met before.

Although she was interested in her apprentice, it was also an outsider. As for demons, he believed that his apprentice would handle it.

"My fellow Daoist Diantian is also pitiful. When I was born, she was originally the daughter of the sect master of the ninth-level sect in the Central Continent, and she was loved by thousands of people."

"It's a pity that it was attacked by the Demon Cultivation Sect. Only one inner sect elder who was seriously injured escaped with Daoist Rantian, who was only ten years old at the time."

"After the elder entrusted the treasure house of the sect and the ten-year-old Rantian Taoist friend to the elders, he emerged."

"Now in the name of my fellow Taoist Riantian, in addition to the countless heavy treasure spirit stones, there is also a star boat and two sea boats hanging in the name of the elders."

"It is said that the annual income makes those Mahayana monks who are about to become immortals jealous."

The last sentence of the middle-aged cultivator's tone was extremely envious. If he could have so many spiritual stones, he would definitely get a hidden sword pavilion, which would be filled with Taoist-level spiritual swords.

At this time, Xu Fan's eyes began to change slowly, and the scene of Rantian marrying Li Xingci with countless spiritual stones appeared in his mind.

"Teacher, you are still young, so many spiritual stones are my master and want to keep them for you."

For a time, an aura of asking for a astronomical betrothal gift for his mother-in-law rose from Xu Fan in his previous life. If he wanted to marry my handsome disciple, he had to marry a star boat anyway.

"I know what senior means, but I still follow my disciple's opinion."

"You can't go against your own heart just because the other side is extremely wealthy. It won't take you long in the cultivation of the immortals." Xu Fan said with a smile, he just wanted to be lustful, how could he be willing to push his apprentice out? Exchange dowry.

At this time, on a beautiful mountain thousands of miles away from the main peak, Li Xingci used illusion to complete the design of the best residence in Su Rantian's mind, and received a storage bag of spirit stones as a reward.

"Thank you for the reward, senior." Li Xing said in a salute. He didn't check the storage bag and hung it directly on his waist.

"Don't be so polite, it's just your hard work."

"It's rare that someone can design such a fairy-like courtyard. After I've dealt with the matter of the Presbyterian Church, I'll come to live there." Su Rantian stayed on Li Xingci with a pair of phoenix eyes, and his eyes became more and more blurred.

She had never seen such a handsome and attractive male cultivator, as if snuggling in his arms, and lived like this all her life.

In the face of Su Rantian's slightly blurred eyes, Li Xingci's expression was very indifferent. This kind of eyes was seen too many times in his life when he was a scholar and a talented prostitute.

Hey, that life can be regarded as a life that eats soft rice, no, I relied on talent to eat in that life.

"Then the junior will first send the sect puppet to build a small courtyard for the senior." Li Xingci shielded his thoughts and said to Su Rantian.

"Okay." The voice was sweet, with a hint of love.

After three hours, Xu Fan took Li Xingci to bid farewell to the middle-aged monk and Su Rantian.

Seeing the red escaping light that flew towards the sky rapidly, Xu Fan and Li Xingci sighed at the same time.

"The beautiful senior, who cultivates the way of a hundred desires, one of which will be robbed on you."

"You also need to be mentally prepared. If you don't handle it well, you will become her inner demon."

"By the way, that senior female cultivator is still a top rich woman, the kind who takes out hundreds of billions of spiritual stones without blinking an eye." Xu Fan envied.

"Oh." Li Xingci's response was very indifferent, it's not that the rich woman has never seen it, and besides, he doesn't need so many spiritual stones.

Looking at his apprentice's indifferent expression, Xu Fan sighed secretly, he was young and didn't know...............

At this time Li Xingci took out a storage bag and handed it to Xu Fan.

"This is the hard work given by the beautiful senior, I think it will not be less."

"I heard that Master has been short of spirit stones recently, so he should be a disciple and honor Master." Li Xingci said.

Xu Fan took the storage bag and checked it out, and instantly came up with the idea of ​​the seller collecting the dowry.

A fortunate expense gave a small goal, really not an ordinary ho.

"Tutor, how do you feel about that senior?" Xu Fan asked.

"It's not very good, it's just a chance encounter, what kind of love, what kind of love, I have experienced too much, and now I just want to cultivate the supreme avenue and take a look at the wider fairyland."

"But if Master wants to sell his disciples at a good price." Li Xingci paused when he said this, and after Su Rantian's whole body flashed in his mind, he said, "Then sell more."

"Haha, how could your master be that kind of person."

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