My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 189: The Way of Refining the Sand Sculpture

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After seeing the ten pairs of wind wings matching the Tianli boat taken out by the sand sculpture, Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Shafeng, this Tianli boat is a treasure. It's just playing near the beach of the Endless Sea, and it will jump when encountering a slightly larger beast tide."

"The danger is too great, and the practicality is a little lower."

"But it will be invincible on the 100,000-mile giant lake." Xu Fan commented.

"I know, I don't know how many years it will take for my talent to advance to the master of Dao Refining."

"A sea boat like the floating sky boat will not be able to be refined for a while, and now only one of these things can be refined to satisfy the hunger." Sand Sculpture said with a sigh.

Looking at the lonely sand sculpture, Xu Fan thought of the scene when the two of them first met.

How high-spirited the sand sculpture was at that time, the whole Que Tianmen artifact refining was a person who would carry the tripod in the future, a person who firmly believed that he could become a refining master in the future.

"Senior Brother Sha, what happened recently?" Xu Fan asked. There are few things that can make a man lonely. One is career, and the other is women.

"In the last ten years or so, I found that I was at a bottleneck in the refining process."

"It feels like the path of the master refiner ahead is shrouded in an invisible layer of fog."

"My master also encountered this situation at the beginning. He told me that if the refiner is in this state for a hundred years, most of his future path as a master refiner will be completely cut off."

"It's been almost 20 years now," said the sand sculpture.

At this time, Xu Fan's hand patted the sand sculpture's shoulder heavily.

"Master Sha, I think you made a mistake."

"Your path to the master craftsman is not blocked by the fog, you just lost your way."

A piece of spirit iron alloy and a jade slip appeared in Xu Fan's hands.

"Although I can't point out the future path for Shafeng Master, I can give you an inspiration."

Xu Fan handed the spirit iron alloy and formula to the sand sculpture.

"Think about the outer wall of our floating sky boat." After Xu Fan finished speaking, he left the Item Refinement Peak.

The sand sculpture looked at the spiritual iron alloy in front of him, and then looked at the jade slip in his hand.

In an instant, there was an endless look in his eyes, and the whole person had undergone great changes.

"My road to the master of refining has not been cut off, but I am lost and rest assured."

Flying in mid-air, Xu Fan turned his head to look at the Refinement Peak.

"I don't know if I can enlighten Senior Brother Sha by talking nonsense." Xu Fan said.

Xu Fan never had an exact concept of bottleneck.

What is this, can I eat it?

Now the only thing that can limit him is this **** cultivation.

"Master, the 300 Jindan cultivators recruited by the outer door are already in place." Grape said.

"Then go according to the plan, give a wave of rewards, and give them some long-term tasks for the rest." Xu Fan said.


"Master, Pang Fu returns to the Hidden Spirit Gate."

"It's finally here." Xu Fan said excitedly.

In Xu Fan's small courtyard.

Three or four dishes of small dishes, a small pot of spirit wine, and the two of them sat opposite each other.

Xu Fan looked at Pang Fu, who was still round and round, and said with a smile: "When will Pavilion Master Pang advance to the Nascent Soul Stage?"

At this time, Pang Fu's cultivation had reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and he was only one step away from advancing to the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Don't worry, the promotion to the Nascent Soul stage is the most critical period for the business line, and the foundation must be laid well." Pang Fu said with a smile.

"Yes, after all, you are doing business for the world." Xu Fan said, although he has never been in contact with business, but he knows a little about the promotion mode of business.

"If you need any help in the future, just speak directly, not an outsider."

"Haha, then thank you Elder Xu." Pang Fu said with a smile.

Pang Fu took out a large space ring and handed it to Xu Fan.

"Elder, this is what you asked me to purchase." Pang Fu said with some distress, these things alone cost 80% of the Yinling Chamber of Commerce's wealth.

"Don't feel bad, now our hidden spirit door is still very shallow, and there are some things that must be done." Xu Fan comforted.

"I know that the elder has been promoted to the master of refining and needs to refine a few pieces of Taoism for the sect."

Pang Fu expressed his understanding, but it was a pity that the Zhuang who was sitting together with those chambers of commerce would not be able to eat the fattest profit.

"Haha, you just understand, I'm helpless to take away 80% of the spiritual stones."

"Wait, I will free up my hands in the future to refine a few Taoist artifacts for you to sell."

After hearing Xu Fan's words, Pang Fu's eyes lit up immediately. If he really had a few Taoist tools to sell, he would not be a father-level existence in the chamber of commerce.


"When did I lie to you?" Xu Fan glanced at Pang Fu and said that there was still a lot left after the 12 giant shields were made from the titanium mind ore. Pang Fu to sell.

While eating side dishes, Xu Fan and Pang Fu chatted about the future.

Pang Fu was deeply fascinated by Xu Fan's plans for the future, especially the plan to make deals with the various worlds in the world after refining the fairy artifact Yuzhou, which deeply shocked Pang Fu.

Although Pang Fu knew that Xu Fan was bragging, he didn't even dare to think about this kind of bullshit.

"Pang Fu, follow me. In the future, I will make you the first cultivator who has ascended the business path in ten thousand years."

"Even if you fly to the Great Thousand World, I will continue to be your boss." Xu Fan said.

For some reason, Xu Fan felt that he had a great desire to chat today, and he kept talking with Pang Fu until late at night, talking about all the business insights from his previous life with Pang Fu.

This made Pang Fu's blood boil, and he was going to do a big job when he went back.

Late at night, after Pang Fu left, Xu Fan sat in a small courtyard full of stars, waiting for the two clones to get off work.

Xu Fan, who was watching the stars in the small courtyard, suddenly received a notification from Grapevine, saying that 300,000 kilometers south of Linsen Xiancheng, eleven demon teleportation disks were about to land.

"Have you notified the Linsen Xiancheng Presbyterian Council?" Xu Fan asked.

"Notice at the first time, but this batch of monsters' teleportation arrays are a little different from before." Grape said.

"The demon clan is not a fool. After knowing that there is a problem with your teleportation array, you must improve it. You only need to be able to lock the position of the demon clan teleportation array." Xu Fan said.

At this moment, the tail flame of the meteor that had been passing by the sky just now suddenly disappeared, as if everything just now was an illusion.

A red figure appeared in Xu Fan's courtyard through space.

"This time the monster teleportation array is a little different, can you handle it?" Su Rantian said, looking at the direction where the meteor's tail flame disappeared.

"You can only predict the approximate position. Once the teleportation monsters have spatial fluctuations, they can be destroyed as soon as possible." Xu Fan said.

"Give me the general direction, I will take the guards to suppress it." Su Rantian said with a dignified expression, there were eleven lines of fire in the sky just now, which means that there are eleven demon clan teleportation arrays.

"The southeast direction of Linsen Immortal City is roughly in the areas of Tianquan Country, Lingmu Country, and Wanxin Country." Xu Fan quickly reported three locations.

"I know."

After Su Rantian finished speaking, he disappeared.

"Senior Su is more powerful than I thought," Xu Fan said.

"Senior Su, taught by the eighth elder of the Presbyterian Council, his combat power and magic weapon are all at the top level of the same level."

At some point, Li Xingci appeared in Xu Fan's courtyard.

"Unparalleled in combat power, rich, and so obsessed with you, if you were an ordinary cultivator, your body and mind would have been fully obeyed." Xu Fan looked at Li Xingci and joked.

"Hey, if Senior Su's eyes weren't so extraordinary, I wouldn't have so many worries now." Li Xingci said with a sigh.

"The way of a hundred desires, in the end, it is too ruthless. Maybe in the future, I will kill my husband to prove the Dao."

"I know, but don't think in a pessimistic direction about anything."

"It's not necessary to take the path of being too ruthless. As for killing the husband and proving the Tao, Master believes that you can solve this problem in time." Xu Fan patted Li Xingci's shoulder and said.


"Haha, okay, I'm not joking with you."

"Ever since Senior Su fell in love with you, I've learned about the way of Hundred Desires. Do you know why she fell in love with you at a glance?"

"Because the cultivation method you cultivated has complementary effects with Senior Na Su, isn't it amazing? I, the creator, didn't even think of it."

"If you have the heart, you will have a good result in the future. At most, it is just a soft meal in the early stage."

"There are many monks who have a bad appetite and want to eat soft rice. Don't have any burdens in your heart." Xu Fan said.

"Master, are you trying to persuade me so eagerly, do you want to sell me?" Li Xingci said with a frown.

"Don't frame yourself as a teacher, as a teacher is not that kind of person." Xu Fan quickly explained.

"Okay, then I'll find a way to reject her."

"Master, can you suppress the integrated cultivator now?" Li Xingci said seriously.


You don't know, your master is just a poor little Jindan cultivator now.

"It will take three years for an ordinary cultivator in the integration period."

"If this is the case, I need ten years to prepare."

Although he knew that Li Xingci was joking with him, he still answered the question seriously.

"Okay. I'll try my best to take ten years." Li Xingci said with a smile.


Xu Fan slapped Li Xingci on the head.

"Believe it or not, I will clear the portal ahead of time without Senior Su's action!"

This rebel dared to joke with the This kind of ethos must be curbed, otherwise, what will be his majesty in the future.

"I was just joking with Master." Li Xingci covered his head and said, he had already made a decision in his heart, and everything would not involve Master.

"I learned to joke with Master." Xu Fan said, squinting at Li Xingci.

A round of huge yellow-skinned duck phantoms slowly rose from behind Xu Fan.

At this time, Li Xingci recalled the fear of being dominated by ducks again.

Li Xingci looked at the phantom of the yellow-skinned duck hundreds of meters behind Xu Fan and fell into an illusion.

In a pure white world, tens of millions of ducks gathered around Li Xingci.

At this moment, Li Xing hated his mouth very much.

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