My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 207: Dark Serpent's Demon Jade

It took Xu Fan a long time to understand that this demon jade is like the jade butterfly of the human race, and it is a carrier for recording more advanced content.

Mental power penetrated the demon jade, and Xu Fan saw a very ruined picture.

"Is this the seed piece that Dark Snake secretly watched?" Xu Fan said with a shocked expression.

He also saw the growth diary of the dark snake in the demon jade, which was recorded from its Nascent Soul, and it described the hardships he had come along.

After reading Dark Snake's growth diary, Xu Fan sighed.

"It's **** inspiring if you don't look at race."

"It's a pity that you finally met me."

Xu Fan also saw the dark snake's description of him in the demon jade, and his words revealed ambition.

It turned out that after the dark snake knew that Xu Fan was a master refining master, he had the idea of ​​bringing Xu Fan back to the demon world, and he also took action. If nothing else, there is now Xu Fan's exclusive refining room in the demon world.

Not only that, the Dark Snake also specially instructed their clan to prepare several beauties from the Nascent Soul period of the Dark Snake family for Xu Fan.

"One thing to say, one thing, you praised you for paying attention to me."

"In return, I will find a way to bring back your dream lover, the mother of lustful snakes, and make a specimen to accompany you."

"And your demon spirit, I will let you meet the mother of snakes." Xu Fan said with narrowed eyes.

After the demon spirit of the dark snake escaped, Xu Fan made up for himself again, and then through the hexagram, he knew that this product would make a comeback.

Xu Fan said and started to check other content in Yaoyu.

The quality of Yaoyu is very high, and it carries a lot of content, just like a messy database.

"The "Dragon Transformation Technique" has finally come across a decent technique."

"I didn't expect that the demon clan had such a deep plan for the human clan."

"And what the **** is this gossip about the demon emperor Golden Wing Dapeng and Xuefeng, and what is the scene when they mate?"

"Golden Winged Dapeng, amazing, the demon clan still has a second generation with such a background."

"The first battle strength of the demon clan, the peak of the Mahayana period, has been in the demon clan for three thousand years and has not yet risen, and then has the ability to be called a father."

"It's hard. If I'm in charge of fighting between the human race and the monster race, I'll send the goods to his father first with a dirty trick."

Looking at the miscellaneous things of the monster clan, Xu Fan felt that it opened a lot of eyes.

For the first time in the world of immortality, I have the feeling of having an international perspective.

"Interesting, it seems to collect more of this stuff in the future."

"I don't know if there are other monsters." Xu Fan said while touching his chin.

At sunset, Xu Fan came to the small courtyard where Ning Dao cultivated, thinking about the food box.

"Elder Xu, why do you have time to see yourself today?" Ning Dao, who was lying on the reclining chair, looked at Xu Fan and smiled.

"Isn't this thinking about Brother Ning?"

Xu Fan naturally stepped forward and placed the food on the table beside the reclining chair.

"Brother Ning, how is your recovery recently?" Xu Fan asked. Ten days ago, a deacon of the Presbyterian Church sent over the healing medicine.

"Is it alright? I can barely move now. After 2 months of training, I can fully recover." Ning Dao sat up and said.

"I wish Brother Ning an early recovery of strength." Xu Fan said with a smile.

"Haha, I don't want to go back to the Presbytery after staying with you for a while."

Ning Dao is quite reluctant to think about it now. If he has nothing to do, he will let the tool puppet push him around the garden in front of the main peak, or he will go fishing on the huge lake of 100,000 miles.

If it weren't for the safety of the Presbyterian Church headquarters area, he really wanted to bring his family over.

"Then the big brother has been staying." Xu Fan said.

You are here to be mine.

"How is it possible, there are still tasks in the Council of Elders, and now I am still the guardian of Linsen Xiancheng, but now I can only talk."

"By the way, Su Rantian came to visit me a few days ago, along with your four apprentices."

"I see, your four apprentices seem to accept Su Ran a little bit."

"Maybe it won't be long before I can drink wedding wine." Ning Dao said with a smile.

"It depends on their wishes."

Xu Fan also smiled, quite a feeling of a child growing up.

"If Su Ran innocently married into your Yinling Sect, there would be a generous dowry from the elders."

"It's so rich that your whole sect doesn't have to work hard from now on." Ning Dao said meaningfully.

"The kind that our entire Hidden Spirit Sect doesn't have to work hard for?"

"What's the meaning?"

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly found that poverty limited his imagination, just like the expression of an ordinary person who suddenly found that he could not catch up with the richest man after winning the lottery every day until he was 80 years old.

"Literally, if there is one day, you'll know."

"That day, when Su Rantian came back to rescue you, she didn't come to rescue you until she killed eight big monster monkeys in the fusion stage in an instant."

"If it weren't for the fast speed, her injuries would have recovered."

"On Su Rantian, there are six Dao tools for life-saving defense alone."

"Attack and kill Dao weapons, at least four."

"There must be something else, I guess there is no chance to take it out." Ning Dao said enviously.

"Elder Su told me what to do." Xu Fan wondered.

"The other day, when I saw your Jindan battle fit together, I was afraid that you would see your apprentice being bullied and start a fight with Su Rantian."

"So let me remind you,"


Am I so stupid.

Facing the sunset, the two drank a little wine, and Xu Fan began to ask about the business.

Xu Fan took out the demon jade of the dark snake and handed it to Ning Dao.

After taking Yaoyu, Ning Dao explored it, and then gave it to Xu Fan, and said with a smile, "Interesting, Brother Xu wants to ask something."

"I want to know, the demon clan has such a demon clan as the Golden Winged Dapeng, do our human clan have a chance of winning?" Xu Fan asked.

"Of course there is. Although the overall strength of our human race is not as good as that of the monster race, when it comes to high-end combat power, in terms of the invincible venerable, our human race is not inferior to the monster race."

"Regarding the Golden Winged Dapeng, the Presbyterian Church has a way to deal with them."

"I'm not afraid you know that the strategy of the Presbyterian Church is to divide the battlefield."

"The elders will entrust most of the demons of the demon clan in the realm of extreme sky, and let the demon clans in the integration period including the integration period come in."

"The Human Race has reached a verbal agreement with the Monster Race. As long as the Monster Race that comes to the Human Race doesn't attack Xiancheng and Zongmen, there will be no cultivators above the integration period."

"At the same time in the demon clan, as long as you don't attack the holy city of the demon clan, there will be no big monsters above the fusion period chasing you." Ning Dao said slowly.

"In this way, our human race is at a disadvantage. In a duel at the same level, the monsters are generally stronger." Xu Fan said with a frown.

"This is regarded as training, otherwise all the pressure will be on the Council of Elders. If it can't stand it, the entire human race will be finished."

"This is also what the elders will tell those sects very bluntly." Ning Dao said.

"Why don't I know." Xu Fan said suspiciously.

"I didn't tell you what I meant, just don't worry, just protect yourself." Ning Dao glanced at Xu Fan and said.

Cannon fodder is cannon fodder, why do you say it sounds so good.

Xu Fan rolled his eyes.

"By the way, does the mountain-pulling giant ape killed by Brother Ning have a similar demon jade? I want to see it and gain insights." Xu Fan said, in fact, Xu Fan mainly wanted to see the distance between the mountain-pulling giant ape in the demon world. The Wanzhong Mountains are not far away.

According to Xu Fan's guess, there should be Chentie in the territory of the giant ape.


The five demon jades were placed on the table by Ning Dao.

"The Mountain-pulling Giant Ape, the Fire Demon Wolf, the Six-eyed Jade Spider, the Green Horned Bull, and the Earth Fire Flood Dragon, these are the demon jades I have collected."

"Although the content inside is not as noisy as this dark snake demon jade, it is also interesting."

"Since you like it, you can take it." Ning Dao said indifferently.

Seeing Ning Dao being so generous, Xu Fan threw up another topic that Ning Dao was very interested in.

"Brother Ning, do you want more Taoist spirit swords?" Xu Fan said with the corners of his mouth rising.

In an instant, Ning Dao was instantly refreshed.

"I dream of it!"

Seeing Ning Dao who almost got Xu Fan hurriedly held him down and sat down.

"In the territory of the giant ape, there are Zixing cold iron ore veins, which should be super-large ore veins, otherwise there will be no Chentie."

"The giant stick of the Mountain-pulling Giant Ape, even if it is the master of refining, those who are not familiar with this aspect will recognize that stick as Zixing Cold Iron."

"If there are other immortal cities in the central continent that are invaded by the giant ape."

"The giant stick in the giant ape's hand, Brother Ning can try to recover it, maybe there will be unexpected surprises." Xu Fan said.

Ning Dao's eyes instantly lit up, looked at Xu Fan and said, "It's also Chentie, can you refine a Taoist spirit sword with different attributes?"

"Chentie is an attribute other than the Five Elements. If you want...forget it, you can." Xu Fan said.

"Wait for my good news."

High-speed text hand-beating my master only breaks through the chapter list every time it reaches the limit

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