My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 271: smelting tower

After Xu Fan said goodbye to his eldest brother Ning Dao, he took the Sea King Jucha into the underground space.

The No. 1 clone who was refining the Taoist tool suddenly felt that life had a dull feeling when he saw the Sea King Jucha.

"The main body takes me back, I feel that life is not very interesting." The No. 1 clone said.

Seeing the expression on the clone number 1, Xu Fan regretted that he didn't make the clone into an absolutely rational type. Emotions are definitely the first obstacle to work. Fortunately, Xu Fan was well prepared.

"No. 1, I'll pass you a set of supernatural powers in a while, you can practice it, and when you refine the weapon in the future, you can directly activate the supernatural powers."

""No Self" allows you to maintain absolute rationality when refining magic weapons. When you are not refining weapons, you can release the magical powers and let the true self return."

"When the time comes, it's time to brush up on dramas and dramas. Isn't this beautiful."

Xu Fan said and took out a jade slip and handed it to the No. 1 clone.

"Really?" Clone No. 1 asked with suspicion.

"Of course it's true." Xu Fan affirmed.

Seeing that the No. 1 clone agreed, Xu Fan was slightly relieved. Although it was easy to reunite the clone, the experience and feedback of the original clone's refining Dao Tool so many times would be in vain.

With the increase in the feedback received by the No. 1 clone, the No. 1 clone has also undergone a lot of changes.

In Xu Fan's perception, the No. 1 clone became more and more self-aware, but it was all under Xu Fan's control.

This is also the main reason why Xu Fan is unwilling to eliminate the No. 1 clone.

"Okay, the spiritual ore purchased by the Chamber of Commerce has arrived. I will deal with it. After refining this Taoist tool, you can cultivate this magical power." Xu Fan said.

"Go, go, you black-hearted capitalist." No. 1 clone snorted coldly.

At the bottom of the Refiner Peak, the sand sculptures were waiting in a square.

Xu Fan brought the disciples of the Chamber of Commerce to the spirit mine and found the sand sculpture.

"Elder, I have made a lot of basic accessories for that sea boat, and now I'm waiting for your Taoist alloy smelting magic weapon." The sand sculpture said with a smile.

"Haha, let Senior Brother Sha wait for a long time, I will refine it now." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Because the precious spiritual minerals needed by this smelting tower are not easy to receive, they have only arrived now.

"Do you want to help the elders?" Sand Sculpture asked.

"No, the smelting tower is a magic weapon of the fifth-order treasure, so it doesn't need to be so troublesome." Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

Sun 1 Refined Iron, Soul Iron, Chilian Fire Bronze, Earth Element Crystal, Five Elements Spirit Fire......

All the materials were placed by Xu Fan.

At this time, the sand sculpture has entered the learning mode, and it looks like a child who is eager to learn.

With the appearance of five spiritual fires in Xu Fan's hands, he began his unique refining technique.

It's bland and unremarkable, and it's okay to make the sand sculpture feel like it's up to you.

But the sand sculpture clearly knew that this was the horror of Xu Fan's weapon refining.

Five days later, a mysterious black giant tower with a height of 88 meters and a diameter of 20 meters appeared. The outer periphery of the giant tower has an inlet corresponding to the composite material of the Taoist alloy, and the tower door is the outlet.

With a flash of aura, the smelting tower took shape.

The sand sculpture circled around the smelting tower for several times, and said with a tut: "Under the ordinary and unremarkable refining techniques of the elders, there must be a peerless refining technique hidden."

"Elder, do you think what I said is correct?" Sand Sculpture put his face next to Xu Fan and said.

"Senior Brother Sha, in our relationship, why don't I pass on this secret technique to you? You think too much." Xu Fan said with a smile.

It's not that he doesn't have the secret art of refining, but he is too lazy to use it. This refining method is only suitable for some magic weapons, not all magic weapons, so Xu Fan has been useless.

The sand sculpture returned a look that you would lie to me, which made Xu Fan very helpless.

"Senior Brother Sha, the smelting tower has a corresponding feed inlet. You can directly put the spiritual ore into it and then smelt the alloy of the Taoist weapon."

Xu Fan said, waving out a pile of materials needed to refine the Taoist alloy into the feeding port, and then under the control of grapes, mobilized the spiritual energy in the gathering array to start the melting tower.

After a while, golden alloy liquid began to flow out of the discharge port of the smelting tower, and it entered the specially cooled grinding tool for molding.

"With this output, it only takes 10 years to refine all the Taoist alloys needed by the sea boat." Xu Fan said.

"In 10 years, I guess I just finished refining the skeleton." Sand Sculpture said.

"It's okay, take your time, anyway, the refined Taoist alloy will not be wasted." Xu Fan said.

"Yes, within a hundred years, I must refine a sea boat." Sand Sculpture said ambitiously, at this moment, he felt that he was so close to his dream.

"Thank you, Great Elder."

"Thank you, the sea boat you refined is not for the sect."

Xu Fan said, took out a jade slip and handed it to the sand sculpture.

"I feel that Brother Sha should make a few small sea boats to practice before refining the sea boats."

The sand sculpture took the jade slip and found that there were three kinds of small sea boats inside, and their strength could only defend against monsters in the fusion stage.

"The elders underestimate me, I can make one of these small sea boats in two years." Sand Sculpture said.

"Okay, I want three of one type." Xu Fan said.

"This kind of small sea boat, is the elder useful? This kind of small sea boat can only make a foray in the offshore sea."

"it works."

Then Xu Fan adapted the story of Jiufeng Pavilion and told him it again.

"It turns out that, since it is related to the follow-up plan of Zongmen, I will take over this job." The sand sculpture looked at the three kinds of small sea boat designs in the jade slip and said.

"That's trouble for Senior Brother Sha." Xu Fan nodded.

After gaining a little power of luck, Xu Fan began to pay attention to Jiufeng Pavilion, and even set up a special teleportation array to connect Jiufeng Pavilion.

While Xu Fan was chatting with the sand sculpture, Ning Dao came to Xu Fan.

"Elder, your precious apprentice has been arrested by the master who has caught the sky."

"Let you redeem people."

Xu Fan was stunned, his apprentice was How did he not know.

At this time, Xu Fan received a message from Li Xingci.

"Master, I am very safe. It is my reincarnation avatar who is trapped. There is no need to worry about it."

"It's alright, Mr. Su Chang's father caught your avatar and my apprentice. Brother Ning took a lot of trouble." Xu Fan thanked him.


"Amazing, I didn't expect your disciple's magical powers to be able to hide from the Mahayana Venerable." Ning Dao said in surprise.

"It may be that the Venerable deliberately let go of Xing Ci." After Xu Fan finished speaking, he said goodbye to the two and returned to his small courtyard, because he had one thing to be sure.

Back in the small courtyard, Xu Fan directly communicated with Li Xingci using the magic weapon of communication.

"Master, I'm in the Immortal Sea City now." Li Xingci's voice came from the communicator.

"I didn't ask you this, what happened to your reincarnation avatar." Xu Fan asked seriously.

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