My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 274: force of destiny

Xu Fan came to the Lingye Lake, which was in a semi-dry state at this time.

The head of the giant tortoise stuck out from the lake of spiritual fluid.

At this time, the dragon-headed giant tortoise already had a touch of dragon might, so that the monsters dared not approach.

Xu Fan covered the head of the giant tortoise with his hand to check, and found that six dragon eggs had been bred in the belly of the giant tortoise.

"Hey, I don't know if these six little guys can afford it after they come out." Xu Fan said uncertainly.

"Woo~~" the giant tortoise whispered, meaning don't worry about the six dragon eggs. After coming out, she can take these six children to the endless sea, where they are enough to grow.

"How can we do that, the endless sea is so dangerous, it's better to stay in the Hidden Spirit Gate." Xu Fan hurriedly said, how could the duck that reached its mouth fly.

"I will refine a few more Taoist-level Spirit Gathering Arrays later, which will be enough for your child to consume." Xu Fan said.

The giant tortoise nodded lightly, and then retracted its head back into the liquid lake.

Seeing the spiritual energy that did not improve, Xu Fan reluctantly went back to the underground space and began to refine the spirit gathering array.

At this time, there is a mysterious small world that is not many light-years away from Feiyu Realm.

A four-clawed golden dragon flew out of the teleportation array with a gloomy expression.

"Aoshuang, you are back, nothing happened on the way to the stars." A vicissitudes of life appeared.

"Fourth brother, I was tricked by the mother of ten thousand snakes on the way, and I almost fell into her trap."

"Fortunately, I used a secret method to connect to a two thousand worlds that are merging, and I avoided the mother of ten thousand snakes, but I also left blood in that world." Aoshuang said with a bad expression, waving The giant claws, as if to shred the mother of all snakes.

"Sixth brother, hurry up and improve your strength. The mother of ten thousand snakes is barely counted as a golden immortal, and you can hardly escape her palm."

"Don't worry, I will tell my eldest brother about this, and let him go to the gods and demon world to get justice for you." said the vicissitudes of life.

"Forget it, it's not a glorious thing, it's just the poison of the mother of all snakes, it's very unpleasant."

"She doesn't deserve to be pregnant with the blood of our dragon family." Aoshuang turned his head and said.

"What about the blood you left behind in that one thousand world?"

"They are all Yalongs with impure blood. If they have talent, they will be called back to the Dragon Realm. If they can't, let them fend for themselves." Aoshuang said.

He didn't care that it wasn't the real dragon blood.

The Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes has a secret method, and can obtain a dragon egg containing the blood of a real dragon by adding some special materials to Aoshuang's life source.

"Leaving the Dragon Realm as little as possible in the future, the demon clan found a beast of heaven, and now seeing the divine beast of destiny and our dragon clan are jealous."

"It seems that it is time for Lord Dragon King to beat the demon clan." Said the vicissitudes of life.


In the underground space, Xu Fan unknowingly came to a giant egg. This egg was the egg that was taken from the body of the pregnant beast that day in the demon spirit world.

"I don't know when this will hatch. There are very few spirits containing immortal energy in this world. It seems that I can only wait until I ascend to the Great Thousand World and wait for you to hatch." Xu Fan said.

At this moment, Xu Fan suddenly had a brilliant idea, that is, after the dragon egg was laid by the giant tortoise, he would put the dragon egg together to hatch, and he wondered if it would hatch.

"This is a good way." Xu Fan touched his chin and said, imagining that he had a real dragon in the sky to protect him and a dragon tortoise under his feet.

Looking at this dragon egg, Xu Fan said with a smile: 'I have a long time, and I am absolutely confident to raise you well. ’

After watching the dragon eggs, Xu Fan took a look at the progress of the No. 1 clone in refining the Taoist Gathering Array.

"Yes, the refining speed is very fast, there is no trace of sloppy water." Xu Fan said with satisfaction, since the No. 1 clone learned the supernatural power of selfless, the work efficiency is getting higher and higher.

"It is estimated that after nine months, the Dao Artifact Spirit Gathering Array will be successfully refined." The No. 1 clone said coldly, with no distractions in his eyes, and only concentrated on refining the Dao Artifact in front of him.

Xu Fan suddenly felt unbearable.

"In the future, try to arrange as little work as possible for the No. 1 clone." Xu Fan said with a sigh, but only he knew that before he felt that the sect was not completely stable, the No. 1 clone had no time to rest and could only take a breath.

Xu Fan appeared on the 100,000-mile giant lake and called out the No. 2 clone who had been resting for a long time.

"Ontology, do you have any tasks?" The second clone said energetically, and he didn't work for a long time, thinking that he was a little itchy.

"Go out with my consciousness." After Xu Fan finished speaking, he pointed to the center of the brow of the second clone.

Xu Fan controlled the second clone to fly towards Linsen Xiancheng. He went out this time to see his nominally precious disciple.

One is that the reversal curse in Jian Wuji's body needs to be revised, and the other is that Jian Wuji is about to advance to the Jindan stage, and as a master, he must take a look.

Ten thousand miles outside the city of Wanyu Xiancheng, in Wang Xiangchi's palace.

Wang Xiangchi was telling Jian Wuji about his mistakes in the battle just now.

At this time, Jian Wuji obviously didn't want to listen. Wang Xiangchi also stopped lecturing when he saw this. He looked at Jian Wuji and said, "You just want to see your master so much."

"It's said that your ancestor will come, so you can wait with peace of mind." Wang Xiangchi said.

"But I can't help but be curious. The last time the master gave me the origin of the poisonous baby clan, I couldn't see his old man." Jian Wuji said regretfully. When he was dying, he only heard Xu Fan's voice, but I couldn't see Xu Fan.

"I'm going to see your master soon, maybe now your master has come and is watching you secretly." Wang Xiangchi said with a smile.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was hiding in the dark, laughed and stepped out, appearing in front of the two of them.

"When did Xiang Chi's perception become so accurate? UU reading" Xu Fan said, looking at the two of them so indifferently.

"Meet the master."

Seeing Xu Fan appear, although he was surprised by the ordinary appearance of his master, it did not affect his gratitude and worship at all.

Just when Jian Wuji was about to give a big gift, Xu Fan hurriedly used his spiritual power to control Jian Wuji and told him not to kneel.

Just kidding, if I suffer from your worship, I don't know how much karma I have to bear in the future.

At this time, a strange thing happened. After Xu Fan's spiritual power came into contact with Jian Wuji, it disappeared out of thin air, making him kneel in front of Xu Fan in such a generous way, which was still the kind of big bow.

For a while, Xu Fan felt a little dizzy, the kind of dizziness that bears something he shouldn't bear.

"Is this the **** power of fate?" Xu Fan complained in his heart.

"Get up." Xu Fan said helplessly, this is bullshitting fate.

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