My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 290: Iron food group 1

Ning Dao naturally took over the treasure palace.

"Brother Ning, let's hurry up and heal." Xu Fan said, looking at Ning Dao, whose wound was worsening.

"This injury is not a serious problem, and it does not affect my gratitude to the Great Elder." Ning Dao said indifferently, and took out the secret ointment of the Elder Council and applied it to the wound.

"Where did Brother Ning go for foreign aid? This time it's a bit of a loss." Xu Fan said.

Ning Dao ate the healing holy medicine Xu Fan gave, and said slowly: "I was ambushed and besieged by five demon wolves in the fusion stage, and I almost couldn't come back, thanks to the Taoist spirit sword refined by the elder. "

"It's Brother Ning Kendo Unparalleled, I'm just the icing on the cake." Xu Fan smiled.

To be honest, in Xu Fan's eyes, Ning Dao's combat power is considered strong at the fusion stage level. Even if he wants to suppress Ning Dao, he will have to work hard, provided he does not use Demon Suppression Star.

"You said that again, it's not like I haven't seen the way you suppressed the dark snake." Ning Dao said.

"There is no need for such a big battle now." Xu Fan said, last time he was forced to do nothing, so he did everything he could.

"Guess what, my scalp tingles every time that thing on top of my head stares at me."

Monster Town has the strongest detection module, so Grape controls Monster Town to scan the entire 100,000-mile giant lake.

"Haha, I'll let Grape pay attention next time." Xu Fan said embarrassedly, that kind of in-depth exploration mode can indeed arouse the alertness of the fit period.

After Ning Dao and Xu Fan finished chatting, they returned to their cave for healing.

"Forget it, don't rest."

Xu Fan turned around and came to the underground space through the teleportation array in the small courtyard.

"Grape, report the situation over there in the Demon Spirit World."

Xu Fan, who was disturbed to rest, could only be bored and came over to see how the placement game he was playing was going on.

A light curtain opened, and the situation of the demon spirit world began to be played on it.

"The thick-armored honey badger family has developed to the level of an influx of races. There is a lone Mahayana demon in charge, and it is currently developing well."

"After a period of stability, the underground base over there will be able to harvest resources in large quantities."

"Several spiritual mines that are in short supply here can also be mined in large quantities." Grape introduced.

"The development is good, the only regret is that the No. 1 thick armored honey badger has not made a decision." Xu Fan said regretfully, touching his chin.

Xu Fan felt that the No. 1 Thick Armored Honey Badger had bigger ambitions than he thought.

"The master doesn't have to care, the No. 1 thick-armored honey badger will compromise with the master sooner or later."

"He just wants to prove his worth now and ask you for more chips," Grape said.

Hearing Grape's words, Xu Fan was taken aback and said, "When did you understand these things?"

At this time, Grape paused for a while, and then said: "The database information will increase, and then I will optimize it."

"Why didn't you report." Xu Fan said with a frown.

At this time, the light curtain in front of Xu Fan began to change, and a picture of Xu Fan when he was fishing appeared on it.

In the picture, Grape took the initiative to say: "Master, the database has changed, and the underlying data of Grape needs to be optimized."

"Don't bother me with this little thing." Xu Fan waved his hand and said impatiently.

At this point, the screen ends.

"Haha, is that so, I'll pay attention in the future." Xu Fan said haha, and then began to look at the light curtain of the demon spirit world again.

"By the way, what kind of monster is the monster that the thick-armored honey badger attracts."

"Iron Eater Demon Venerable is a rare neutral and reclusive race of the demon clan. It only guards one acre of its own land. When the ancient human race fought against the demon clan, it even helped the human race."

"According to the division of the master, the Iron Eaters belong to the order of neutrality and goodness."

The image of a panda appeared in the light curtain, but its appearance was fierce.

"It turned out to be a panda!" Xu Fan said with interest.

"Can you let the No. 1 thick-armored honeypot clan get one over, the cub will do."

Who can resist the temptation to raise a panda.

"It's best not to. In the demon world, no demon clan dares to touch the cubs of the iron clan."

"Unless you dare to fight against the neutral races of the demon world," Grape said.

"Okay, I'll still play with my monkey." Xu Fan said regretfully.

"How about the mixed iron giant ape?" Xu Fan asked again.

"The surrounding area has been stabilized, and I have been in contact with several surrounding small families. The transaction is very smooth, and the return on resources should increase exponentially in a period of time."

Xu Fan nodded, everything is developing for the better, as long as he is at ease and salted fish, in the later stage, he dares to call himself invincible in this world.

In the realm of extreme sky, the boundary between the two worlds is invisible to the naked eye. At this time, the momentum of the opposing troops between the two tribes has reached its peak.

At this time, among the stars behind the large army, a young man slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the gathering direction of the demon clan with a smile.

"Silly bird, you still need to practice your energy-raising kung fu."

The young man's ethereal voice spread across the entire sky.

From a distance, it looks like a giant tortoise on a continent, a splendid and huge monster palace, a man and a woman are flirting.

The man looked in the direction of the boy with contempt.

"Xingling child, I don't think your fighting spirit can be suppressed."

"I want to tell you."

The man raised his left hand slightly.

In an instant, the momentum of the entire demon clan began to change, and countless demon clan showed cruel and bloodthirsty expressions, thinking of tearing apart the defense line of the human clan.

Red light appeared in the eyes of thousands of giant beast battleships.

At this time, the huge cannons of all the battleships of the human race began to focus, and there was a phantom of the human race on the battleship, sneering and staring at the direction of the demon race.

In ancient times, we humans were able to drive your monsters out of this world, and now I want to suppress your monsters.

Now the two clans are just waiting for an order to start the war.

Just as the battle was about to begin, the man suddenly sneered and said lightly, "Wait patiently."

Under the order of the Golden Winged Dapeng, all the monsters returned to calm

"This stupid bird has learned to be smart." The young man said slightly disappointed.

"Lingxing child, you want to trap me again."

"You think too much, I tell you, as long as I stare at you, the Feiyu Realm will definitely be occupied by my demon clan." The man's voice rippled throughout the sky.

"You think too much and want to occupy my human Please call your father over." The young man's ethereal voice was playful and even a little encouraging.

"Lingxing child, since you care about my father so much, how do you treat me as a child, so we are a family." The man responded sharply.

In this way, the leaders of the human and demon worlds began to scold each other in front of hundreds of millions of creatures.

The troops on the Terran side also showed disappointment, seeing that the battle would not start for a while.

Above the head of the Tianlu turtle, in the palace of the demon clan.

A giant man with the head of a lion walked in, like an ancient beast.

"Leader, why don't we start a war."

"I have fought against Xingling children for thousands of years, and every word and every word has his motives."

"Starting a war now will definitely not benefit you."

The lion-headed monster just took a deep look at the man and saluted and resigned.

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