Chapter 670

"On this map, I marked the possible locations of the fast teleportation formation of the demon clan."

"I will trouble the elders later, and the venerable will find out these places." Mingkong said beside him.

Afterwards, all the combat units on the scene received the information, all of which were relatively close to the place where they usually guarded.

"Will the elders let you all take action? There will be rewards after each location is discovered."

Another light curtain appeared with the rewards that could be obtained for finding a location.

Xu Fan took a look and found that if more than ten locations were discovered, he could get an immortal artifact.

"This matter is the key to our battle between the immortal world and the demon world."

"Everyone is bothered." Mingkong said.

"What if you can't find a cross-border teleportation array?" said an invincible sage below.

"If there is no accident, the monsters will win and the humans will lose."

"In the future, our human race can only hide in several states. As long as the golden-winged Dapeng clone is in one day, we will be threatened with extinction one day." Mingkong said with a serious expression.

All the Invincible Venerables looked at each other with a little worry in their eyes.

At this moment, Elder Tianji held the breath given by Xu Fan and opened his eyes.

It became the focus of the scene for a while.

"Outside the world, the scope is too large." Elder Tianji shook his head and said.

"If we can't deduce the location of the cross-border teleportation array, then we can induce this location."

Xu Fan's voice sounded in the field.

"What can Master Xu do?" Mingkong's eyes lit up.

"The materials used in the cross-border teleportation array must be extremely precious. If we find out what these materials are, the rest will be much simpler."

"This time, the demon clan kept the whole process secret. In order to get this news, a lot of spies' information was exposed."

"The demon clan will definitely take more precautions in the future."

A serial number elder next to Mingkong said.

"Cross-boundary teleportation array, although I don't know what heavy treasure spirit mine arrangement is needed, but I know that he will definitely consume one thing."

A gourd appeared in Xu Fan's hand, and a special celestial aura emerged from the gourd.

"Is this the spirit of the fairy spirit that contains the avenue of space?" said a master of refining.

"Yes, if the monsters want to activate the cross-border teleportation array, they will definitely need a large amount of fairy spirit that contains the avenue of space. To be precise, it is the crystallization of the avenue of space." Xu Fan affirmed.

Not only is he a great master of refining, but he has also reached the level of a great master of refining in terms of formation attainments.

"Fellow Daoist Xu is right. For a teleportation array that spans such a long distance, the energy consumed by both parties must be equal." The Supreme Elder of Tianlianzong said.

"Then the rest is simple. As long as you track the whereabouts of these things, you will find the cross-border teleportation array naturally."

"If not, you can still fish."

Xu Fan narrowed his eyes as he spoke. At this time, he felt that if he had another feather fan in his hand, it would bring out his current temperament even more.

"Thank you Master Xu for your guidance."

Mingkong's ideas suddenly opened up, and even more ideas were derived.

Xu Fan, who was affirmed, nodded, and this forced pretence was quite satisfactory.

In fact, Xu Fan has a better way, which is to cut off the Hu cross-border teleportation array, so that the golden-winged Dapeng clone that should be teleported to the Xiu Xianjie can be teleported to other places.

Xu Fan thought for a while, but didn't say it on the spot.

According to the previous routine, he can't guarantee that the Human Race Venerables present here are all dedicated to their own race.

"The task has been assigned, so we won't waste your time."

"Xiu Xianjie and you all will be prosperous, and all will be lost."

"If the human race is better than the monster race, then you will be blessed with more merits from the human race in the future, and I don't need to mention the benefits."

"And our power in the upper realm has become a source of water, which can continuously absorb fresh blood from our immortal world."

"This will be of great benefit to your future development."

After Mingkong finished speaking, the meeting broke up.

Xu Fan and others were invited to the place where Wan Xingzhou docked.

"Elder, can the Wan Xingzhou be repaired within three years?" Mingkong asked.

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of Xu Fan, and on it was the list of the elders' protection.

As soon as the list appeared, it attracted Xu Fan's attention, and his eyes widened.

Xu Fan looked at the batch of top-level immortal treasures and found that several were urgently needed.

He even got together a set of heavy treasure spirit mines for the promotion of grapes to immortals.

"As long as the Great Elder repairs the Wan Xingzhou within three years, these are free to take." Mingkong said.

"I want to take them all." Xu Fan joked.

"Then I'll give it all to the Great Elder." Mingkong laughed.

"It's not impossible to repair the Wan Xingzhou within three years, but I need the assistance of 20 master refiners." Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

"Are there 20 master refiners? Yes." Mingkong nodded.

"Then there is no problem." Xu Fan nodded.

Hearing Xu Fan's words, the No. 1 clone next to him became bitter.

He looked like he was going through a painful overtime period.

"Ontology, you bring me No. 2 as well." At this time, the No. 1 clone said beside him.

"Of course he has to come, or else the Wan Xingzhou won't be repaired within three years." Xu Fan nodded and said.

At this time, a jade slip appeared in Xu Fan's hand and handed it to Mingkong.

"I still need these spirit mine treasures to upgrade my artifact spirit as a support." Xu Fan said.

Mingkong took the jade slip and glanced at it, and handed it to the boy next to him.

"Get the items in the jade slip together for the great master."

"Understood, master." The young man teleported away after taking the jade slip.

In a short time, Xu Fan received all the materials for the grapes to advance to the Immortal Artifact.

"I will send another clone of mine in four days."

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he said goodbye to Mingkong and teleported back to the previous node, where the Behemoth was still docked, so he couldn't take a shortcut home.

The Behemoth continued to sail fast in the human race channel.

" If the golden-winged Dapeng clone does come, what should I do?" Xu Gang asked.

"What else can I do? Let's make a salad~" Xu Fan said.

Xu Fan had already made plans. If the golden-winged Dapeng clone really came to the Xiuxian world, he would find a chance to smuggle the entire sect to the Daqian world, but the chance was very small.

When he can't save the world, he can only protect himself and ensure the safety of his sect first.

"Brother, don't you know what Master No. 1 and No. 2 are doing for so many years?" Xu Yuexian said with a smile.

When Xu Fan fell into a nightmare, once Xu Yuexian was bored and went to the underground space for a turn

Just happened to meet No. 1 and No. 2 refining the core components of the entire Yinling Island.

Seeing that Xu Yuexian was interested, she explained it to her.

"If we are really unable to return to the sky at that time, the master will take us to a safe place." Xu Yuexian said.

(End of this chapter)

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