My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 909: Xu Fan's back

The fairy ship fleet, which was sailing in the star field, suddenly received a message from grapes and was taken aback.

In the largest immortal ship headed by him, there is a slightly fat man at the peak of the true immortal, showing a look of anger and wealth on his face.

"I heard that I didn't hurry to avoid us. Since people can find us first, there must be something unique, and the strength is likely to be stronger than us." The man looked back at the monk who commanded the Immortal Fleet and said.

"Commander, are we backing down like this?"

"At least you have to find out which Chamber of Commerce or Xianzong's fleet is on the opposite side." The commander of the entire fleet said a little unwillingly.

"Forget it before, this time the matter is more important, it's better not to cause another incident." The slightly fat man said with a smile.

"As ordered."

All the fairy ships in the fairy ship fleet lit up, and then suddenly broke through the space and teleported to other places.

At this time, Yinlingmen has become a sea of ​​happiness, and this matter was solved by Grape so quietly and silently.

After the carnival, Grape reported the matter to Xu Fan.

"You are quite courageous, and you are not afraid of the existence of Jinxian level above, causing trouble for the sect."

In Xu Fan's small courtyard, while deducing the exercises, he said to Grape.

"The entire fleet has been verified, and there is no Jinxian-level existence. The Chamber of Commerce logo in the fairy ship is also recorded in the grape database."

"The chance of an accident is less than 0.01%," Grape reported very professionally.

Xu Fan nodded.

"Next time you encounter such a situation, just report it to me quietly. As for my mood, I don't need to consider it."

"But your approach is worthy of praise." Xu Fan praised the grapes.

"Thank you for the compliment, master."

In the Chaotic Star District, the mainland-like Yinling Island is slowly approaching its edge.

The arrival of Yinling Island did not restrain any momentum.

In the entire Chaotic Star Region, the top forces are all aware of the existence of Yinling Island.

"Wait and watch, don't provoke it."

Just seeing the size of Yinling Island, all the forces were silent.

Xu Fan directly let Tizi drive the Yinling Island and parked outside the small world of the Human Race Headquarters in the Chaoxing District.

Five human race true immortals appeared, and they looked at Yinling Island and Xu Fan in front of them.

"Fellow Daoist, inquire about the news, you don't need such a big battle, just send me a message." The headed Zhenxian looked surprised, but when he saw that it was the Hidden Spirit Island controlled by the human race, the defensive meaning on his face faded.

"Haha, I didn't pay attention for a while, please don't take offense." Xu Fan looked back at the extremely oppressive Yinling Island and laughed.

"The Jiufeng Dynasty you mentioned is in the Chaoxing District in the northernmost region."

"In addition, the little spider you mentioned should be in the easternmost region. There is no human race's sphere of influence there, but the Jiufeng Dynasty is developing quite well."

It didn't take long for Xu Fan to get the news of Feng Changning and the crystal spider.

"It's best to take a detour if you go, there are several forces there that are very hostile to the human race." Jin Xian, headed by the leader, kindly reminded.

"Understood, thanks for the reminder."

Xu Fan nodded and returned to the leader.

"Tizi, rush over in a straight line according to those two coordinates."

"There should be Xingzhou Zhenxian blocking the road along the way, and shelling directly." Xu Fan ordered.

"According to the master."

Tizi's voice became excited at the thought of being able to shoot for a while.

It's a pity that things didn't work out as expected. The Yinling Island was rampant in the star field, but there was no obstruction, and it was very easy to reach the northernmost region.

"Where is the force ahead, this is the realm of the Jiufeng Dynasty."

A star boat with the flag of the Jiufeng Dynasty appeared in front of Yinling Island.

"Visit an old friend and send a letter to your family's lord, saying that the Yinlingmen came to visit."

Xu Fan's voice sounded in the star field.

"Please wait a moment, wait for me to report to the king."

"It seems that the Nine Winds Dynasty has developed well in the Chaotic Star District over the years, and it has already taken shape." Xu Fan retracted his gaze and said with a smile.

"Feng Changning is naturally suitable for growing up in this intricate environment of forces. Back then, the Feiyu Realm, which had masters and elders, was really not suitable for the Jiufeng Dynasty." Li Xingci said beside Xu Fan.

Xu Fan nodded.

At this moment, a star boat came out of the sky, and it was Feng Changning standing on the bow of the boat. On the left and right side of her were the national teacher and the teacher exhibition.

Seeing these three old friends, Xu Fan smiled.

Chaotic Star District, in the small world of Jiufeng Dynasty.

Xu Fan brought his apprentices and elders to the capital of the Jiufeng Dynasty.

"I'm afraid it won't last 10,000 years. It is estimated that the entire Chaos New District will fall into the hands of Changning Daoist friends." Xu Fan couldn't help but praised as he walked along the way.

"It's all thanks to the help of the elders, the efforts of the national teacher and the people below, otherwise the situation today will not be formed." Feng Changning said modestly.

Now that the Jiufeng Dynasty is gaining momentum, Feng Changning's aura of dynastic luck is also becoming more and more intense.

In a palace, Feng Changning hosted a banquet for Xu Fan and others. The meals were all specialties from the Chaoxing District, and they tasted different.

"I didn't expect that the Great Elder really took the entire sect to soar, and it was really shocking to be able to refine the fairy artifact like Yinling Island in the Middle Thousand World." Just write the word admiration.

He is convinced now that he has no intention of competing with him.

"The level of fellow Daoists is not bad. It's just a little more effort on this Yinling Island." Xu Fan said with a smile, he was more or less happy to be praised by his peers.

"Fellow Daoist is not bad. In this small world, I feel two supreme breaths."

"It must be a new puppet catalyzed by fellow Daoists, right?" Xu Fan asked curiously. He could also refine a puppet with the highest level of combat power, but it was too troublesome and impractical, so he didn't start refining it.

"Haha, since it was a coincidence, I found several special immortal artifact spirit mines and refined it." The national teacher also said modestly, in fact, these two puppets were used by him to deal with the elders.

As long as he got the news that Xu Fan had left the Feiyu Realm, it was up to him to kill him or not to return to the Feiyu Realm.

But after arriving at the Chaos Star I found that the resources here are extremely rich, and it is extremely suitable for the development of the Jiufeng Dynasty, so I took the two puppets with the highest combat power as their trump cards.

Xu Fan smiled slightly at the look of the national teacher. He knew the two puppets with the highest level of combat power, and they were the puppets he left behind in the earliest days.

Now that group of puppets have sown the seeds into all the puppets of the Jiufeng Dynasty, as long as his mind moves, all the puppets, life and death are in his hands.

One of the backhands he left behind was that once these puppets entered the Feather World with malicious intent.

There will be a beautiful firework.

"Fellow Daoist Changning, now that your Jiufeng Dynasty has a puppet of supreme combat power, have you ever thought about killing the Feather World?" Xu Fan asked with such carelessness.

"This place is suitable for the development of the Jiufeng Dynasty. Everything in the Feiyu Realm has nothing to do with my Dynasty."

"Even if there is contact in the future, it means helping each other."

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