My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 938: Holy Thunder Cannon

Chapter 940 Holy Thunder Cannon

The master and the apprentice looked at each other, and the lovesickness in their eyes made the onlookers sigh with emotion.

"It's a scene of filial piety with a teacher and a disciple." Xu Fan, who was watching the scenery in the courtyard, saw this scene accidentally and said with emotion.

"Just my stupid apprentice, what chance do I need, having these two apprentices is worth more than anything else." Xu Fan said with a slight smile.

After a short while, after the master and apprentice finished chatting, they came to Xu Fan's small courtyard together.

"Congratulations to the master to be promoted to the quasi-immortal." Han Feiyu said respectfully.

"I also congratulate you on your promotion to the quasi-immortal." After saying this, Xu Fan felt a little awkward, and he couldn't help but sigh again, this **** system.

"You three masters and apprentices are considered complete in kendo."

"Practice well in the future, strive to stand at the peak of Kendo, and become a legend in the fairy world." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Imagine the scene thousands of years later, these disciples and disciples and those disciples of Yinlingmen, under his diligent teaching, all became characters of Jinxian Daluo or above.

One day, when I don't like it, I take my disciples, disciples, grandchildren, and millions of Yinling Sect disciples to go around the various immortal worlds, and see who is not pleasing to the eye is a big joke.

"Go back and consolidate your cultivation, and then go to the academy to become a kendo instructor, which will help you in your future practice." Xu Fan ordered before the three teachers and apprentices left.

"As ordered!"

In the underground space, Xu Fan looked at the progress of the No. 3 clone repairing the source of the peach blossom.

"Yes, the speed is okay." Seeing the 3 clone who was working hard, Xu Fan couldn't help but praise.

Avatar No. 3 did not respond, and repaired the Peach Blossom Garden on his own.

Xu Fan came to another refining hall and said to the grapes: "Get me a copy of all the immortal mines in the treasure house."

He wants to remodel and upgrade the rail gun, and strive to reach the level of a fairy weapon, so that one cannon is a real fairy.

"According to the master."

Not long after, the entire Refining Hall was filled with refined fairy ore.

"Sacred Sun Divine Iron, Pure Marble, Meteorite Thunder Crystal." After Xu Fan looked around, he identified these three kinds of immortal mines.

Being able to purchase large quantities in Immortal Realm, the price is also within the affordable range, this is the reason why Xu Fan chose them.

"The rail gun can't be used, then come to the pure energy holy thunder cannon, absorb the power of the holy sun in the sky and convert it into the energy of the fairy spirit as a reserve energy."

"It doesn't matter if you put it in the sky and hand it over to the grapes, but you have to find a way to absorb the wind above this high altitude."

A huge light curtain appeared in front of Xu Fan, and with the gentle waving of his fingers, the small form of the Holy Thunder Cannon was gradually revealed.

It's just a simple cube, the surface is engraved with the immortal writing formation that absorbs the power of the Holy Sun, and the holy thunder cannon is hidden in the cube, and can be stretched out at any time when needed.

"Will it be a little ugly~"

Xu Fan touched his chin and looked at the pure black cube in the light curtain.

"Or change to a spherical shape."

The pure black cube in the light curtain turned into a huge sphere, and it looked very strange with the background of the simulated astral wind.

"Then it's a spherical shape, so that the hardness of the fairy weapon can be raised a notch."

"These three materials are added together to plan for labor, and one needs more than 300 fairy jade."

Xu Fan thought for a while, and then said, "Grape, first give me 10,000 of this Holy Thunder Cannon, and when No. 1 and No. 2 come back, the core components will be handed over to them." Xu Fan ordered.

"According to the master, the three core spiritual mines in the protection are sufficient, and there is no problem in refining 10,000 Holy Thunder Cannons." Grape replied.


The Phoenix Divine Fire appeared in Xu Fan's hands, and he began to use these samples to refine the Holy Thunder Cannon.

He has to make a sample first, test its power and then fine-tune it.

Three days later, a pure black iron ball with a diameter of ten feet appeared in front of Xu Fan.

"Grape, control him to test the limit in the sky." Xu Fan ordered, in order to make this sect's small killer hidden in the wind, he spent a lot of effort.

"As ordered."

Under the control of Grape, the black ball was directly teleported to the sky above Yinling Island.

As the black sphere rose higher and higher, a gust of wind slowly began to appear.

Then a cyan magic circle lit up from the black sphere, and began to autobiography at a subtle angle, absorbing the surrounding wind and turning it into its own energy.

The stronger the wind, the faster the black ball spins itself, and the more energy it absorbs.

After the final altitude reached more than 90 million miles, the black ball began to be damaged, and the grapes began to lower the altitude after they noticed it.

"Master, it will take two days for the Cannon of Holy Thunder to be fully charged in the turbulent wind."

"If you simply absorb the power of the Holy Sun at a height of a million miles, it will take 5 days."

"A full charge of energy can shoot two Holy Thunder Cannons. The specific power has not been accurately calculated. Wait for the energy to be full and then experiment." Grape reported.

Xu Fan suddenly had a feeling that he had returned to the original research on Demon Suppression Star.

"Find someone to test the power later." Xu Fan suddenly thought of the 100 Iron Eating Beast fourth-generation disciples he had collected.

Two days later, Xiong Li, who had just led the academy disciples to do radio gymnastics, received an exclusive task from Grape Fa.

"To cooperate with the sect to experiment with new types of immortal weapons, it is required to have the defense power of the true immortal level."

Xiong Li nodded when he saw this task. In the sect, he was the only one who had the defense power of a true immortal.

10,000 miles away from the Yinling Gate, on a temporary island.

Xiong Li looked at this group of grown-up iron-eating beasts, and couldn't help feeling that the years were passing by, but he still grew up under the protection of the sect.

"Meet Senior Brother." More than 20 iron-eating beasts who were quasi-immortals saluted Xiong Li respectfully.

This respect is not only due to status, but also due to force.

There was a time when Xiong Li would go to their bamboo forest to play wrestling with them whenever he was okay.

One was counted as one, and all of them were subdued by Xiong Li's fall.

The iron-eating beasts with a normal size of more than 20 feet were all condensed to a height that was half a head shorter than Xiong Li.

"Yes, I'll play with you when I have time." Xiong Li said with a smile.

At this moment, a group of puppets appeared, and one of them was holding a giant shield. UU Reading

"Xiong Li, this is a defensive fairy weapon for you. When the time comes, you will use it to test the power of the first shot." Grape's voice sounded.

"Okay, do you need me to refine it?" Xiong Li asked.

"No, this immortal weapon is already bound to the sect. As long as it is a disciple of the sect, it can be used without refining." Grape's voice sounded, this is the latest research result of the refining peak.

"Okay, come on." Xiong Li nodded.

The remaining iron-eating beasts who were quasi-immortals were also given a giant shield.

In the temporary dojo, Xiong Li stood in the middle, feeling the pressure from the sky.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and then inspired the Five Elements Chaos Golden Body, holding a huge fairy shield and facing the sky.

"Come on~"

"Get ready, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

(End of this chapter)

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