Han Feiyu gently opened the space jade box, and a bright red feather was sealed in it.


"Wanrong Shenhuo~" Xu Fan said after watching it for a long time.


Wanrong Shenhuo is the most top-level existence among Shenhuo. Compared with the Phoenix Shenhuo he is currently using, the Kirin Shenhuo is several grades higher.


If Wanrong Shenhuo is refining magic weapons, it can at least shorten the time by half compared to ordinary Shenhuo.


"Take it back, it's too precious, the master can't take it." Xu Fan took his eyes away from the feathers of Wanrong Shenhuo with difficulty.


He couldn't help sighing in his heart, that the sugar-coated cannonballs picked by his good disciple and grandson were getting bigger and bigger, to the point where he couldn't bear it.


"Master, the immortal sword of the disciples' sword formation has been used for a long time, and it is time to replace it."


"Can Tu Sun exchange this Wanrong Shenhuo for a set of sword array fairy weapons?"


Han Feiyu had expected this, and had already prepared a second set of rhetoric.


"A system of immortal swords, this is easy to say." Xu Fan nodded and said, even if Han Feiyu didn't hold Wanrong Shenhuo, he would refine it for him.


"Then ask the master to take this divine fire, and the right is the deal between the disciple and the master." Han Feiyu handed the space jade box forward.


Seeing Han Feiyu's serious expression, Xu Fan smiled and accepted the space jade box.


"You little slicker, the master of human love remembered it." Xu Fan nodded and said, he has seen this top-level divine fire in several shops, and none of them are less than ten million immortal jade.


Recently, the quality of refining immortal energy is getting higher and higher, and it is time to find a higher-level divine fire.


How much immortal jade is worth for a set of sword array immortal swords?


"Hehe~" Han Feiyu touched his head and smiled.


It's not surprising that there are many people, he still understands this principle.


In the end, he took out the gifts he had prepared for his uncle and started to deliver them one by one.


Since that battle, he has gained a new understanding of Krypton Gold.


Sometimes if you want to become stronger, it's not just Krypton himself, Krypton brothers and elders also have the same effect.


But the premise is that they are masters and elders like myself.


After realizing this, Han Feiyu suddenly opened his mind, feeling that this matter has great potential.


Five days later, 20,000 miles outside Tianlan City, the entrance to the world of fairy relics is about to open, and millions of monks surround it.


"There are so many people who are true immortals!" Xu Gang exclaimed in amazement.


"There are several immortals nearby, and the true immortals with a little strength are probably here, although most of them are watching the fun." Xu Fan looked at the entrance gate of the ruins in the sky and said.


At this time, this area, both the earth and the sky, was occupied by various spirit boats.


Looking up at the sky, there are several large Houtian Lingbao standing above the sky.


They are all major forces from the Human Race Immortal Realm.


"It's more than I thought. It seems that this world of fairy relics is not as simple as I imagined." Xu Fan said.


"No matter how many people there are, after entering, they will not be swept away by the master." Han Feiyu said excitedly looking at the various spirit boats in the sky.


He always has a special feeling about this wild fairyland, even if the things in this fairyland are not very attractive to him, he just wants to go in and explore.


"Be careful~" Xu Fan glanced at Han Feiyu speechlessly.


He was sure that there were at least ten golden immortals in this world.


Jian Wuji looked at the entrance to the world of fairy relics high in the sky, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.


Suddenly, he felt that there was something in this fairy relic world that had a deep cause and effect with him.

At this moment, nine huge stars suddenly appeared in the sky.


A white-haired old man walked out under the stars.


"It seems that there are many daoists who are concerned about this fairy relic world, but they still have to follow the rules. One ticket is 100,000 fairy jade, and no other human race can be entrained in the space."


"In order to ensure the safety of the fellow daoists who have obtained the treasure, I specially invited the Supreme Elder of our Nine Stars True Dharma Sect to ensure your safety."


"Now you all need to send 100,000 immortal jade or an integer number of immortal jade to the stars in the sky, you can get a star token, and you can use this card to enter the ruins." The white-haired old man finished speaking, his body shape It turned into a little starlight and disappeared.


At this time, there were 4 stars in the sky that turned into giants to guard around the gate of the immortal ruins, and each star giant exuded the breath of golden immortals.


Han Feiyu took out 700,000 immortal jade and sent it to the huge star in the sky.


Then a small teleportation circle appeared in front of everyone, and seven star tokens appeared in it.


At this moment, the star giant guarding the gate of the fairy relics waved his hand lightly.


A bit of starlight streaked like a meteor, directly penetrating a true immortal several miles away.


"It is forbidden to **** other people's star tokens, and those who violate the law will have their cultivation base revoked." The star giant said calmly.


"Master, is this star giant evolved from an alien race or a supernatural power." Li Xingchi looked at the star giant and said.


I saw that the star giant was a hundred feet tall, and the whole body was covered with heavy armor. Nine stars were dotted on the heavy armor, exuding a deep and heavy breath.


"This is a companion puppet that comes with the magic powers. It is very resource-intensive to cultivate, but its power is really great." Xu Fan saw through the origin of this star giant at a glance.


"Isn't this the same as the summoning system in Zongmen?" Wang Xiangchi said.


"Almost, this one is more expensive."


Xu Fan said and led everyone into the gate of the fairy world.


Although there are many true immortals watching on the outside of the gate, not many have actually entered.


As soon as Xu Fan and others entered the gate, they came to another world.


"This world is no smaller than Feather World." Xu Fan said after exploring.


At this time, the true immortals came in one after another from the gate, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com then galloped towards a certain place.


"Okay, now you can move freely. If there is a true immortal who can't be beaten, just call Grape." Xu Fan waved his hand and said.


He is a proper nanny here, but he is not a personal nanny. He also has his own little freedom.


"Follow the order~"


Seeing that such a vast world needs to be explored by oneself, Xu Gang and others could not hold back.


Xu Yuexian took the lead and disappeared in front of everyone as a flash of light.


Wang Xiangchi and his apprentices were in groups of three, while Li Xingci was in groups of one.


"Xu Gang, have you felt the other five-color peak?" Xu Fan asked. This time, he was here mainly for Xu Gang to find another five-color peak.


"I feel it, it should be in that direction." Xu Gang pointed into the distance and said.


For some reason, as soon as he entered this fairy relic world, his heart would throb inexplicably, as if a fateful battle was waiting for him.


"Go~" Xu Fan said.


With his current level of space, he is enough to cover the world of fairy relics.


"Good master." Xu Gang nodded, took out a Taoist spirit boat and fled into the distance.


After seeing everyone left, Xu Fan also randomly chose a direction to explore.


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