Chapter 102 The Central Continent and the Elder Society

It didn’t take long for the cloud cart to be full, and the cultivator that was driving the cultivator during the integrative phase of the wind-splitting dragon activated the cloud cart.

“All fellow daoist, now the dragon cart has been activated, and it will be able to reach the central continent in a year.”

“Fighting is forbidden on the dragon cart. If there is any violation, the dragon cart will be thrown directly.”

After the cultivator finished speaking, the wind-splitting dragon took the cloud cart and flew towards the sky.

In the viewing hall in the carriage, Xu Fan and Shan Chen are sitting side by side.

“Senior, you said why there is such a vast wilderness between the state and the state.” Xu Fan asked. He has always been curious about this question, and he has not found a clear answer in the classics of Que Tianmen.

“One is Demonic Beasts, the other is that these places have not been conquered by our immortals, and the third is that there are unknown fears in the depths of the wilderness.”

“Just like the endless sea, the Mahayana Venerable may not come back.”

“In ancient times, the Monster Race did not conquer them, and there is no need to conquer them now.”

“The monster race is our current enemy.” Shan Chen said mildly, and it was also a joy to be able to spend money on prostitution all the way.

“So that’s it.” Xu Fan nodded and said.

Xu Fan took out a tea set, made a pot of tea for the bodyguard captain in front of him, and poured it on.

“Thanks to senior for this escort.” Xu Fan said with a toast.

Looking at Xu Fan who was toasting, Shan Chen was taken aback for a moment. Is it so imaginary? You don’t know what I want.

Shan Chen took his teacup and took a sip.

“Now that the Junior Cultivation Base is low and low, it is a bit reluctant to refine Dao Item.”

“In this way, I promised the senior that when I was promoted to Gold Core, I would help the senior carefully refine a Dao Item.” Xu Fan promised that meeting is fate, and the promised thing will only take some time.

If he is destined to meet in the future and ask him to refine a Dao Item, he will not refuse.

“Master Xu is polite, let’s talk about Dao Item in the future.” Shan Chen said with a smile.

As time goes by, as soon as the freshness of everyone passes, they start busy. Xu Fan cultivates a stable Cultivation Base during this period of time, Foundation Building early stage to the peak, but there is no bottleneck.

There were no surprises or dangers along the way, and he successfully reached a remote fairy city in the central continent.

After Xu Fan and the others got out of the car, he was still a little uncomfortable.

“Master Xu, I’m leaving.” Shan Chen said goodbye when he got out of the car.

“Senior, don’t forget the appointment in fifty years.” Xu Fan said. In fifty years, we agreed to meet in Xiancheng, the lord of Zhongzhou.

“How could I forget that I will rely on Master Xu in the future,” Shan Chen said jokingly.

After speaking, it turned into a retreat light and flew towards the distance.

“Master, where are we going now.” Xu Gang asked.

“First go to the main city of Zhongzhou and hold your footsteps. After understanding the situation in Zhongzhou, you can find a suitable place to establish a martial art.” Xu Fan said.

He told Wang Yulun about the establishment of the martial art, and Wang Yulun was very supportive. And it’s going to be the leader of the future combat department. Seeing the dragon cart flying away, the people truly realized that they had come to the central continent.

Xu Fan slightly sensed the concentration of Spiritual Qi around him.

“Did you feel it? It’s the Central Continent. The concentration of Spiritual Qi connected to the edge is about the same as Quetian Outer Sect.” Xu Fan said. Quetian Outer Sect is built on a large spiritual vein, so Spirit Power density far exceeds other regions.

“Yes, it deserves to be the most core place in this world.” Wang Yulun said with squinting eyes and looking at the floating island in the distance.

After everyone stepped into Xiancheng, they were stopped by a team of enthusiastic people.

“Fellow daoist, just come to the Central Continent, do you want to find a backer and join us at the Iron Mountain Gate? Our head is in a fit period.” said the Gold Core cultivator with one or two golden eyes, and also used light and shadow to show Xu Fan and the others Show own Sect.

“What is Tieshanmen, it has only been a first-level sect for more than a hundred years. The fellow daoist came to my Lingfeizong, the second-level Sect, the head is the Transcends Tribulation powerful cultivator.” Another middle-aged Gold Core cultivator Said.

Hearing this, Xu Fan and others looked at the cultivator during the Transcends Tribulation period. Isn’t that the same level as Quetianmen?

“Yeah, our Tieshanmen has some food skills, what else can you do besides collecting protection fees, the second-level Sect in 2000.” Tieshanmen’s cultivator mocked. There are only three schools that recruit disciples. , Who doesn’t know who.

This is, Xu Fan motioned to Li Xingci.

Li Xingci said he received it. A jade-white finger was lightly tapped in the air, and the entire space was like a water surface, rippled all around. Then the two directors of the personnel department listened to the quarrel and fell together in love.

Subsequently, Xu Fan led everyone directly into the city.

The daughter next to Wang Yulun glanced at Li Xingci, then quickly turned her head back, her face a little reddish.

Looking at his 60-year-old daughter, Wang Yulun was fortunate to have sent her to Xu Fan’s clan, which he didn’t have at the beginning.

Walking inside Xiancheng, Xu Fan suddenly felt that he had entered the 2000s from the 1980s. The surrounding shops have already begun to use light and shadow to advertise.

One thing that caught Xu Fan’s most attention was that when he passed the tea house hotel, he found that at least half of the people inside were looking at the virtual screen projected by the communication Magical Item. It can be seen from the refraction of the screen that there is an image moving.

Xu Fan focused his attention on the floating island not far away. Could this thing be a base station?

Like a countryman entering the city, he has seen all kinds of new things.

In a business building, Xu Fan solved own doubts.

“A few fellow daoists just came to the Central Continent.” The Foundation Building cultivator dressed up by the shopkeeper handed a piece of Jade Slip to him.

“These are some of the most basic information about the Central Continent. Fellow daoist can check it out to facilitate future travel.”

The treasurer’s expression of geniality made Xu Fan think of Pang Fu. This kid should be outside Sect when he escaped. With his agitation, he should be able to hold his life.

“Thank you for the shopkeeper, then.” Xu Fan took over Jade Slip and directly penetrated Divine Sense.

In an instant, the basic information of the Central Continent with tens of thousands of words appeared in Xu Fan’s mind.

After Xu Fan digested it, he was a good fellow.

According to Xu Fan, the current Central Mainland has entered the 3G era in terms of informatization, with a complete transportation network and Spirit Power transmission system (electric power system).

The most important thing is that the best thing in Central Continent is not those top Sects, but an organization called Central Continent Elder Club.

The slogan of the organization is slurred, Xu Fan seems to mean building a better society together.

The great thing about this organization is to collect taxes from all Sects, chambers of commerce, families, and some spontaneously formed forces, which is said to be used to build the central continent.

Xu Fan, the floating island in the distance, guessed it correctly. This thing is a combination of a base station and a service area.

At this time, there was a strange noise in the sky, and a series of thousand-meter-long treasured speed vehicles roared through the sky and flew towards the floating island in the distance.

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