Chapter 105-Setting Up Sect

One month later, Xu Fan and others gathered in a certain fairy city near the border of Zhongzhou.

Everyone gathered in the main hall of the three-entry compound.

“All talk about it, how is your situation there.” Xu Fan asked.

“Master, the place I went was already controlled by an eighth-level Sect. I walked through the other small schools and found that their lives were not easy, and the surrounding resources were controlled by the martial arts.”

“The little school has no chance to rise at all.” Xu Yuexian said first.

“I said that the place I chose is a powerful Demonic Beasts who are above the stage of transformation. It is not recommended to choose this place.” Li Xingci said lightly.

“There are few people and no resources, it is not recommended to choose here.” Wang Xiangchi said.

“The environment is too desolate, not recommended.” Wang Yulun also said.

“My situation is similar.” Xu Fan said, mainly because of pig’s feet, which must be avoided.

At this time, everyone looked at Xu Gang, their eyes full of expectation.

Xu Gang took out a Magical Item like a magic plate and put it on the table, and input Spirit Power to it.

A huge map phantom appeared in front of everyone. There was also an introduction to this place on the map, and a place suitable for the establishment of martial arts was also specifically pointed out.

“Hundred-thousand-mile giant lake, this name is a bit small.” Xu Fan said while looking at the virtual map in mid-air. The scale of the map is at least one million li.

“Xu Gang, who gave you this thing.” Killing Xu Fan didn’t believe that the own apprentice could make this stuff.

“It’s a Nascent Soul senior who Elder will guard there. It’s the deacon of that place, who is in charge of the 100,000-mile giant lake coast.” Xu Gang said.

“The senior promised that if we register martial arts there, we will be exempted from tax by 20%.” Xu Gang continued.

At this time, Xu Fan turned his gaze to his wife.

“Xiao Xi, tell me what advantages and disadvantages there are.”

Generally, the more a man lacks in character, the easier it is to find a woman with relevant advantages to be a wife.

“The only resource is the large pyrite mine at the bottom of the lake, as well as tens of thousands of kilometers along the shore of the lake. If we really want to take root there, we must protect the people along the coast from the harassment of Demonic Beasts and recruit us locally. The disciple is very helpful.”

“The most powerful Demonic Beasts in the 100,000-mile giant lake is the Nascent Soul stage. If you find Demonic Beasts above the Nascent Soul stage, you can report it to the Elder Association and they will send someone to kill.”

Xiao Xi kept talking for half an hour before stopping, and almost thoroughly analyzed that place. If it were in the high school of the previous life, it would be absolutely perfect in politics.

“There is a large iron ore at the bottom of the lake, which is difficult to mine.” Xu Fan muttered while looking at the map.

“Xiao Xi, is the tax cut mentioned by the Nascent Soul period Elder permanent?” Xu Fan asked, Elder’s tax revenue is very simple and rude, directly one-tenth of the annual profit, and the achievement of the two-year reduction is 2%. , Accumulation is a lot of numbers.

“Registering Spirit Stones is locked, signing a 100,000-year contract, and it can be permanently reduced.” Xiao Xi said.

Xu Fan continued to stare at the virtual map in midair. In fact, he had already shifted his gaze to the islands on the Hundred Thousand Miles Giant Lake, and then looked at the surrounding area of ​​the Hundred Thousand Miles Giant Lake.

Finally, Xu Fan waved his hand directly and brought everyone to the illusion world.

Everyone stood in mid-air, and the ground below was a huge lake of 100,000 miles and the surrounding area.

The more you look at Xu Fan, the more satisfied you are. This place is very in line with the own site selection criteria, the resources are not bad, and the transportation network is fairly good. The most important thing is that it is very low-key, and ordinary immortals or sects rarely pay attention to this place.

Then the most important point is that this place is far, far, far away from the Sword King Sect.

A place that is useless and a pity to abandon, but for Xu Fan, this place is just right.

Xu Fan revoked the illusion world and said to everyone: “I decided to choose our martial address here.”

The largest island in the giant lake of 100,000 miles, the area can be the size of a province in the previous life.

“Okay.” The rest of the people also know that there is really no good choice for their strength.

Nansen Xiancheng, this is the central continent, Tianlan State, a fairy city in the northeast corner. The 100,000-mile giant lake is located 50,000 miles north of Xiancheng.

Xu Fan prefers to call the Elder Club, not far from the 100,000-mile giant lake, the Investment Management Office.

As soon as Xu Fan and the others arrived, they were immediately welcomed by the entire Elder Club of the 100,000-mile giant lake, as if they had met their own father.

The cultivator of the Nascent Soul period personally made tea and poured water.

“Fellow daoist, you are here to prove that you have a clear idea.”

“I think you don’t have the Nascent Soul period yet. In this way, after you sign up for the Spirit Stones and sign the contract, I will directly bring a senior of the transformation stage to kill all the Demonic Beasts above the Gold Core stage of the 100,000-mile giant lake. ”

Xu Fan looked at the enthusiasm of Nascent Soul cultivator, and felt whether this product was getting a sales commission.

“Senior has bothered, I can still solve this little problem.”

“Can you register martial arts and sign the contract now?” Xu Fan said. Before coming, he had already strolled around the huge lake of 100,000 miles.


After the ten million registered Spirit Stones were handed in, Xu Fan signed a contract with the Nascent Soul Elder. After that contract was signed, Xu Fan felt that there was an extra chain in his soul.

“Well, now this 100,000-mile giant lake is the resident of your martial arts, as long as you report the name of your martial arts within a year.”

“Another point is more important, and that is the defense on the shore of the huge lake of 100,000 miles, which will be handed over to you in 5 years.”

“As for the rest, it is enough to recruit 100 disciples within 3 years.”

“There are a lot of trivial things, all in this Jade Slip, you can watch it slowly.”

After the Nascent Soul cultivator gave Xu Fan a Jade Slip, the whole process was completed.

The largest island in the huge lake of 100,000 miles, finally set foot on the first batch of cultivators in thousands of years.

The entire giant island is full of giant forests and tall trees, and there are mountains rising from the forest.

“Here will be our territory from now on.”

Xu Fan led everyone to fly to the mountains in the giant island. There has always been an unfamiliar rule in the world of immortality. Sect moved up.

There are some things that are inexplicably unified in the whole world of immortality.

At the top of a giant mountain, this peak is also the highest mountain.

After Xu Fan looked down for a week, he patted Li Xingci’s shoulder and said: “It’s your turn to play. I will build this place into the Sacred Land you imagined in your heart.”

Li Xingci, who was dressed in white as a turbid son, nodded, and a giant painting appeared in the air. The painting was a fairyland-like Sacred Land.

The Sect in the fairyland is built on the mountain, and the main body is the giant peak at the foot. The building in the mountain has already summarized all the buildings that Sect needs.

The puppet’s heart is behind Xu Fan, it is scanning the giant painting in the sky.

“Master, I designed it on the scale of 10,000 people, do you think it’s okay.”

“No way, I am changing.” Li Xingci said.

“No need to change, that’s it,”

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