Chapter 110 Pang Fu joined.

Wang Yulun flew towards the Elder Club in a spaceship-shaped vehicle. This time he went to the Elder Club. First, he reported the name of his school, but took Pang Fu to the Yinling Island.

At this time, Wang Yulun, who was out alone, was a little nervous. He was actually not afraid that he would encounter Demonic Beasts in the Nascent Soul period. .

According to his many years of experience, even desperate resistance will not help. As his Cultivation Base gets higher and higher, now he encounters female cultivators at the beginning of the transformation stage.

“Sect is only 30,000 kilometers away from the Elder meeting in this area. It should be fine.” Wang Yulun watched around him, ready to respond to unexpected situations at any time.

Fortunately, he arrived safely at the gate of the Elder Club and met the Pangfu family who had arrived.

“I just met, Junior Brother Pang will follow me to do business and report the school’s name.” Wang Yulun said with a smile, and looked at Pang Fu’s family by the way.

The four ladies are all beautiful Celestial Immortals, and the gestures in their words seem to be their heaven. Well, Junior Brother Pang’s family should be very happy.

As for the son, he looked like a son, nothing special.

“Okay.” Pang Fu nodded and said. He got a lot of information from this sentence. The most important point is that Master Xu is definitely in this school and must be joined.

With the warm reception of the Elder cultivator, Wang Yulun successfully completed the report of the martial arts name.

On the way back, Pang Fu looked at the huge lake and began to ask about Xu Fan’s situation.

“Brother Wang, have you established a school with Master Xu?” Pang Fu asked.

“Yes, the school is called Yinlingmen, which is located on the largest island in this huge lake of 100,000 miles.” Wang Yulun responded, with a gentle attitude towards Pangfu, because Sect just lacks a cultivator who is good at business.

“My wife and I, can they join my son?” Pang Fu asked expectantly.

“Yes.” Wang Yulun nodded and said. Xu Fan told him about this. If Pang Fu has family or accompanying people, he can join the Outer Sect.

“That’s great.”

At this time, Yinling Island slowly appeared in front of everyone in the distance.

At this time, the gate of Yinling Island had been built, facing the mainland.

As Wang Yulun approached with his spacecraft treasured car, a huge phantom of a giant gate across the heavens and the earth appeared in front of everyone, like the gate of a heavenly palace.

“The action is very fast.” Wang Yulun said with a smile, he was already shocked by the speed of the construction of the martial arts.

At this time, there are more than 20,000 tool puppets on the entire Yinling Island, transforming the entire Yinling Island at an astonishing speed.

This is Xu Fan’s view of the waste of the computing power of Grape, and he directly took out all the tool puppets he had made in the past few years.

Xu Fan, who was admiring tool puppets building a hidden spirit island, sensed Wang Yulun’s precious vehicle, and then turned his head and waved at them.

The spaceship-shaped car slowly landed next to Xu Fan.

“Brother Pang, long time no see.”

Xu Fan has been a little proud of the recent breeze. He can do whatever he wants, and Heavenly Dao cheats on himself.

“Master Xu, I have missed it for a long time,” Pang Fu said with emotion.

“You talk first, I’ll go back and let Xiao Xi prepare a place to live for you.” Wang Yulun said.

Now Xiao Xi is the chief house officer of the whole school, with an annual salary of 10,000 Spirit Stones, which is the salary Xu Fan has set for her.


Xu Fan casually summoned a pavilion with a shaping technique.

Everyone was seated.

Xu Fan looked at the young man next to Pang Fu and asked, “This is Pang Shuo, but it’s a pity that we don’t have the fate of mentoring and apprenticeship.”

otherwise. I want to have one more naive apprentice, at least with a naive appearance.

“Haha, I’m early in my life, I wanted to follow me in business from the beginning, but I don’t mean it, so I don’t want to trouble Master Xu.” Pang Fu said. I said it again at the beginning.

“Master Xu, can I join the hidden spirit gate.”

Before the topic was officially introduced, Pang Fu couldn’t wait to say. Now that the Yinlingmen was first built, and there were masters like Xu Fan, the rise of the Yinlingmen was only a matter of time, and he had to join before the rise.

In this way, he can rely on the entire martial arts to complete his own Xianshang Avenue.

“Haha, Brother Pang, you are too anxious. Before I recruited you, you ran into yourself first.”

“If you don’t tell me, I also want to invite you to join my school, as long as you don’t dislike the start-up of the school.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Of course I don’t dislike it.”

“Well, our Yinlingmen now has a special pavilion called Shangge. You are the master of the Shangge. Use martial arts resources to earn Spirit Stones resources for our Yinlingmen.”

“As for the treatment, how about half of the profit earned by the commercial cabinet every year?” Xu Fan said, this is what he thinks, and a CEO without equity can’t do it well.

“It’s a lot more, the central continent is at most a thousand one, just use this number.” Pang Fu said hurriedly, taking too much will easily cause trouble, their family used to be the country’s top giant businessmen, he understands this truth It’s very.

Xu Fan was taken aback. There is still a wage cut, isn’t Spirit Stones fragrant anymore.

“The number of a thousand, I’m sorry for you to vote for tens of thousands of miles. In this way, I will give you the number of a hundred, and you can allocate it at will.” Xu Fan thought for a moment and said.

“That’s good.” Pang Fu nodded, this value is a safe number.

After filling in, Xu Fan directly summoned the Puppet Heart, which has now been taken over by Grape.

“Choose the peaks around the main peak to build a Shang Pavilion.” Xu Fan said in the curious eyes of Pang Fu and others.

“Received, it will be done in half an hour.”

At this time, Puppet Heart projected several styles of architecture for Pang Fu to choose.

Looking at the puppet’s heart, Pang Fu had a strange light in his eyes.

In the early morning of the next day, all the Yinlingmen gathered in the main peak dojo.

It was announced that Xu Yuexian became the head of the hidden spirit gate, and the establishment of Hundred Battle Peak, Spirit Sword Peak, Fantasy Soul Peak, Shang Pavilion, and Qiandao Peak.

Those disciples who have just entered the door can choose the main peak suitable for their own after being promoted to the fourth level of Qi training.

One month later, on the Qiandao Peak, Xu Fan breathed a sigh of relief looking at the scenery below.

“After working for more than a month, I finally look a bit Sect.”

“In a while, the submarine spirit mine collection system will be put into production.”

“At that time, first use these spirit irons to get out the defense system of the entire hidden spirit island,”

“At that time, what satellites, missiles, drones, electromagnetic guns, I will get everything I can think of.” Xu Fan is like a terrorist who has just been released from prison, and he is about to do something big.

At this moment, a shocking explosion sounded in the distance.

I saw a shore where countless Demonic Beasts landed and began to attack the tool puppets who were building the Hidden Spirit Island.

Xu Gang appeared on the scene for the first time, and was bombarding the Demonic Beasts landing ashore with a cold face.

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