Chapter 124 Broken Minor World

The Xu Gang and his wife beside Xu Fan were a little sorry.

“Master, you and Madam want to wait for a long time.” Xu Gang sighed. As an apprentice, sometimes it hurts to see the Master alone looking at the stars.

“Hey, what if we meet in time, it’s just a solution to lovesickness.”

Damn, if you want to fully control a kind of spirit body, you can’t get the fit period.

“Or Master, you can find another mentor, with Master’s ability, two mentors, there is no problem with the Jedi.” A smile flashed in Xu Gang’s eyes.

“Xu Gang, do you feel the Nascent Soul period and you can ridicule the Master at will.” Xu Fan looked at Xu Gang seriously and said, this stinky boy obviously wanted to take revenge on the married baby.

Let’s not talk about who to look for, what if the master of the wife is killed now, I have to talk about the big bird, the whole Sect can’t stand it.


Xu Fan snapped his fingers, and Xu Gang fell directly into the illusion.

As soon as he entered the illusion, Xu Gang found that he had become an ordinary person without Magic power, surrounded by mortals with iron rods.

“It’s him, call me!”

Then Xu Gang fell into the club The Underworld.

“Xiao Xi, take him home, he will wake up in a day.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

“Yes, Master.” Xiao Xi said with a smile and nodded. She knew that my husband sometimes had a tendon in his mind, but sometimes his mind was like a pit.

“Master, my father is okay.” The 19-year-old boy ran up to Xu Fan and asked.

“It’s okay, your father is dreaming, and he will be fine when he wakes up.” Xu Fan said, touching the little boy’s head.

“Master, you lied to me, you are punishing Daddy, right.”

Xu Fan looked at the shining eyes of the little boy and sighed in his heart. Fortunately, you don’t follow your father’s stupid energy.

“Guess.” Xu Fan smiled.

“If Master can punish Dad for being clever, then punish more.”

“haha ok.”

Xu Fan waved his hand to let the person who saw him go back to do his own business. A message came from his newsletter Magical Item, saying that Elder would have something sent to him from Shenglingzhou in Linsen Xiancheng, and asked to pick it up.

Above the clouds, an invisible Lingfeng boat flew quickly, and Xu Fan sat in the cabin in the boat.

“Shenglingzhou, according to the time, it should be my good brother who is sending benefits.” Xu Fan said, not easy, after a wave of milk before leaving, now it is finally rewarded.

At the Linsen Fairy City Elder Meeting, Xu Fan received a warm reception as usual, as if a major taxpayer had gone to a government department. Now Yinlingmen pays at least 100 million Spirit Stones a year in tax.

Even the boss of the Elder Society, a cultivator of the transformation stage, came out to meet with Xu Fan. Xu Fan was very uncomfortable. This is Xu Fan’s fault. Whenever there is a cultivator with a higher than Nascent Soul stage around him. , He is not used to it.

As for why you are not used to it, it is not because you can’t fight or escape.

“This is something Elder, the King of Noble Zong, gave you.” Nascent Soul Deacon held a sealed box and handed it to Xu Fan. The seal contained Wang Yulun’s unique Spirit Power, and no one could imitate it.

“Thank you senior.” Xu Fan nodded and said.

“Yes, it should be. In the past few years, the Guizong has been very successful in suppressing the 100,000-mile giant lake Demonic Beasts, so that Elder will relieve a lot of pressure.” Nascent Soul Deacon said with a smile.

In the past, although the 100,000-mile giant lake was only once in 5 or 6 years, there were still sporadic Demonic Beasts on the lakeside to make trouble.

But since the Yinlingmen accepted defense six years ago, the entire 100,000-mile giant lake has been closed. For six years, there has not been a single Demonic Beasts landing to disturb the people.

Xu Fan casually dealt with the deacon of the Nascent Soul period, and eagerly returned to the hidden spirit gate with the box given by his good brother. Good things should be unpacked in the safest place.

As soon as I returned to Sect, I met Xu Yuexian who looked a little nervous.

“Master Head Teacher, I know I’m back, what kind of treasure I found this time.” Xu Fan said, taking a look at Xu Yuexian who is already in the Nascent Soul period.

Five years ago, Xu Yuexian passed the puppet test and was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, which also verified Xu Fan’s idea that the second child really has a future through stocking.

“Master, the stuff this time will definitely excite you for a whole year.” Xu Yuexian said mysteriously. What she found this time is definitely the main dish of the Master who loves refining tools.

“Oh, what a baby.” Xu Fan’s eyes revealed expectation, as if entering the lottery draw.

Ten years ago, since Xu Yuexian was released, she took the place of Wang Yulun. Although it was not as pleasant as what Wang Yulun brought back, she could occasionally relieve her confidant.

The scarce materials of the rune iron plate in Xu Fan’s hand were all obtained by Xu Yuexian.

After Xu Fan passed the test of the iron plate treasure stage of the rune, he obtained four runes with spatial attributes, namely Rongkong rune, Kun character rune, stable character rune, and open character rune.

Since then, the entire Yinlingmen disciple has no shortage of space equipment.

“I want to stabilize for a while. After I got this thing, I’ve been in awe, for fear of being discovered by others.” Xu Yuexian said with a little shock.

“Go, there is tranquilizing tea in the dojo.”

In the dojo, Xu Yuexian, who was in a shock just now, has finally stabilized.

“Just a month ago, I teamed up with more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators who specialize in treasure hunting to explore a broken Minor World.”

“This dilapidated Minor World is very small, not as large as one-tenth of our hidden island.”

“But the things inside instantly made everyone jealous. At that time, the Master said that I had a murderous heart. More than a dozen Nascent Soul stage, that is, one person, one shot.”

“What do you find, the origin of Five Elements, the best immortal crystals, immortal artifacts, or large Dao Item.” Xu Fan guessed that it is definitely not a simple thing to make his knowledgeable apprentice a murderer.

“Master, don’t worry, just listen to me first.” Xu Yuexian said in a hurry.

Xu Fan said in his heart that this is a stinking problem.

“Almost as soon as I saw that thing, the four Nascent Soul cultivators who had previously teamed up attacked the cultivator next to him.”

“Seven Nascent Soul cultivators died at once, and there are nine others on the court.” Xu Yuexian continued.

“What were you doing at the time?” Xu Fan asked.

“I haven’t forgotten what the Master taught. When I saw something in the midair of this Minor World, I instantly replaced the body with a substitute puppet, and I was invisible not far from them.”

“Go on.” Xu Fan said irritably, this stinky girl didn’t seem to be able to tell what a baby it was until the last one.

“At that time, they went through a fight, and the last four Nascent Soul cultivators who acted first won. Just as I was ready to watch the show, a monster puppet of the Nascent Soul period came out to ease the four Nascent Soul period. Beheaded.”

“The power of that monster corpse puppet is the same as the challenge puppet of the Nascent Soul early stage refined by you, Master, as if there is another grape controlling it.”

“Then I hid in the broken Minor World for another three days. After all the cultivator deaths were confirmed, I killed the monster puppet in one shot.” Xu Yuexian said triumphantly.

“So you didn’t tell the teacher in the end. What did you see.” Xu Fan said lightly. He is now thinking about what a good thing can be. He has the ability to make me jump up happily.

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