Chapter 128

Inside Chenbei Xianchengyi Inn.

Xu Yuexian met the remaining three teammates.

“Sword King Sect. Ye Chen.”

“Rogue Cultivators. Zhang Meimei.” This is Xu Yuexian’s pseudonym for external use.

“Thousand Beast Sect, Wang Yu.”

“Too one, Luo Tan.”

“Bailingmen, Ji Yueqin”

“The five of us are all professional treasure hunters. Don’t talk nonsense. After we enter, we will immediately divide the treasure when we have something.”

“As for whether to cooperate or not, you were deciding at that time.” Ye Xiaoyao took on the role of captain.

Seeing this scene, the old sword in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart was a little bit gratified. The child finally moved towards the right path, thinking that…

Then everyone confirmed their position in the team, and then they all waited quietly in the inn for news.

To this large-scale Sacred Land ruins, there are special intelligence agencies waiting around the ruins. Once opened or an accident occurs, these treasure hunters who have contact with the intelligence agencies will get the news as soon as possible.

In the sky somewhere 10,000 li away from Chenbei Xiancheng, a purple-red aura appeared.

“The entrance to the monster Sacred Land is confirmed, now we will deliver the message.”

A cultivator with a white mask began to operate on the communication Magical Item.

At almost the same time, all the treasure hunters far away in Chenbei Xiancheng received the news almost uniformly.

For a time, countless rays of light rose from outside Chenbei Xiancheng, flying in the same direction in a unified manner, and many of them were experienced treasure hunters who were white prostitutes.

The four Xu Yuexian boarded Ye Xiaoyao’s giant spirit sword and were following them at the end of the first echelon.

“Yes, the first such ruin to rush in is to seek death.”

“Your position is just right.”

Hearing what Lao Jian said, Ye Xiaoyao rolled his eyes.

“Boy, let alone I didn’t remind you that your teammates are not fuel-efficient lamps, but when there is a conflict, the only thing you have to pay attention to is the girl you invited over.”

“I don’t know why, I always think she can kill you in seconds.” Old Jian reminded Ye Xiaoyao in his heart.

“Since it’s not easy to say, then just don’t have a dispute with her.” Ye Xiaoyao said with a smile, and at the same time he was wary of Xu Yuexian in his heart.

The purplish red light in the sky slowly dissipated, and a giant gate appeared in the sky. It was the entrance to the ruins of Sacred Land. Like this kind of monster Sacred Land, the most precious materials and treasures that are rarely seen in ordinary times are produced. , There are other treasures that contain rune, but Magic Treasures of the Monster Race are not very popular.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was watching today’s headlines far away hundreds of millions of kilometers away, suddenly found something interesting.

That is, the intelligence organization in the forefront of the entire Central Continent actually started a live broadcast. They explained that the picture they saw was five minutes ago.

Xu Fan clicked in curiously, and saw a cultivator wearing a white mask introducing him to the giant gate in the air behind him.

“It has now been ascertained that this Sacred Land was 150,000 years ago in the famous Nine-Tailed Sacred Land of the monster clan. This should be the third Sacred Land of the fox clan.”

“Everyone has seen it. Now almost half of the treasure hunters in the entire Central Continent have joined this treasure hunt.”

“As for what treasures you can find, please watch the next episode.”

After the white mask cultivator finished speaking, the whole picture was gone.

“Why is the development process of this kind of things so similar? It’s very boring.” Xu Fan said boredly, thinking that there was a live broadcast in the monster Sacred Land, and maybe he could still see his apprentice.

At this time, Xu Fan suddenly thought of something very interesting.

“Grape, I want a disciple to be a video blogger, is there a suitable candidate?” Xu Fan asked.

A virtual screen appeared in front of Xu Fan, and above it was an ordinary-looking teenager with a low sense of existence.

“Yu Nan, a disciple of Shang Pavilion, practiced on the fifth level of Qi, is good at inquiring and analyzing various news, and has a different interest in the secrets and secrets of the world of cultivating immortals.”

“I like to use photo taking to record some interesting things I see.”

Listening to the introduction of Grape, Xu Fan felt that it was really appropriate.

“For Sect, let him come here.” Xu Fan said.


In Sect, Yu Nan, who was peeking at the secret date of the sixth beauty of the Yinlingmen (she named her), suddenly received news that it was Elder who wanted to see herself, on the lake outside Sect.

“Big Elder shouldn’t be fishing at this time? Why would he suddenly think of me.” Yu Nan said in a puzzled manner, and flew outside Sect without thinking.

“Meet the big Elder.” Yu Nan, who slowly landed on the tortoise shell, saluted Xu Fan. Looking at the legend in front of him, he remembered all kinds of rumors about the big Elder in Sect.

“Get up, find a place to sit on your own.” Xu Fan said gently. For the disciples in his Sect, Xu Fan has an inexplicable closeness.

Yu Nan nervously sat down not far from Xu Fan.

“Do you know why I asked you to come?” Xu Fan said.

“Could it be that Elder came to me to inquire about things.” Yu Nan said respectfully, but his heart began to become tense. Could it be that I was asked to investigate the cleanliness of Pavilion Master Pang?

“Everything in Sect is under my control. I need to ask you what to do.” Xu Fan smiled.

At this time, Yu Nan’s mind became active. Could it be that the rumors in Sect were true, and there was a mysterious force monitoring them all the time.

“I heard that you like to use photo taking to record interesting things you’ve seen. Can you let me see a few paragraphs?” Xu Fan said with interest.

“Yes, can Elder keep it secret for me.” Yu Nan said embarrassedly.


Yu Nan took out the photo-taking stone and started to play. Xu Fan looked at his face becoming more and more weird. He didn’t expect that there were so many talents in Sect.

In one of the scenes, Zhou Kailing displayed a newly-researched shit tornado by a lake, with a honeyed smile on his face, which made Xu Fan a little regretful for accepting this wonderful flower.

The other is a body-building disciple in Sect. With his own powerful body, he forcibly crushes the challenged puppet.

There are also several pictures that record the daily life of beautiful female disciples in Sect.

There is also a picture of the disciples in Sect getting nervous.

“Where did you learn your photo-taking technique?” Xu Fan asked. People who are a little more careful will definitely be aware of the photo-taking technique.

“I specifically asked Uncle Zhou to help me reform.” Yu Nan told the truth, he knew it was meaningless to lie in front of Elder.

Yu Nan cast another photo taking technique in front of Xu Fan.

“Still together, I can only take pictures of the cultivator below the Foundation Building period without a trace.” Xu Fan said with a glance.

At this time, Xu Fan gave Yu Nan a Jade Slip with his previously improved photo taking technique.

“Give you a chance to visit the great fairy cities, do you want to?” Xu Fan said.

“Then Elder has something to explain.” Yu Nan said, there is no free lunch in the world.

“Let you be a blogger looking for beautiful women.”

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