Chapter 130

For a time, Ye Xiaoyao’s sword formation was so much that the two cultivators couldn’t raise their heads.

At a commanding height 3 miles away from this place, Xu Yuexian changed a long spear, took out two one-foot-long spirit-breaking weapon type III bullets and pressed them into the sniper gun.

“Just take the blood of the two of you in the transformation stage, and fire this big gun.”

Ordinary enemy Xu Yuexian still uses the big gun before. As for the new gun, it will only be dispatched when it encounters valuable prey, and now valuable prey has appeared.

In the battlefield, Ye Xiaoyao, who was suppressing the two god transformation cultivators, couldn’t stand it at this time. The stage of transformation was the stage of transformation, even if he was unparalleled in the sword formation, it was a bit laborious.

“You’re fighting strength, you just can’t suppress the two waste cultivators of the god transformation stage. If you change your brother Nascent Soul stage, suppressing these two goods is probably raising your hand.” Ye Xiaoyao’s old sword again. The daily dislike mode is turned on.

“Don’t influence me to fight, why doesn’t that Zhang Meimei take action yet.”

Ye Xiaoyao clenched his hands and shouted with his teeth: “Sword Power: Canglong worships the sky.”

Hundreds of spirit swords in the sword formation formed a blue dragon, and pressed it against the two god-changing cultivators.

In fact, the two god transformation cultivators did not try their best, but secretly detected the other person who killed the three Nascent Souls.

“We haven’t got the chance to shoot yet. Didn’t you see that the two cultivators didn’t make a full shot? The girl is waiting for the opportunity.”

“Since there is no time, I will create time for her.” Ye Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and controlled the transformation of the sword formation.

“Swordsmanship: Canglong around the pillar!”

The Canglong in the sword formation flicked its tail and walked around facing the two god-changing cultivators.

Looking at the imposing spirit sword Canglong, the two cultivators understood that things would really happen if they didn’t do it.

“Boss, you defensively break through, I postpone, and retreat.” Yihua Shenqi cultivator gritted his teeth and said, very unwilling, but there is no way.


At the moment when the cultivator took the shot, Xu Yuexian in the distance pulled the trigger.

The moment the bullet was fired, a giant shield was blocked in front of the two of them.

Watching this scene, Xu Yuexian smiled and said, “Is it useful?”

‘boom! ’

A bullet directly smashed the treasure shield, and the bullet that followed passed through the spiritual shield and shot into the cultivator’s forehead.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaoyao’s momentum surged instantly, and the two spirits were not easy to deal with, and one was not cutting melons and vegetables.

The battle behind was extremely simple. Under Ye Xiaoyao’s attack, Xu Yuexian quickly seized the flaw and killed the last cultivator.

The two quickly cleaned up the battlefield and came to a dense area.

“Divide the treasures, it doesn’t make sense to stay here anymore. The more you get behind, the easier it will be.” Xu Yuexian said while looking at Ye Xiaoyao.

“I think so too.”

Ye Xiaoyao quickly took out all the things in the Interspatial Ring, and for a time there were three more hills in front of the two of them.

“Spirit Stones totaled more than 32 million, and I took half of 16 million.” Ye Xiaoyao said, and at the same time began to become more careful.


Xu Yuexian also began to be careful, and the treasure of the team is that there is at least a half chance that something will happen. This is her experience for many years.

Both of them carefully put away the part of Spirit Stones that belonged to them.

“Spirit mine and spirit medicine are one and half.” Ye Xiaoyao continued.


“The Magic Treasures of the Yaozu and the demolished architectural treasures.”

“I want to ask for more Magic Treasures from the Monster Race.” Ye Xiaoyao said.

“The Magic Treasures of the Monster Race belong to you, and the treasures belong to me, but I want all the Cultivation Technique of the Monster Race.” Xu Yuexian thought for a moment and said.


After dividing all the items in front, the last item is missing, and that is the strange treasure found in Sacred Land, which is also the most important part.

“Boy, listen to me, there is a flaw. I have a soul control method here. This girl is not good at close combat.” Old Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.

“You think too much, how could Miss Zhang be such a person.”

Although Ye Xiaoyao said so in his heart, his body still showed a few flaws honestly. The harvest was worth more than 130 million Spirit Stones. If the remaining 130 million Spirit Stones can also be received, it is okay to catch a fish against his conscience. .

Besides, it’s not about killing her.

Xu Yuexian looked at the flaws that Ye Xiaoyao inadvertently revealed and wanted to laugh. You think I don’t know about fishing law enforcement. According to the Master, this is a moral bitch.

“The remaining exotic treasures can be identified in value. Let’s halve them. If we can’t identify them, we just count the pieces.”

“We have a peach one by one, is this okay?” Ye Xiaoyao said with a smile, but the spirit swords in the sword case behind him were already ready to go.


Ye Xiaoyao didn’t know that Xu Yuexian’s real body had already set up a gun two kilometers away. As long as Ye Xiaoyao did it, it would be a headshot.

Treasures were distributed little by little, and the atmosphere on the court became more and more tense. Ye Xiaoyao also exposed several relatively large flaws, and he almost said you will kill me.

As the treasures were divided, both of them regretted at the same time, both of them regretted that the other did not do anything.

“Miss Zhang, I don’t know if we will have a chance to form a team in the future.” Ye Xiaoyao said, aside from other things, this is definitely a strong teammate.

“up to you.”

“Since the distribution of the treasures is over, then say goodbye, the immortal road is vast, and goodbye.”

Xu Yuexian turned around and left after she said it, exposing her back to Ye Xiaoyao generously, as if to say again, I will give you a chance to be a bitch.

Looking at Xu Yuexian’s back, Ye Xiaoyao was a little ashamed.

“Boy, don’t look, that girl is not easy, if you make a move, maybe you will be gone.” Lao Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.

“I didn’t think about it just now.” Ye Xiaoyao said with a sigh.

“Just now when the girl was distributing treasures, her real body had already gone elsewhere.” Lao Jian said.

“You noticed that you didn’t tell me?” Ye Xiaoyao was taken aback.

“I didn’t notice it, I felt it. After all, there are really too few people who have cloned magical powers in the Nascent Soul stage.” Old Jian said.

“Doppelgänger supernatural powers, do you have any old swords.”

“Of course I have, and there are many, but now I just can’t remember.”

“If you want me to recover, give me more Source Spirit Qi, when there will be more magical powers of this secret method.” Lao Jian yelled in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.

“The Origin Spirit Qi you mentioned is too profound, I don’t know where to find it.”

“Now our main task is to deal with all the things we got, and then continue to let Brother Wu refine the treasure spirit sword.”

“If I have 360 ​​treasures of Tier 4 spirit swords, two stages of transformation, I can kill them with one hand.” Ye Xiaoyao said.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was drifting freely in the huge lake of 100,000 miles, got the news that Xu Yuexian had come out safely.

“This little girl’s cautious character, coupled with the magical powers of Huaying III, if it is really gone, it will prove that God won’t let you live.”

Seeing Xu Yuexian’s safety, Xu Fan’s heart relaxed a little.

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