Chapter 157 Kid, You Have A Good Time

“The gift we prepared for the Master is still a lot short of points. In this situation, if the two of us want to continue to brush points, it will be very difficult.”

“Now there are more and more powers at the border of the entire elephant state, and our opportunities are getting less and less.”

“I think it is the first to exchange the treasure containing immortal inscriptions for the Master. As for the Celestial Pill, let’s look for opportunities in the future.”

“I still have the origin of wood here, and it can be used by the Master before the Void Refining Period,” Xu Yuexian said.

“Okay, listen to you, it’s not a short time to come out, I really miss the Master.”

“After redeeming the Xianwen Heavy Treasure, we will go back to Sect, the Master is not protected, I am very worried.” Xu Gang said.

“You don’t want Lingtai and sister-in-law.” Xu Yuexian said with a smile.

“Of course I want, I just don’t say it.” Xu Gang said lightly.

“Well, let’s ambush a few waves of monsters, and we will go home after earning enough points.”


Qianlingzong, the two mates, Elder’s complexion is very bad.

Since getting this set of Puppet Heart, so far, no one has been damaged, but disciples below the Tianjiao level have hardly succeeded in the challenge, at most a tie.

Only a peerless disciple, relying on his super fast speed, cut off the arm of the puppet, and then was shot out.

Then the puppet took his arm and installed it again. At the beginning of refining the puppet, Xu Fan had already considered the problem of damage to the puppet, so all the puppets he refined will usually be automatically separated from the attacked position after high-intensity attacks. .

After the war, if it wins, the puppet will automatically recall the place where it fell.

At this time, the entire disciples of the Qianlingzong felt the pain of the Yinlingmen disciples.

“I found out today that these Juniors are really useless. It’s hard to send Tianjiao to challenge these puppets.” Qingshan fit cultivator said.

In fact, he is also weighing in his heart whether he can defeat this challenge puppet when he is in the Nascent Soul period.

While speaking, another disciple of the Gold Core stage was knocked out of the challenge zone.

“Hey, a Sect rule is issued that disciples who are below the refining period must challenge the puppet ten times a year.”

“Those who challenge the puppets must be photographed. If there is no progress in five years, they will be automatically classified as mediocre.”

“At the same time, the rules for promotion to Tianjiao have been changed. Only after defeating six puppets of the same level can they be promoted to Sect Tianjiao.”

After seeing the true combat power of these challenging puppets, he knew why Zhang Han’s combat power was comparable to Tianjiao.

Under the ravages of this kind of puppet all the year round, even mediocre people can be tempered into a piece of steel.


The deacon of the god transformation stage next to him wiped the cold sweat on his head, the puppet of the Nascent Soul stage, he looked at it with a headache.

At this time, the small attendant next to the cultivator in the Qingshan fit period said: “That said, we have decided on this set of challenge puppets.”

“Set, must be set, and buy two more sets, so that it is barely enough for Sect children.” Qingshan fit period cultivator said.

“In this case, do you want to talk about the price, after all, it is almost reaching the bulk purchase line.” said the small attendant of the fit period.

“Let’s go at the original price, there may be something to ask for that kid later.” The cultivator said after thinking about it.

Some things are in a hurry, he has now determined that the little Foundation Building cultivator, who is like a gatekeeper, is the spiritual creator they are looking for.

“Okay.” The small attendant nodded and said, this is his professional habit. Spirit Stones is simply a drop in the monthly purchase of Spirit Stones by Sect, not to mention the exchange of spirit mines and spirit materials.


At this time, Xu Fan, who refined the heart of the puppet in the Time House, received an order from Qianlingzong.

“Haha, I’m still ordering two sets. That’s right, it’s not worth pretending to be a grandson for so long.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“In the heart of refining two puppets, three trial towers of the fifth-order treasure, as for puppets, the puppets previously refined can be refurbished.”

“This way I can expand two more Nascent Soul puppet production lines.” Xu Fan wondered, touching his chin.

“It is recommended that the owner expand one, so that it happens, if the late stage owner advances to the Gold Core stage, these production lines will fall behind.” Putao’s electronic audio system played.

“Well, let’s make one. After all, it’s quite expensive, and prices have grown tremendously recently.” Xu Fan said.

Although he earned Spirit Stones, he did not swell. The Dao Item and Xingzhou he needed to refine in late stage were all invincible holes. At this point, Spirit Stones can only be heard.


Outside the Flying Feather world, the giant chain that was stretching suddenly tightened.

Venerable, who was waiting next to the Wan Xingzhou, slowly opened his eyes.

“The two worlds are already linked, and the rest is to slowly pull back.”

“I believe those demon kings will feel incredible to see the demon spirit world being dragged towards The Mortal Realm.”

“But in the end they will know that they turned out to be a dish.”

As the huge chain jumped to its tightest state, the entire Feather World shook, and then the tens of thousands of huge chains began to shrink at an extremely slow speed.

“It’s finally about to begin. The moment the Feathers Realm rises is the time of my Immortal Ascension.”

On the top of Wan Xingzhou, the young starry eyes looked at the giant chain that was slowly recovering and said.

Outside the demon spirit realm, a Kunpeng who spread its wings thousands of miles laughed after looking at the chains connected to the demon spirit realm.

“Isn’t it good to be alive? I have to come and die.”

“In this case, I will work harder for you.”

Kunpeng looked at the chain and said.

“Little baby, come out.”

With a call, a figure hidden in the dark appeared.

A void giant python with a length of thousands of miles appeared outside the demon spirit world.

A pair of golden snake pupils comparable to the sun and the moon stared at Kunpeng, as if waiting for an order from behind.

“You work hard, I want to hurry up and meet those cute cuties,” Kunpeng said.


The Void Giant Python nodded, flew towards the chain linking the roots of the demon spirit world, and began to forcefully pull in the direction of the Feather Realm.

At this time, the speed of chain recycling turned out to be one point faster.

“There has also started to act, let me guess, it should be the smelly bird.”

“I always want to take his little baby to yin me for once. The idea is right, but my brain is not good.”

Thinking of the days when he once became the demon emperor and called that silly bird as his brother, a smile appeared on the boy’s mouth.

“I don’t know how old your baby has grown, but don’t be less than 10,000 miles long when I take over.”

“That would be boring.”

After confirming that there was no problem with the chain linking the two worlds, Wan Xingzhou slipped back into the Feather Realm.

At the junction of Xiangzhou and Shenglingzhou, Ye Xiaoyao, who had just wiped out a group of demons, was taking the Sword King Sect disciples to collect the spoils.

“Old Jian, is there another ancient demon coming out? I just felt the whole space shook.” Ye Xiaoyao asked from the bottom of his heart.

“It’s not the ancient demon, it’s the voice of merit.” Old Jian smiled.

“Unexpectedly, those big men in the world of immortality cultivation are so big, boy, you are in good time.”

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