Chapter 162 Wang Yulun’s Melancholy

After the two chatted for a while about the Great Thousand World, Li Xuandao left.

“Also a poor person.” Xu Fan said, looking at the jade disc in his hand.

Spirit Power penetrated the jade disc, and a Ninth Golden Fairy Judgment appeared in Xu Fan’s mind.

“The very mysterious Cultivation Technique belongs to Samsara. It’s just too troublesome. Late stage is a lifetime golden fairy.”

“Maybe with the help of this “Ninth World Golden Immortal Decision”, the Cultivation Technique of Xingci can be optimized.”

Xu Fan thought while looking at him.

Three days later, Xu Fan sighed and put down the jade dish.

“It is the Cultivation Technique of the immortal world level, it seems that it cannot be reversed at this stage.”

A mountain guardian puppet appeared beside Xu Fan, took the jade disc, and flew towards Li Xuandao’s residence.

After the puppet was gone, Xu Fan began to insight into the immortal spirit treasure again.

At this time, within the Magic Peak, the two thousand newly joined disciples began to practice their first spell in their lives.

In the illusion world, in a vast grassland, the disciples in the robes of the hidden spirits began to awkwardly mobilize the Spirit Power in the body, seal their hands, and laboriously perform the most basic spells.

Xu Gang was also in the illusion and began to explain the essentials of spells to the disciples who had doubts. This was requested by Xu Fan. As long as he was in Sect, he had to take turns to be a teacher.


“Ice Spear”

“Little Spirit Rain”

“Light Body Surgery”


“Ground Stabbing”

“Golden Body Art”

All the children are excited to use the spells they have learned, as if they have stepped into the ranks of immortals.

At this time, Xu Gang noticed a special disciple, an 8-year-old boy with fair skin and a clever look in his eyes.

At this time, he was using both hands to tie the seal, one hand to storm, the other hand to fireball.

If it is outside, Xu Gang will stop it for the first time, but in the world of illusion, at most it will be mentally damaged if it fails, and it will be fine after a few days of cultivation.

Xu Gang, who was planning to watch a joke next to him, suddenly widened his eyes. This technique was only learned after he was promoted to the Gold Core period.

It was so easily displayed by a disciple who was less than ten years old.

Xu Gang waved his hand gently, and the little boy’s information appeared in front of him.

“Lin Chuanyu, 8 years old, dual Spiritual Roots, qualification: high, comprehension: high, focusing on cultivating disciples.”

There is a more detailed introduction later, Xu Gang did not take a closer look.

“It turns out that the Master has started paying attention to him.”

At this time, the little boy directly controlled the storm technique into a tornado, and directly integrated the fireball technique into the tornado.

This scene looked very uncomfortable at Xu Gang.

“Is this the gap in understanding? When I practiced the first spell during the Qi refining period, this kid had already played the combo spell.”

At this time, Xu Gang suddenly felt that since he was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, his enthusiasm for cultivation Dao Fa magical powers was far less than before.

“Are you proud of a tie with Sect Tianjiao? Just forget your original ideals.”

Looking at Lin Chuanyu, who was so talented, Xu Gang suddenly realized.

In the time cabin, Xu Fan looked at Xu Gang, who was asking for his inner consultation, and a little Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Are you hit by a disciple who just started?” Xu Fan smiled.

“After entering the Nascent Soul stage and tying with the Tianjiao of the Thousand Spirit Sect, the disciple found that the cultivation of the Taoist magical powers was much slack.”

“And Cultivation Base is also a bit stagnant.”

“Please Master to develop a cultivation plan for the disciple.” Xu Gang said.

“Don’t worry. Recently, I also found that your cultivation is a little lax. Isn’t it a big problem? The cultivator also needs to rest.”

“And that disciple, I know, the talent is definitely better than yours at the time.”

“The road to cultivating immortals is too long, you just have to walk your own path steadily.”

“Don’t be anxious or impatient. When you look back when you are tired, you will find that the people you admire can no longer see you moving forward.” Xu Fan said.

In my heart, I added a sentence, if you are the Master, what are you still worried about.

“Don’t you want to cultivate the plan, go to the trial tower tomorrow, where there will be a practice challenge for the teacher.”

“Thanks Master.”

After comforting the big disciple, Xu Fangang wanted to study how to reduce the sequelae of Best Samsara. As a result, he welcomed his own welfare brother.

“I came back with my daughter-in-law?” Xu Fan said, this guy is also an idle master. After a period of Sect cultivation, he took the task of investigating the most wanted criminal in the Gold Core period under the jurisdiction of Yinlingmen.

Still took his wife with him.

“I just came back yesterday. I heard Xiang Chi say that Xingci is about to advance to Nascent Soul.” Wang Yulun said sadly.

“Yes, after your baby is promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, your other baby will also be promoted to the Nascent Soul stage.”

“At the time at the Yin Lingmen, your royal family has the greatest power.”

“Have you ever considered taking the position and becoming the Head Teacher of the Hidden Spirit Gate?” Xu Fan joked.

“You know to make fun of me, I came to ask you what the “Star Ci” means.”

“It’s been so many years, he should be able to guess something.” Wang Yulun said.

“You don’t have to be too anxious, after all, you are also a victim.”

“Xingci won’t do anything to you, but if you want him to call you dad, it’s probably a bit difficult.” Xu Fan said.

“He doesn’t blame me.” Wang Yulun said with a sigh.

“It’s okay, according to my understanding of Xingci, after he is promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, he will at most give you a Samsara magical power. As long as you survive, it will be fine.” Xu Fan said, patted Wang Yulun on the shoulder.

“Samsara supernatural power?” He didn’t know much about his son’s Cultivation Technique.

“Yes, don’t be afraid, at most one night.” Xu Fan motioned to Wang Yulun to feel relieved.

“If you are really scared, you will continue to take your Qian’er to play in the Central Continent. Maybe you will forget it after a few hundred years.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Can you give me a reliable suggestion.” Wang Yulun said silently.

“Then you can find a chance to chat with Xingci, maybe the problem will be solved.” Xu Fan said flatly.

“It seems that this can only be done. Rather than escape, it is better to take the initiative to face it.” Wang Yulun gritted his teeth and said. I used to think it was too early, but I didn’t expect time to pass so fast.

“In this case, I will let Xiang Chi take his mother out to carry out a procurement task, so as to save half the way from being smashed.”

“Good brother.” Wang Yulun said.

“Should it be?” Xu Fan smiled. After all, he still expects a good brother to solve major issues in the future.

The next day, Wang Xiangchi found Murong Qian’er.

“Mother, Master asked me to go to Fengyu Xiancheng to purchase a batch of special products from there, do you want to go?”

“Don’t you want to buy the special treasure Phoenix Yuxian clothing there? I just happened to be able to accompany you on a trip.” Wang Xiangchi said. Although he didn’t understand why the Master gave him this task, he still needs to listen to what the Master said.

Feng Yuxian Yi was eating some time ago, Murong Qianer said it, and Wang Xiangchi remembered it in her heart, thinking that he would have time to buy one for his mother.

Murong Qian’er’s eyes lit up when she heard her son’s words. It just so happened that Wang Yulun said yesterday that she had sentiment to practice Closed Door Training for a period of time.

“I will leave a letter for your father, and we will leave.” Murong Qian’er said happily.

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