Chapter 166-An Improved Version of Samsara

He recovered a little bit of Spirit Power’s Void Refining cultivator, changed his face, stepped into the teleportation formation of Black Sea Fairy City, and teleported to a remote Fairy City.

Outside the Feiyu realm, the super giant chain was still shrinking. At this time, due to the proximity of the two realms, a terrifying spiritual repulsion was produced between the two realms. Now no Yuzhou dared to appear in the area between the two realms.

A unique seal was formed between the two worlds. People inside could not get out unless they wanted to turn into powder, and people outside could not get in.

At the inner wall of the boundary of the polar sky, there is a huge planet guarding here.

There are countless spiritual mountains in the planet, and there are tens of thousands of military-like cultivators in Life.

At this time, on the top of the highest mountain on the planet, there was a palace.

Outside the palace, the old and the young were drinking tea quietly and admiring the magnificent scenery below.

“Everything has been set up, why do you still have some thoughts?” The old man pouring tea for the young man respectfully.

“From the moment I was born, I had everything from my mind, and the Taoist body was natural. All things in the world of cultivating immortals, as long as I want to, can’t escape my eyes.”

“The same is true of the Demon Realm. Although the strength is stronger than our human race, in my eyes it can only be regarded as a foolish man.”

“But the silly bird alone has always been an uncertain factor.”

“Golden-winged Great Peng bloodline, I’m afraid I will beat him hard, he will call his dad in the world.” The young star said with a headache.

Although the silly bird was stupid, but his combat power was always higher than his, just because his brain was not good enough, when he entered the demon world, he called the silly bird a brother, but not much, then the silly bird confessed to him. This is exactly his headache. s reason.

“Isn’t there anything you can do about your honor?” the old man asked, in his eyes, there is nothing in this world that can hold him up.

“Yes, I have laid out on that stupid bird for many years, just to let him fly into the world to find his father, but I never expected that this stupid bird was in estrus, and I fell in love with a blood phoenix in their demon world. In the event of an accident, that stupid bird is working hard to make eggs.”

The tone of Star Eye Boy was a little helpless, and the thousand-year layout was broken.

“Now I am arranging the chess pieces of the Demon Realm to look for that blood phoenix, and figure out how to make her soar into the world.”

“There are a lot of variables like this, but it doesn’t affect the big sleep.”

“The monster race has branches, most of them are selfish people. To solve the stupid bird, the rest is only a matter of time.” The star pupil said lightly, as if everything would not surprise him.

“Thousand Souls,”

“Subordinates are here.” A guard wearing a cyan armor appeared next to the young star.

“Give the Elder Society Sky Surveyor and the Four Mirrors all the permissions, first pull out all the hidden forces of the monster races in the central continent.”

“In addition, the Celestial Artifact Sect was notified to reduce the price of the Sea Boat to 30% of the original price and the Star Boat to 50% of the original price.”

“The old inventory should also be cleaned up, so that the Endless Sea and the Territory will be more lively in the future.”

“It’s not boring to fight the Yaozu like this.” The young star smiled.

The sea boats and star boats, which are extremely precious to the outside world, are just gadgets in his eyes, controlling the top Sect without large-scale battles due to resources.

“Yes,” the guard said, before disappearing into the air.

At this time, Xu Fan had been in the Closed Door Training of the Time House for 10 years. In this year, Li Xingci received the Jade Slip from Xu Fan.

“Bai Shi Samsara improved version.” Li Xingci looked at Jade Slip and said.

“Samsara, one person at the beginning, one soul, one mind, one thousand thoughts, and a game of life.”

Looking at the improved version of the preface of supernatural powers, a gleam of light flashed in Li Xingci’s eyes. The longer Samsara, who had previously cultivated a hundred generations of Samsara, cultivated, his heart closed tightly.

He has passed the eleventh Samsara, in which there is pain, sweetness, sadism, hesitation, domineering, tenderness….

If he has experienced too many things, he will be born. If he has experienced all this century, he will embark on a path that is too ruthless. This is something he doesn’t want to see.

“I don’t know how Master’s improved Cultivation Technique is.”

Sitting on the bed, Li Xing directly cultivated the improved version of Samsara, and by the way started the twelfth Samsara.

At the moment when Li Xingci’s twelfth Samsara was launched, there was a wisp of Samsara’s power that directly took Li Xingci’s spiritual thoughts and flew in an unknown direction.

In Samsara Minor World, the general mansion of the Jin Kingdom, there was a cry of infants.

“Congratulations, General, you are a leader.”

“Haha, rewards, all rewards, today all the servants in the mansion are worth five taels of silver, and the housekeeper is first-level ten taels.”

The rough voice resounded throughout the whole house.

At this time, Li Xingci only felt like he came out of a warm place, and then someone patted his butt.

Li Xingci was shocked to find that he was embarrassed and cried out of control.

After a while, Li Xingci heard a soft and numb touch.

Opening his eyes, he found a holy peak, and then moved his mouth up under the tendency of his own desire.

At this time, a voice resembling the Master’s voice rang in Li Xingci’s mind.

“Hundreds of turns, game life.”

Li Xingci, who was absorbing nourishment at this time, suddenly discovered that he had come in with memories in this life.

When it was determined that his own memory had not been sealed, Li Xingci suddenly became ecstatic, and there was nowhere to vent his inner excitement. Since Samsara was carrying a memory, there would be no sequelae after birth.

In the past Samsara, the memory of Li Xingci will be sealed, and all the experiences and emotions in the Samsara world will be given back to Li Xingci after Li Xing’s death.

The ups and downs of a person’s life are unbearable even for immortal cultivators, especially the various emotions contained in it, which hit the immortal cultivator’s mind the most, and even the foundation of Dao is not stable.

It turned out that when Xu Fan didn’t get the Ninth Golden Immortal Judgment, the improvement of Samsara was one of Xu Fan’s important topics, but because there was not much reference, the improvement has not been very ideal.

Until now, after Xu Fan had read the Ninth Golden Immortal Judgment, it took a few more years to be considered a success.

At this moment, Li Xingci had completely let go of the various life and emotions he had endured in the past, and a heart that was about to be closed was slowly opening.

The baby-like Li Xingci loosened the Holy Maiden Peak and started to look around.

“Well, this beautiful woman lying on the bed should be my mother, she doesn’t seem to be of low status.”

“Looking at the surrounding display, it should be a world like the duny dynasty that I am familiar with, but I don’t know if there are any immortal cultivators.”

“The maids beside them are pretty good.”

At this time, a white palm of jade-like fat gently brought back Li Xingci’s small head, which was looking around.

“Are you looking at your future home.”

“Then you have to eat first, because our home is very big.” The woman lying on the bed said softly, and she slammed the Holy Maiden Peak to Li Xingci’s mouth.

If you have come, you will be at ease, Li Xingci thought about this, and put a small hand on the Holy Maiden Peak, twisted his body, changed a most comfortable position, and started to eat.

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