Chapter 180 Spirit Iron Alloy

The two masters and disciples who were chatting outside the Yinling Island ran into three little ones who were hunting at sea.

Xu Fan looked at the three of them suppressing the dying giant prawns in the ice lake and said, “How great is it that you kill it directly and put it in the storage bag, now it’s so hard.”

Xu Gang used the Spirit Power to hold the hundred-meter-long giant ice lake shrimp and said with a smile: “Master said that eating seafood is to eat fresh.”

From childhood to adulthood, Xu Gang remembered everything Xu Fan said.

“I’m interested. The two seniors have already left, so let’s save this giant prawn for dinner with Sect.”

“You go to catch a few Demonic Beasts, preferably crabs, and the whole family will have a seafood feast in the evening.” Xu Fan said.


Xu Gang turned and plunged into the depths of the 100,000-mile giant lake, of course, with three small tails behind him.

“It’s better to be young,” Xu Fan said, looking at the four little ones who were going away.

At this time, twelve turtles of different colors appeared under Xu Fan’s feet.

“Go back, don’t fish today.” Xu Fan said while looking at the twelve tortoises who could accompany him to ascend to the immortal realm at least.

“Woo~~” a red tortoise yelled at Xu Fan gently.

“Your mother wants to see me.” Xu Fan said suspiciously.

At this time, the surface of the lake began to churn. First, a small red flower appeared on the surface of the lake, and then a giant turtle like a dragon head appeared.


A long-lasting voice came out, and Xu Fan heard what the giant tortoise wanted to express.

“You have to take your twelve children back to accept the inheritance.” Xu Fan said.

The huge turtle head nodded.

“Do you have a heritage in the endless sea?” Xu Fan asked strangely.

Nodding again.

“Go, I will give you 20 years at most. If you don’t come back, the little flower on your head will break out.” Xu Fan lit a flash of light and blended it into the little red flower on the head of the giant tortoise.

A trace of fear leaked from the eyes of the giant tortoise head in the transformation stage.

“Go, remember to come back on time, I also plan to take you to the immortal world together.” Xu Fan said with a smile.


With a low hum, the giant tortoise of the transformation stage took her twelve sons of different colors on a journey to the endless sea.

“Really a tired old mother.” Xu Fan sighed.

At night, more than 2,300 people from the entire Yinlingmen, all gathered in Sect’s dining hall.

Seeing the ecstasy of the whole family, Xu Fan smiled with satisfaction, feeling that the number of Sect is just right now, and the time under him is waiting for these disciples to blossom and bear fruit.

There are now a total of 221 disciples in the Foundation Building in the entire Yinlingmen. Among them, the highest Cultivation Base has reached the high stage of the Foundation Building. This speed makes Xu Fan wonder if the difficulty of challenging the puppet himself is a little more difficult.

Hundreds of meters of giant prawns and more than 50 meters of giant crabs, plus a variety of dishes made with Demonic Beasts meat and spiritual vegetables, are enough for the whole family to enjoy a gourmet feast.

In the middle of the night, Xu Fan lay down in his small courtyard, looked up at Man Tian Star, and began to try to connect with the grape clone of the demon spirit world.

After trying for a long time to no avail, Xu Fan gave up and said, “Is it because the thick armor honey badger hasn’t found a suitable place.”

At this time, in the territory of the thick armored badger clan of the demon spirit world, a thick armored badger of the Nascent Soul stage took more than a dozen Interspatial Rings and fleeed outside the territory.

And its goal is to be among the great mountains ahead, where the environment is harsh, but the spirit ore resources are very rich, and there are various types, which are the places where the scattered monsters gather for mining.

As soon as the Nascent Soul thick armor honey badger left the Sect territory, it released a treasured satellite.

“The Wanzhong Mountain Range is simply the most ideal place for the owner to build a base.”

“This way, with resources, I can feed back my thick armored badger clan.” Thick armored badger showed a firm gaze on his face.

After Xu Fan learned that the thick armored badger was once the top clan of the demon clan, he had the idea of ​​supporting the thick armored badger clan in the demon world.

Xu Fan has a three-step plan. The first step is to establish a base in the demon spirit world, and then use the treasures and equipment created by the base to support the thick armored honey badger.

The second step is to make the controlled thick armored badger clan become the patriarch of the thick armored badger clan. Of course, this is also a long-term process.

The third part is to annex small clans that do not have Mahayana demon races around them in order to seek benefits.

Of course, these are all long-term tasks. At this stage, they are collecting resources unique to the demon world and sending them back to the hidden spirit gate.

The thick armored honey badger in the Nascent Soul stage uses the hidden spiritual orb in the Interspatial Ring to pass through various usual dangerous places unimpeded.

Early in the morning, Xu Fan went to the underground space after eating breakfast.

At this time, more than 100,000 tool puppets were busy in the underground space, all of which were assembling space-based weapon satellites.

“Yes, you can actually adjust the production line independently.” Xu Fan said with a smile. In the past, he had to plan the production line in advance and then hand it over to Grape to build it.

“After being promoted to Dao Item, if you can’t even do this, it might as well explode in place.”

When Grape’s electronic voice said these words, Xu Fan felt very interesting.

“What else is needed now,” Xu Fan asked.

“After multiple replacements and reorganizations, we are only waiting for Pangfu’s batch of materials. As long as they are in place, they are expected to be completed within three months,” said Grape.

“It is estimated to cost 1.260 million Spirit Stones.”

After hearing this offer, Xu Fan asked in confusion: “Are you sure you only spend these Spirit Stones?”

In Xu Fan’s mind, the space-based weapon satellite production line will cost 5 billion to 10 billion.

“All the accessories and production line accessories that can be replaced with Ling Iron Ore have been replaced by the grape handle.”

“Together with the newly-researched spirit iron alloy formula, it has a great effect on the production line and space-based weapon satellites.”

“That’s why the cost can be suppressed so low.”

A piece of bright silver alloy metal floated in front of Xu Fan.

“The hardness of this iron alloy metal can be comparable to Tier 3 treasures, and through special fusion, it can even make Tier 5 Magic Treasures.”

Xu Fan looked at the spirit iron alloy metal in front of him for a long time and could not calm down. He kept thinking about a question in his mind.

“What are the shortcomings of this alloy?” Xu Fan asked.

“It’s not strong in guiding spirituality, and it’s not suitable to be the core component of puppets and Magic Treasures.”

“This is already very powerful, so my plan in the demon world will be more perfect.” Xu Fan said.

“By the way, when it’s okay, use the characteristics of this alloy to design several puppets.”

As soon as Xu Fan finished speaking, a light curtain appeared in front of him, and four heavy armored sci-fi wind puppets appeared in front of him.

“Heavy-armored puppets in the Deity Transformation Period cost 20 million Spirit Stones, and 5.6 billion Spirit Stones are needed to build a production line.”

Hearing Grape’s offer, Xu Fan had a question in his mind.

If he sells the salute, he shouldn’t hate me.

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