Chapter 184

“What are your plans in the future?” Xu Fan asked casually.

“I want to travel to the world of cultivating immortals first and make plans. After all, I just came to this world, so everything here is still very unfamiliar.” Feng Changning said.

Xu Fan nodded. This is an operation that ordinary people should have, but Xu Fan suspects that this girl is not traveling, but stepping on it and finding a unique place to rebel.

“Yes, it’s just that before you go out, you’d better cover up your own face and life style.” Xu Fan said, feeling the emperor’s aura that exploded more and more in Feng Changning’s body.

“Why do fellow daoist say that?” Feng Changning frowned and said.

“In the world of cultivating immortals, although there are few cultivators that minor in divination, there are always a few in a fairy city,”

“And Ning fellow daoist’s life style, without three immortal cities, he will be targeted by someone with a heart.”

“With fellow daoist this Gold Core Cultivation Base……”

As Xu Fan spoke, a five-meter-long fish jumped out of the water and was guided by Xu Fan into the Magical Item for fish.

“Is my fate and danger?”

“The appearance of the emperor of the immortal dynasty is a taboo in this immortal cultivation world where Sect is the mainstay.”

“The cultivator and the mortal have a deep boundary, and will not allow an immortal Bufan dynasty to appear.” Xu Fan said lightly.

“The appearance of the emperor of the Immortal Dynasty.” Feng Changning murmured, is he a born emperor.

What Xu Fan said, Feng Changning understood very well, just like when she ruled the world in her hometown, she would always imprison those with the appearance of the emperor.

Killing the danger in the cradle is also her code of conduct.

“Then I can only be a Rogue Cultivators.” Feng Changning said.

“Since you have come into this world, you have already stepped into this dispute.”

“Do you think you can be a Rogue Cultivators with peace of mind.” Xu Fan said with a smile. Once entering Rivers and Lakes is as deep as the sea, this sentence is not a joke.

Feng Changning frowned and became silent. The matter was more serious than she thought.

“Fellow daoist can help me conceal the appearance of this immortal emperor, right.” Feng Changning asked.

“Of course you can. In any case, you can be considered a bit fate with my Yinlingmen. I can still help with that.”

“After that, can I be a Rogue Cultivators with peace of mind.”

“If you want, then you can.” Xu Fan said, took out a piece of heavenly secret jade pendant, it was still very hot just after refining.

“The secret jade pendant can conceal the fate of the fellow daoist. As for the face, the fellow daoist can change by himself.” Xu Fan said.

Characters like this who have made great achievements have one characteristic. They like to hit the south wall and have a high chance of success. It’s just that the south wall this girl wants to hit is much stronger than the average south wall. How strong is it, probably the gap between the ordinary south wall and the titanium alloy south wall.

“Thanks fellow daoist, fellow daoist for the gift of jade, Changning will return it a hundred times.” Feng Changning said with cupped hands.

“It’s okay to thank you, but I can’t bear to have the fellow daoist as soon as he came to the world of cultivating immortals, there will be disasters.” Xu Fan said indifferently.

Afterwards, Feng Changning chatted with Xu Fan a few more words, then bid farewell and flew towards Linsen Xiancheng.

Seeing the golden yellow light, Xu Fan couldn’t help but sigh, does the emperor like yellow.

“The ugly fish below, you can come out.” Xu Fan said, so you think that if you count all the natural factors, I can’t find you.

A 2 meter big fish jumped up from the lake in the distance and turned into Xu Yuexian.

“Master, how did you discover me this time? Is it grapes again?” Xu Yuexian asked with a small notebook in her hand, judging its thickness, it could still be used for decades.

“The next time you eavesdrop, no matter what you become, it’s best not to show the expression of Eight Trigrams.” Xu Fan said amusedly. The expression of Eight Trigrams on the face of a fish is really ugly.

“I got it.” Xu Yuexian snickered, probably because the eavesdropping was the Master, and there was not much warning in his heart, so he showed his feet.

Xu Yuexian landed on Xu Fan’s spirit boat and took out a fishing rod to start fishing and chatting with Xu Fan.

Looking at Xu Yuexian who was fishing with him next to him, Xu Fan said: “You brothers and sisters, you are filial and know that you come to accompany the Master occasionally.”

Xu Fan’s tone of the empty nest old man immediately reached Xu Yuexian.

“Dage is cultivating every day, thinking about taking on the important task of Sect’s first combat power.”

“The Third Junior and Fourth Junior Brothers have worked harder and have been in the Closed Door Training cultivation.”

“The invasion of the thick armored honey badger has a great impact on them. If there was no help from the guards of the two Elders at the time, it would be impossible to defeat the thick armored badger in the fit stage.” Xu Yuexian whispered. She also wanted to Closed Door Training cultivation, but cultivation encountered bottleneck.

“They actually underestimate own Master, they are only in the fit period. They can’t fight, but they can’t run.” Xu Fan said loudly, looking very angry.

“Now that the division has just advanced to the Gold Core stage, there are many things that have not been done well. Once the division has successfully refined those secret weapons for the division, I will not be afraid of encountering the monster race in the fit stage in the future.”

Xu Fan said, a masked and heavy armored cultivator appeared behind him.

“This is the latest control puppet refined for the teacher. It can display the eighth level of strength before birth, plus my control, the hard steel fit period is not a problem.” Xu Fan said triumphantly, in order to refine this living control puppet. , But consumed a lot of brain cells of clone one.

“Master is amazing.” Xu Yuexian exclaimed as he felt the refining puppet behind Xu Fan. Sure enough, he, the enchanting Master, can’t use Realm to measure him.

“Master, let’s spend a lot of money to buy a Mahayana Demonic Beasts corpse, can we refine a puppet with Mahayana combat power?”

Xu Yuexian felt that her own IQ had sublimated at this moment.

“Theoretically, it is possible, but when it can be refined, the teacher has also been promoted to the fit stage, so it is useless now.” Xu Fan said with a smile looking at the witty Xu Yuexian.

The refining of Mahayana puppets has already involved the scope of the Great Dao, and it cannot be refined casually.

“I knew it was not that simple.” Xu Yuexian said.

“Since you have encountered a bottleneck, then you should stop cultivating. If you can’t go out while recovering from your injury, you should engage in Sect spiritual construction.” Xu Fan said while looking at Xu Yuexian who had nothing to do.

“Spiritual construction?” Xu Yuexian asked in confusion.

“Our Yinlingmen has not held a Sect competition for so many years since its establishment.”

“You will go to the treasure house to pick out the prizes and compare Sect later.”

“Let me see how far our first generation disciples have grown.”

In fact, all the disciples of the Yinlingmen have corresponding data from the grape, which also includes a detailed assessment of combat power, but Xu Fan felt that the recent cultivation atmosphere in the Sect was very strong, so he took the opportunity to hold the Sect competition.

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