Chapter 188 It’s Smaller, The Structure Is Smaller~~~

Central Continent, Sword King Sect.

The sword shadow straddling the sky and the earth slowly dissipated, Ye Xiaoyao, who was under the sword shadow, slowly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“At the stage of transforming gods, I’m finally promoted.” Ye Xiaoyao said.

At this time, Ye Xiaoyao was dressed in the sword king’s sect, and there were three hundred and sixty spirit swords around him slowly rotating around Ye Xiaoyao.

“You have only been promoted to the stage of transformation, how happy are you.”

“Have you collected the materials for refining the Dao Item Spirit Sword? How many have you found and refined the 10,000 Tier 5 Spirit Swords.”

Lao Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart that he hated iron but not steel.

“Old sword, it’s not easy for me. There are 10,000 Tier 5 treasures and Tier 5 spirit swords. I have found 646.”

“It’s still a long time in the future. I believe I can use this most basic ten thousand sword formation after I reach the fit period.” Ye Xiaoyao sighed and said, this old sword always hits himself when he is most proud.

“The time to come is still long. If you just want to be a little real fairy in the big world, the time to come is indeed long.”

“But if you want to become a figure of the overlord level of the Great Thousand World, then Immortal Ascension is the easiest way for you at this stage.” Old Jian said leisurely in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.

“Easy, killing half of the Yao Zun is easy!!” Ye Xiaoyao shouted from the bottom of his heart. There was a kind of scumbag who heard Xueba say that he could write and write with full marks.

“This kind of thing is only once and countless times.”

“When you finish the first time, you will find that the countless times behind are not a problem.” Old Jian said.

Ye Xiaoyao was persuaded by Lao Jian again.

“What are we going to do next, is to continue the treasure hunt, or to do the task of the Elder Club.”

By coincidence, Ye Xiaoyao became the Outer Sect member of the Elder Society, and had the authority to accept and complete the Elder Society mission. This is also the reason why Ye Xiaoyao was able to advance to the Deity Stage so quickly.

“Don’t worry, after stabilizing the Cultivation Base, I will teach you a few secret methods. After that, we will go to the demon world to make waves.” Old Jian said in Ye Xiaoyao’s heart.

“Demon Realm~” Ye Xiaoyao’s expression instantly turned low. After coming back from the demon realm last time, he completely destroyed the cultivator of the mortal in a state.

Seeing Ye Xiaoyao’s expression, Lao Jian knew what he was thinking.

“This is your Heart’s Demon. You are just a fuse for this incident, but you have advanced this time a little bit.”

“If you feel guilty, then go and kill the Master of your monster race, Venerable Demon Slayer.” Old Jian said.

Speaking of Monarch Monster Venerable, Ye Xiaoyao couldn’t wait to cut him a thousand times.

“When I practice the secret technique, I will go to the demon world.” Ye Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and said.

“It’s good to have fighting spirit.”

Yinling Island, in the garden around Lingye Waterfall.

A girl in red is holding Spiritual herbs and feeding two Rui Beast Linglu, Li Xingci is standing behind the girl to accompany.

“Why does this little deer look familiar?” Su Rantian said suspiciously. She seemed to have seen it in a certain Sacred Land.

“This Yunhua Deer is an auspicious beast my Master conquered in the early days. As for the other one, it is a Swiss beast that was abducted by Yunhualu.” Li Xingci explained to the side.

“These two little auspicious beasts are very cute, and I just have one here too. Wouldn’t you let it out to be friends with you?” Su Rantian said while looking at the two little deer grazing.

Yun Hualu looked up at Su Rantian, nodded, and rubbed Su Rantian’s beautiful leg with her body to agree.

“My little black hasn’t come out in the Dao Item Spirit Garden for a long time, let him let it go today.” Su Rantian smiled.


With a loud roar, the roar shook the sky and spread throughout the Yinling Island.

“Moyu Qilin, Xiao Hei.” Su Rantian introduced, and touched Xiao Hei’s knee with his hand.

As for why it is the knee, because the knee can only be touched.

The two little Swiss beasts at the low end of the food chain both looked up at this new friend.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey.” Xiaohua eagerly said to Li Xingci.

“What’s wrong.”

Su Rantian looked at Yunhualu who was a little worried.

“Little Hua is asking if this big guy will eat them.” Li Xingci said amusedly as the two little Rui Beasts looked scared.

“Oh, I already told Xiao Hei, it won’t eat you.” Su Rantian said with a smile covering his mouth. The look is beautiful, and there is no wave in Li Xingci’s heart.

At this moment, a figure quickly escaped from a distance.

Qiu Ziyuan appeared beside them.

“Su senior, Feng Master Li is good.” Qiu Ziyuan said in a salute, neither humble nor overbearing.

“Senior, is this spirit beast going to be stocked on the Yinling Island in the future? I can arrange the feeding of the senior auspicious beast.”

Seeing Qiu Ziyuan’s neither humble nor overbearing attitude, a strange color flashed in Su Rantian’s eyes.

“For the time being, it will be stocked on the Yinling Island. As for feeding, you can catch some Demonic Beasts in the huge lake of 100,000 miles.” Su Rantian said.


Qiu Ziyuan immediately mobilized his own authority and arranged for this Moyu Qilin a team of tool puppets to serve it specifically, and by the way built a nest in front of the Lingye Waterfall.

“Xing Ci, do you have a lot of Sect talents?” Su Rantian said after Qiu moved away.

“Sect’s disciples are carefully selected by the Master. If the senior observes carefully, you will find that every disciple of Sect will have amazing achievements in the future.” Li Xingci said.

“You have so much confidence in your Sect.” Su Rantian smiled.

“If you are given a chance to join the core of the Elder Club, do you want to join?” Su Rantian continued to ask.

“No, I’ll be there where Master is.” Li Xingci said without thinking.

“You may not know the benefits of being a core member of the Elder Club. I am a core member of the Elder Club. I will definitely become a Mahayana Venerable in the future.”

“Elder will control an area in the Great Thousand World, and there are ten golden immortals sitting on it. After I fly up, I can join them and become an official disciple.”

“They will also provide the cultivation resources of the immortal world, enough to be promoted from the quasi immortal to the true immortal.”

“Don’t you want this kind of treatment?” Su Rantian looked at Li Xingci with a look of expectation and temptation.

“You mean you want me to leave Sect and join the Elder meeting.” Li Xingci looked at Su Rantian with calm eyes and said.

“I follow your wishes, but I want you to do this.”

Just now, Su Rantian, who was still a senior, turned into a little girl in an instant, looking at Li Xingci a little nervously, as if he was frightened by Li Xingci’s calm eyes.

It’s like a little school girl who offended her male god with a word, feeling nervous and afraid of what to do if the male god ignores her in the future.

“I understand your kindness. Master is so kind to me. I have already given my wish for the rest of my life, and I will serve Master by my side for the rest of my life.”

“As for the benefits of ascending to the great world, becoming a quasi-immortal, true immortal, etc., as you said.”

“According to my Master’s words.”

“Small, the structure is smaller~~~”

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